Objective: This study is a preliminary work to develop a
Malay version questionnaire named ‘Inventori Persepsi bagi
Muslim yang Memiliki Masalah Pendengaran (IPM3P)’ to
assess the perception on Islamic understanding and
practice among Muslim adults with hearing impairment.
Methods: The scale development involved three phases: i)
generation of domains based on the literature, ii) generation
of sub-domains based on literature review and Islamic panel
survey, and iii) generation of items.
Results: Preliminary version of IPM3P consists of 59 items
was produced, representing three domains: Obligation (18
items), Practice (21 items), and Difficulty (20 items), and
seven sub-domains (‘Ibadah’, ‘Aqidah’, ‘Muamalat’,
‘Tasawwuf’, ‘Akhlak’,‘Da’wah’, and ‘Sirah’).
Conclusion: The preliminary version of IPM3P needs to be
psychometrically tested. This pioneering study may become
an impetus towards more research pertaining to
understanding the effect of hearing loss towards religious
life in the future in Malaysia.