1.Extensive Brown Tumors of Spine, Distal femur and Patella Presenting with Acute Cord Compression. A Case Report
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2011;5(1):60-62
We report a case of end stage renal failure in a patient who presented with acute cord compression and extensive brown tumour involving the spine, distal femur and patella. Brown tumours of the long bone, spine and pelvis have been documented previously. However, the occurrence of brown tumour in sesamoid bones such as the patella is extremely rare and is indicative of widespread lesions and severe secondary hyperparathyroidism. These tumours typically respond poorly to medical treatment alone. The acute c
2.Double Level Extension Distraction Thoracic Spine Injuries with Concomitant Double Level Sternal Fractures: A Case Report
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2011;5(1):52-55
Extension distraction injury of the spine is rare. A majority of these cases occur in the cervical region and at an isolated level. Rare instances of this injury have been described in an ankylosed or fused spine. This case report describes a rare two level extension distraction thoracic spine injury in an otherwise healthy adult resulting from a motor vehicle accident.
3.Comparison of Srs 24 And Srs 22 Scores in Thirty Eight Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients Who Had Undergone Surgical Correction
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2009;3(1):56-59
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a spinal deformity that affects patients self image and confidence. Surgery is offered when the curvature is greater than 50 degrees based on the likelihood of curvature progression. Outcome measures for scoliosis correction can be described in terms of radiological improvement or improvement of health related quality of life scores. The Scoliosis Research Society 22 (SRS 22) and Scoliosis Research Society 24 (SRS 24) questionnaires are widely accepted and used to characterize clinical results. Therefore, this prospective study of 38 patients aims to investigate how the SRS 24 and SRS 22 questionnaires compare to each other in terms of scoring when the same group of patients is evaluated. The SRS 22 questionnaire tends to give an inflated value in the overall score, pain and self image domain compared to the SRS 24 questionnaire.
4.Chance Fracture Secondary to a Healed Kyphotic Compression Osteoporotic Fracture
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2009;3(2):44-46
Chance fracture is an unstable vertebral fracture, which usually results from a high velocity injury. An elderly lady with a previously healed osteoporotic fracture of the T12 and L1 vertebra which resulted in a severe kyphotic deformity subsequently sustained a Chance fracture of the adjacent L2 vertebrae after a minor fall. The previously fracture left her with a deformity which resulted in significant sagittal imbalance therefore predisposing her to this fracture. This case highlights the importance of aggressive treatment of osteoporotic fractures in order to prevent significant sagittal imbalance from resultant (i.e. kyphotic) deformity.