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Author:( Satoshi Iwabuchi)

1.Ann Experimental Study of Mitral Annuloplication.


Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(6):544-551

2.CABG Operation Using Arterial Grafts Only.

Kenji Takahashi ; Koji Nagao ; Atushi Narita ; Satoshi Iwabuchi

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1994;23(3):161-166

3.A Case of Primary Cardiac Angiosarcoma.

Kenji TAKAHASHI ; Atushi NARITA ; Koji NAGAO ; Satoshi IWABUCHI ; Sohei SUZUKI ; Hisaaki KOIE

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1993;22(6):493-496

4.Results of a Post-marketing Surveillance Study on a Switch OTC Product and Information Providing for Appropriate Use

Yoshio Wada ; Yoshitaka Mori ; Reiko Iwabuchi ; Noriko Inoue ; Satoshi Takita ; Kazuya Omura ; Tsunenobu Uda

Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2011;12(4):168-172

5.Experimental Study on the Evaluation of the Right Ventricular Function Using a Modified Swan-Ganz Catheter.

Yuichi ONO ; Atsushi NARITA ; Koji NAGAO ; Kou TAKEUCHI ; Satoshi IWABUCHI ; Kuniaki SHUTO ; Kozo FUKUI ; Koichi KOYAMA ; Sohei SUZUKI ; HISAAKI KOIE

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(2):126-132

6.Relationship between Arterial Keton Body Ratio(AKBR) and Hepatic Blood Flow after Extracorporeal Circulation.

Koh TAKEUCHI ; Kozo FUKUI ; Koichi KOYAMA ; Mitsuhiro SAWADA ; Shouichi TAKAHASHI ; Yoshitsugu YAMADA ; Yuichi ONO ; Satoshi IWABUCHI ; Kuniaki SHUTO ; Sohei SUZUKI ; Hisaaki KOIE

Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(2):141-148

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