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Author:( Santiago Jonas FY)

1.Value of radiologic correlation and follow-up scintigraphy in detecting osseous metastasis in patients with non-specific bone scintigraphy lesions.

Domingo Allan Jay C ; Magboo Vincent Peter C ; Santiago Jonas FY

The Philippine Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2011;6(1):6-10

2.Metastatic thyroid carcinoma in the kidney.

Domingo Allan Jay C ; Ortiz Arlene O ; Barrenechea Emerita A ; Santiago Jonas FY

The Philippine Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2010;5(1):21-23

3.Parathyroid scintigraphy and gamma probe-guided surgery in the management of parathyroid carcinoma.

Gironella-Camomot Susan ; Goco Gerard FL ; Magboo Vincent Peter C ; Santiago Jonas FY

The Philippine Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2008;3(1):25-31

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