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Author:( Saho Takaya)

1.Experiences in COVID-19 clinical management and health-care pathways in the Western Pacific

Saho Takaya ; Ji Young Lee ; Takeshi Nishijima ; Masahiro Zakoji ; Howard L Sobel

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2023;14(5):29-32

2.How Ho Chi Minh City adapted its care pathway to manage the first large-scale community transmission of COVID-19

Ngoc Khue Luong ; Trong Khoa Nguyen ; Anh Duong Vuong ; Thi Hong Hien Do ; Satoko Otsu ; Kim Quang Phung ; Dereje Abera Ayana ; Saho Takaya ; Howard L Sobel ; Quang Hieu Vu

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2023;14(5):05-08

3.Maintaining health-system functionality in response to the surge of COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant, Japan

Yuki Moriyama ; Saho Takaya ; Takeshi Nishijima ; Howard L Sobel ; Norio Ohmagari

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2023;14(5):23-28

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