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Author:( Sachi Yumul)

1.Validation of the modified Filipino version of the American Diabetes Association Diabetes Risk Test and the St. Luke’s Internal Medicine Diabetes Risk Test to identify population at risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among adults

Sweet Garllie Albert R. Tappan ; Oliver Allan C. Dampil ; Marie Sigourney S. Machacon ; Sachi E. Yumul

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2018;56(4):234-246

2.Validation of the Novel Basal Metabolic Rate Prediction Equation Among Adult Overweight and Obese Filipino Patients

Maria Regina C. Santos ; Oliver Allan C. Dampil ; Donnabelle Faye Navarrete ; Karna Igasan ; Rina R. Reyes ; Sachi Yumul

Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 2020;58(4):112-119

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