1.The Efficacy of Linezolid for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infectious Endocarditis
Fumiaki Kuwabara ; Yuichi Hirate ; Shunsuke Mori ; Akira Takanohashi ; Kei Yagami ; Masato Usui ; Yoshiya Miyata ; Masaharu Yoshikawa
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(4):280-283
We report a case of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infectious endocarditis (IE) which was successfully treated with linezolid (LZD). The patient was a 44-year old woman. She was referred to our hospital because of fever of unknown origin. MRSA was detected from blood cultures and echocardiography revealed vegetation on the right coronary cusp of the aortic valve. She was diagnosed with MRSA endocarditis according to the Duke criteria, and was immediately give vancomycin (VCM) and isepamicin. Sixteen days after administration of VCM, she had a progressively increasing skin rash. It was considered a side effect of antibiotics and VCM was replaced with teicoplanin (TEIC). Eventually, LZD was given to her at 22 days after hospitalization because TEIC was not effective. LZD alleviated the fever and diminished the signs of vasculitis due to endocarditis within a week. LZD was continued for 4 weeks with cardiac failure medically controlled, and she underwent aortic valve replacement using a mechanical prosthetic valve. LZD was injected just before the operation and continued for 15 days postoperatively, followed by oral administration of levofloxacin. She was discharged 35 POD and no recurrence of the infection had been observed at 1 year after the surgery. LZD could be an alternative therapy for MRSA endocarditis, but further examinations are warranted to determine the most appropriate regimen.
2.Body composition, maximum oxygen uptake, and maximum oxygen debt in elite senior high school (Kunimi) soccer players.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1990;39(3):198-206
A study was performed to evaluate the physiological function of elite senior high school soccer players (Kunimi) . Forty-six players were evaluated for cardiorespiratory function (maximum oxygen uptake : Vo2max, maximum oxygen debt : Max O2 debt), body composition (underwater weighing) and skinfold thickness, all parameters being measured four times over a two-year period.
The following means were recorded : age, 17.8 yr ; height, 173.0 cm ; weight, 65.8 kg ; percentage body fat (%Fat), 10.0%; lean body mass (LBM kg), 59.2 kg ; LBM/Ht (kg/m), 34.2 ; sum of eight skinfold thicknesses, 63.5 mm ; Vo2max, 60.0 ml/kg⋅min ; maximum ventilation (VEmax, BTPS), 136.8l/min ; maximum oxygen debt ; 8.2l, 124.8 ml/kg.
Results for percentage body fat, Vo2max (ml/kg⋅min) and Max O2 debt (ml/kg) were compared with values found in other soccer players at various levels.
In summary, one of the most outstanding attributes of the Kunimi senior high school soccer players was a high level of both aerobic power and anaerobic power.
3.Dietary conditions on elite athletes in Nagasaki prefecture.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1994;43(1):92-103
A study was conducted to evaluate dietary intake, food intake pattern and blood composition in athletes over a 4-year period from 1988 to 1991. We measured the mean daily intakes (energy and nutrient intakes, PFC rates, minerals and vitamins) from 3-day dietary records for 110 highly trained male athletes (swimming, track & field, canoeing, soccer, cycling and weight-lifting) and 87 female athletes (swimming, track & field, canoeing, basketball and volleyball) living in Nagasaki Prefecture. We compared these measurements with the recom-mended dietary allowances (RDA) for normal Japanese. Energy, fat, calcium and iron intakes were below the RDA, especially for most female athletes and male weight-lifters.
The following mean values were obtained
[MALE] SOCCER (Senior High School boys) : Energy intake 3241 kcal ; Protein 106.2 g ; Fat 88.6g ; PFC rates P (13.2%), F ( 25.0%), C (61.8%) . CANOEING (Senior High School boys) : Energy 2830 kcal ; Protein 99.2g ; Fat 83.9g ; PFC rates P (14.1%), F (26.3%), C (59.6%) . TRACK & FIELD (Adults) : Energy 2870 kcal ; Protein 105.4 g ; Fat 89.3 g ; PFC rates P (13.2%), F (25.0%), C (61.8%) .
[FEMALE] BASKETBALL (Adults) : Energy 1866 kcal ; Protein 70.0 g ; Fat 51.9 g ; PFC rates P (15.0%), F (25.1%), C (59.9%) . BASKETBALL (Senior High School girls) : Energy 2421 kcal ; Protein 88.9 g ; Fat 90.9 g ; PFC rates P (14.8%), F (34.0%), C (51.1%) . VOLLEYBALL (Senior High School girls) : Energy 2290 kcal ; Protein 71.6g ; Fat 72.1 g ; PFC rates P (12.6%), F (28.4%), C (59.0%) .
4.Stand-Alone Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Using an Additive Manufactured Individualized Bioactive Porous Titanium Implant without Bone Graft: Results of a Prospective Clinical Trial
Shunsuke FUJIBAYASHI ; Mitsuru TAKEMOTO ; Takashi NAKAMURA ; Tomiharu MATSUSHITA ; Tadashi KOKUBO ; Kiyoyuki SASAKI ; Shigeo MORI ; Shuichi MATSUDA
Asian Spine Journal 2021;15(3):373-380
The purpose of this study was to introduce our patient-specific bioactive porous titanium implant manufactured using selective laser melting (SLM) and to establish the efficacy and safety of the implant for stand-alone anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) based on a prospective clinical trial. We designed a customized ACDF implant using patient-specific data and manufactured the implant using SLM. We produced a bioactive surface through a specific chemical and thermal treatment. Using this implant, we surgically treated four patients with cervical degenerative disc disease and evaluated the clinical and radiological results. We achieved successful bony union in all but one patient without autologous bone grafting within 1 year. We observed no implant subsidence during the follow-up period, and all clinical parameters improved significantly after surgery, with no reported implant-related adverse effects. Our customized bioactive porous titanium implant is a safe and promising implant for stand-alone ACDF.
5.Stand-Alone Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Using an Additive Manufactured Individualized Bioactive Porous Titanium Implant without Bone Graft: Results of a Prospective Clinical Trial
Shunsuke FUJIBAYASHI ; Mitsuru TAKEMOTO ; Takashi NAKAMURA ; Tomiharu MATSUSHITA ; Tadashi KOKUBO ; Kiyoyuki SASAKI ; Shigeo MORI ; Shuichi MATSUDA
Asian Spine Journal 2021;15(3):373-380
The purpose of this study was to introduce our patient-specific bioactive porous titanium implant manufactured using selective laser melting (SLM) and to establish the efficacy and safety of the implant for stand-alone anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) based on a prospective clinical trial. We designed a customized ACDF implant using patient-specific data and manufactured the implant using SLM. We produced a bioactive surface through a specific chemical and thermal treatment. Using this implant, we surgically treated four patients with cervical degenerative disc disease and evaluated the clinical and radiological results. We achieved successful bony union in all but one patient without autologous bone grafting within 1 year. We observed no implant subsidence during the follow-up period, and all clinical parameters improved significantly after surgery, with no reported implant-related adverse effects. Our customized bioactive porous titanium implant is a safe and promising implant for stand-alone ACDF.