1.The Effects of Abdominal Breathing of Autonomic Nervous Function in Women. The Relationship among Individual Differences in Autonomic Nervous System Activity in a Supine Position at Rest.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2001;50(1):105-118
We analyzed time-domain parameters (%RR50, CVRR, E/I ratio) and frequency-domain parameters (HF, LF, LF/HF, HF/SUM) from R-R interval variability to investigate the differences in autonomic nervous system activity and the effects of abdominal breathing in 20 healthy female subjects (age 48.4±5. 5 years) . The measurements were taken during spontaneous breathing in a supine position for 20 min and in a sitting position for 20 min, followed by voluntary control of abdominal breathing (expiration to inspiration time ratio was 2 to 1) for 20 min and recovery with spontaneous breathing in a sitting position for 30 min, 100 R-R intervals 16 times for 90 min and also heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), respiratory frequency (f) and arterial O2 and CO2 partial pressure through cutaneous (PtcO2, PtcCO2) . The subjects were grouped according to the mean values of three autonomic nervous system activity parameters (%RR50, CVRR, E/I ratio) in a supine position. Group 1 (G 1) was below average for all three parameters, group 3 (G 3) was above average and group 2 (G 2) was below or above average mixed for the three parameters. A strong correlation (P< 0.01, respectively) was observed between %RR50 and HF (0.15-0.4 Hz) during the following trials spontaneous breathing in a supine position (r=0.783) and sitting position (r=0.758), voluntary control of abdominal breathing (r=0.597), and recovery with spontaneous breathing in a sitting position (r=0.756) . With regard to the characteristics of each group, the following were observed: G1 showed an accelerated trend of sympathetic nervous system activity and the approximate mean value was indicated in measurements of respiratory-circulatory system activity (HR, f, BP) . G2 showed an unstable trend in which either sympathetic or parasymathetic nervous system activities were accelerated, blood pressure was higher and many respiratory frequencies were observed among the three groups. G 3 showed an accelerated trend in parasympathetic nervous system activity ; and both blood pressure and respiratory frequency were consistently low in the three groups. These results indicated that there were natural differences in each subject in autonomic nervous system activity and physiological function in a supine position at rest. It was found that voluntary control of abdominal breathing enhanced the vagal modulation of the heart rate in subjects who showed an accelerated trend of sympathetic nervous system activity.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2006;55(5):477-488
Leukocytes are divided into two major types, granulocytes and lymphocytes. Granulocytes are activated in number and function under sympathetic nerve stimulation, whereas lymphocytes are activated under parasympathetic nerve stimulation. We analyzed the ratio of leukocytes and the time-domain (%RR50) from R-R interval variability to investigate the differences in autonomic nervous system activity in 10 healthy female subjects (age 51.2±8.7 years). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not variation in the ratio of leukocytes in the blood was equivalent to the variation in %RR50, and whether the autonomic nervous system, endocrine secretion and immune mechanism interacted. The subjects were grouped according to the mean values of the ratio of lymphocytes among the leukocytes when in a sitting position. The granulocytes group (GG : 5 persons) had below average values for the ratio of lymphocytes among the leukocytes, and the lymphocytes group (LG : 5 persons) had above average values. The measurements were taken during spontaneous breathing for 15 min at rest, followed by YOGA breathing (voluntary control of abdominal breathing : expiration to inspiration time ratio was 2 to 1) for 15 min and recovery with spontaneous breathing in a sitting position for 30 min. The R-R intervals were measured 8 times for 60 min as well as heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), and respiratory frequency (f). Blood was drawn 3 times for 60 min and the erythrocyte·leukocyte·thrombocyte·hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (Hct) levels were examined. The leukocytes were classified as neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, monocyte or lymphocyte. Furthermore the catecholamine : adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine (CA : Adr, Nad and DA), cortisol and immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels were observed.It was confirmed that the variation in the ratio of leukocytes was equivalent to the variation of %RR50, both of GG and LG. With regard to the characteristics of each group, the following were observed : GG showed an accelerated trend of sympathetic nervous system activity and high values were obtained in the measurements of BP, Adr, Nad, cortisol and low values in the measurements of IgA and %RR50 at rest. LG showed an accelerated trend of parasympathetic nervous system activity and high values were obtained in the measurements of IgA and %RR50 and low values in the measurements of BP, Adr, Nad, and cortisol at rest. LG was characterized by consistently low blood pressure and respiratory frequency. These results indicated that there were natural differences in each subject in their autonomic nervous system activity and physiological function at rest. However, it was found that YOGA breathing (voluntary control of abdominal breathing) enhanced vagal modulation of the heart rate and the lymphocytes gradually increased in subjects who showed an accelerated trend of sympathetic nervous system activity. During all of the trials, it has been shown that activities of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine secretion and immune mechanism interacted.It was suggested that the distribution of leukocytes is not only related to immunity, but also is an indication of physical and mental stress and physical condition.
3.STUDY OF CHANGES IN SEBACEOUS SECRTION Report No.1 Sebaceous Secretion in Fundamental Works
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1974;23(4):117-124
Relative metabolic rate (R.M.R.) is determined by quantity of O2 consumption in a unit time length under certain working condition.
Then RMRs volues of isometric exercises and mental works have been reportedly obtained to be quite small.
Nevertheless, the weight decrease and conscious fatigue result in after exercises.
Whether the energy consumption should be calculated based on O2 consumption alone, or not, may be of matter of discussion.
For this reason, changes in sebaceous secretion upon various low RMR works should be examined.
In this report the fundamental experiments within the series are included, as follows.
1) The lipids of sebum over the skin surface were found to be mostly Triglyceride and Free Fatty Acid. The individual differences were quite remarkable.
2) When the temperature of the skin was high, and when active exercises took place much, amount of sebaceous secretion was observed to be high. The sebaceous secretion seemed to provide some counter measure obesity.
3) On the occation of isometric exercises, the sebaceous secretion increased nearly twice in the quantity as usual. The sebaceous secretion during mental works also significantly increased.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1976;25(1):1-6
Certain knowledge pertainning to sebum metabolism were reported in the previous report by the current investigator.
The distribution of sebaceous glands, at the forehead for example, was, then, in this study, studied by use of the following.
The sebum, absorbed in thin layers or filter paper, was dyed by use of Sudan Black B solution. After it was decolored by running water, photographs were taken for analyses.
The result may be summarized as follows:
1) The sebaceous glands distribution may be decided by use of photographs.
2) Larger recordings of sebaceous secretion, perhaps reflecting larger sebaceous glands, were observed around the median line of the body. The distribution seemed like mosaic, though much individual differences, according to sex, age and other con-ditions, were observed.
3) It seemed that a mental stress, like the moment of “shooting” by use air gun, results in exasperated sebaceous secretion.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1980;29(1):11-20
Determination of work intensity of isometric exercises and mental works from the viewpoint of O2 consumption is not easily accepted, In an attempt to overcome such shortcomings, skin surface lipid metabolism has been examined. As an extention of the preceding effort, in the current study, the changes of the skin surface of the forehead of pregnant women has been analized by use of gas chromatography.
1) The secretion of the fatty acids was quite variable among the subjects, indicating the tendency of great individual differences.
2) Largest mean values among nine fatty acids examined were observed to be C16, C16-1, C18 and C18-1. On the other hand, most frequently appeared fatty acids were C14, C 16 and C18.
3) The composite ratios of fatty acids among those who recorded presence of these FAs, were 54% for C16, 27% for C18, 8% for C18-1, 5% for C16-1, and 5% for C14.
4) The amount of secreted FAs at the post-labour period was found to be about 10 times larger than those at the pre-labour period.
5) Subjects who recorded near 4 hours of pains hours (which is just about the average) showed less secretion of FAs than those whose pains hours were longer and shorter than 4 hours.
6) Subjects whose time of labour were in the afternoon recorded greater amount of FAs than those with their labour in the morning.
7) The changes in the amount of secreted FAs at the time of labour coincided with the general pattern of seasonal changes of FAs secretion.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1971;20(4):181-189
The pupils of both sexs who have been supposed luck of daily body movement and malnutrition were tested on their performance of exercise ability, physique and the assortment of food taken in a week. Results are as follows.
1) Whose showed above 160 on Rohler's Index is 2.2% of boys and is 2.7% of girls.
2) 24.4% of boys and 43.8% of girls are judged the obesity from the measurement of skinfold.
3) Side step, vertical jump, long distance run and backward flexibilty of those pupils are excellent than those of each national standard
4) The time of 50 meter run tend to faster than national mean value.
5) The broad jump distance, handball throw and forward flexibility are much the same with standard.
6) The grip strength, backward flexibility and step test score are inferior than the standard.
7) The general results of sports test of middle thickness skinfold group are superior than that of other thickness groups.
8) The results of sports test obtained on the group of much assortment of food eaten in a week is generally superior than that of poor group. The Rohler's Index and thickness of skinf old gained on the former is smaller than that of the latter.
On the above mentioned results we had discussed quite a few points and especially we would like to claim that the ideal healthy skinfold (upper arm+back) must be 20-25mm as boys and 25-35mm as girls of 12-14 years old.
7.Changes of blood and urine constituents in high school boys during one week intense summer baseball training.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1990;39(4):231-242
A study was carried out to confirm the present states of physical training and nutritional condition in sportsmen on the growing stage. Energy expenditure (EE), caloric intake (CI), food items, body weight, running distance for 12 min and hematological and biochemical parameters of blood and urine were measured in 17 high school boys during intense summer baseball training for seven days. EE was estimated from the records by direct observation of activities during the baseball training (RMR method), and CI was calculated from the dietary record supplied each subject for the seven observation day.
Following results were obtained.
1) The average EE was 55.4±7.5 kcal/kg/day, and the CI corresponded to 87.2% of the EE, although no significant reduction of body weight was observed at the termination of the training session.
2) Running distance for 12 min gradually decreased.
3) Significant decreases in serum TG, TP and Hgb concentrations, and a remarkable increase in CPK activity were observed on the 4 th and final days. Urinary excretion of phosphate, urea nitrogen and catecholamines also increased gradually.
4) The greater the increase in negative energy balance (CI-EE), the greater the decrease in TG, TP and Hgb concentrations, and the greater the increase in serum CPK and urinary excretion of catecholamines.
The present results suggest that greater intake of total energy, protein and fat is recommended for development of endurance capacity, baseball techniques and sound growth in occasion such as the present baseball training program in high school boys.