1.Is A New Combination of Tendon Transfers For Radial Nerve Palsy (RNP) Needed?
IMA Ramdhan ; SA Nawfar ; M Paiman
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2014;8(1):75-78
Radial nerve palsy following traumatic humeral diaphyseal
fractures occurs uncommonly. Most recover with good
outcome. However the cases with poor outcome or recovery
will have tendon transfers to regain the lost functions.
Various tendon transfer methods and choices are available in
literatures citing acceptable to good results. We report a case
of radial nerve transection secondary to a closed traumatic
diaphyseal fracture of the humerus which did not improve
despite the repair. As many conventional technique produce
asynergistic muscle action with secondary post-transfer
deformity, thus we had resorted to tendon transfer procedure
using an unconventional donor and recipient tendons
yielding good results. This new combination of tendon
transfers was invented involves better dynamic correlation of
synergistic muscles action and produces good outcome and
hand function.
Radial Nerve
2.Outcome Determining Factors for displaced Intra-articular Calcaneal Fractures treated operatively
Nawfar SA ; Chan KL ; Idham HM ; Izani IM ; Nahulan T
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2015;9(3):8-16
Introduction: Calcaneal fractures are caused by high energy
trauma and mostly are intra-articular fractures. Nondisplaced
intra-articular calcaneal fracture (IACF) can be
treated non-operatively. However, displaced intra-articular
need to be reduced and fixed anatomically to facilitate early
ankle rehabilitation and minimize functional impairment.
This study was done to find out the outcome of the IACF
patients who underwent operative treatment.
Methods: 62 patients with IACF were selected in this study
and had been followed up from June 2009 to May 2013.
They were placed into two groups; the operative treated and
non-operative treated groups. Bilateral ankle lateral view
plain radiographs were taken for comparison of the Bohler
and Gissane angles. Both groups of patients were assessed
by the Maryland Foot Score (MFS) and the SF-36v2 general
health survey questionnaire. The ability of the patients to
perform activity of daily living (ADL) and /or return to work
(RTW) was assessed as well.
Results: The operative treatment group of displaced IACF
patients achieved no significant better scores in the mean
MFS and SF-36v2 mean scores as compared to non operated
cases. There was no difference in RTW between the 2
groups, but earlier ADL was recorded in the operated group.
However, this study had found 5 associated factors which
causes major effect to the patients’ outcome to treatment.
Conclusions: The patient’s compliance with post-operative
rehabilitation regimen were found to be significantly related
with the outcomes.