1.Late (3years) antomical patency of a No-flow internal mammary artery bypass graft.
Noriyoshi SAWABATA ; Soichiro KITAMURA ; Toshio SEKI ; Ryuichi MORITA ; Kanji KAWACHI ; Tetuji KAWATA ; Junichi HASEGAWA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1991;20(4):656-659
The left IMA graft to the LAD showed a string sign with no antegrade flow in an asymptomatic 67-year-old man 3 years after the operation. The LAD lesion had regressed from 95% stenosis to less than 50% during this period. Exercise electrocardiographic and thallium 201 myocardial scintigraphic examinations revealed no ischemia in the LAD region. When the LAD was temporarily occluded by a PICA balloon, the anterograde flow from the IMA to the LAD could be demonstrated by angiography. The IMA graft in no flow situation has maintained anatomical patency for 3 years after the operation.
2.Multivessel Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery with Internal Thoracic Artery Grafts: Early and Late Besults.
Soichiro KITAMURA ; Kanji KAWACHI ; Ryuichi MORITA ; Tsutomu NISHII ; Shigeki TANIGUCHI ; Tetsuji KAWATA ; Yoshihiro HAMADA ; Hiroaki NISHIOKA ; Junichi HASEGAWA ; Yoshitsugu YOSHIDA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1992;21(3):233-237
Multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) utilizing ITA grafts was performed in 110 consecutive patients, ranging in age from 24 to 76 years with a mean of 54±9 years. A mean of 3.2±0.8 grafts per patient was placed with a hospital mortality of 0.9%. Bilateral ITAs (BITA) were used in 87 patients and sequential ITA grafting (SQ-ITA) was carried out in 31, and both BITA and SQ-ITA were used in 8 patients. Noncardiac late death occurred in 1 patient and a 5-year survival rate was 98%. During this follow-up term, 11 (10%) patients underwent low-risk PTCA for ITA anastomotic stenosis (4 lesions), SVG stenosis (5 lesions) and native coronary stenosis (4 lesions) with a success in all. No reoperation has been required so far in this series. Graft patency rates were 97% for BITA with no differences for the left and right ITAs, and 100% for SQ-ITA (both proximal and distal). No sternal infection was encountered in this series, on which we believe mediastinal, sternal and subcutaneous irrigation appeared most effective. In BITA grafting, right ITA was frequently anastomosed to the LAD, passing on the aorta, which will make reoperation through a median sternotomy dangerous to this graft. To improve safety for reoperation, we have covered the ITA graft with an 8mm EPTFE graft or membrane with no side effects on ITA grafts. However, true efficacy of this protective method remains unproved because no reoperations have been required in this series of patients.
3.Perception of Physicians, Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Industries about Information in Package Inserts in Japan
Mitsuo Saito ; Lucia S. Yoshida ; Yuzuru Hayashi ; Kimie Sai ; Hiromi Takano-Ohmuro ; Takehiko Yajima ; Yasufumi Sawada ; Ryuichi Hasegawa
Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics 2012;14(1):2-13
Objective: A perception survey of healthcare providers and pharmaceutical industries about the current package insert (PI) was conducted to evaluate whether its layout and issues such as the contents concerning drug-drug interactions are found appropriate.
Methods: A questionnaire was sent via the Internet to physicians of various subspecialties, or via the postal service to pharmacy-employed pharmacists and pharmaceutical industries. It consisted of questions regarding the PI layout, the information contents on drug-drug interactions and other matters about PI revision.
Results: The survey showed that the PI is a major source of drug information for physicians (82.4%) and pharmacists (98.7%). The layout (order of appearance of headings and information about drug interactions in a tabular format) of the current PI is widely accepted by physicians, pharmacists, and pharmaceutical industries. There was, however, some degree of disagreement within these three groups in the perceptions about the presentation/contents of the several drug interactions, as well as about the timing for its updating. Around 24% of physicians and 35% of pharmacists view that the content of drug interactions is insufficient, and that information about adverse drug reactions and drug interactions is not enough updated in the PIs. On the other hand, near 86% of pharmaceutical industries were prone to wait for accumulation of enough data until revising the information in PIs.
Conclusions: Differences of perception were found between healthcare providers (i.e., PI users) and industries. Our survey revealed that the basic layout of the current PI should be preserved, but there are issues such as the contents and updating of information regarding drug interactions and adverse drug interactions that may require modifications according to the healthcare providers’ point of view.
4.Influence of seasonal variations on physical activity in older people living in mountainous agricultural areas
Daiki NAKASHIMA ; Daisuke KIMURA ; Hidehiro WATANABE ; Fumihiko GOTO ; Miki KATO ; Keisuke FUJII ; Eri KASUYA ; Naoki TOMIYAMA ; Ryuichi HASEGAWA
Journal of Rural Medicine 2019;14(2):165-175
Objectives: Increasing activity levels in older people is important for maintaining quality of life and ameliorating the risks of morbidity related to falls, depression, and dementia. This study aimed to clarify the seasonal variation effects on total energy expenditure, number of steps, time spent in low- and moderate- or high-intensity physical activities, and daily activities performed.Patients and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 22 community-dwelling older individuals (3 men, 19 women; mean age, 75.1 ± 7.3 years) living in three districts of Gero, Gifu, who participated in the Gero Salon Project hosted by the Social Welfare Councils. Evaluations were conducted in each season from September 2016 to August 2017. We used a uniaxial accelerometer, the Lifecorder device, which measures physical activity, and the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly to evaluate activities of daily living. Data were analyzed using the multiple comparisons (Bonferroni correction) method.Results: Total energy expenditure and time spent in moderate- or high-intensity activities did not show seasonal variations. However, the lowest number of steps was taken during the winter, and the number of steps increased significantly from winter to spring. The time spent in low-intensity physical activities was significantly longer in the spring and summer than in the winter. There was no significant seasonal difference in total Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly score, leisure activities, domestic activities, or work-related activities. However, there was a significant difference between the summer and winter scores in “outdoor gardening,” with the lowest score observed during the winter.Conclusions: With climate changes in the winter months, “outdoor gardening” becomes difficult, thus decreasing the number of steps taken. Therefore, it is necessary to identify other ways for older people to maintain physical activity during the winter season.