A 66-year-old female who complained severe abdominal pain with hemorrhagic shock underwent emergency laparotomy. Further inspection revealed a ruptured aneurysm (φ3cm) of the main trunk of the right renal artery. To avoid the prolonged hemorrhagic shock status, a right nephrectomy was performed. The pathological examination revealed the fusiform atherosclerotic aneurysm of the renal artery located at 1cm proxymal from the hilm of the right kidney. Convalescence was uneventful. In previous reports, most cases with ruptured aneurysm of the renal artery underwent the nephrectomy. Although it is important to serve the renal function, we also performed the nephrectomy to limit the duration of shock status. The procedures such as aneurysmectomy with revascularization may apply on further cases, if possible.