1.Outcome and Predictors for Smoking Cessation in a Quit Smoking Clinic
Hayati Kadi @ Shahar Muhammad Adil Zainal Abidin and Rosliza Abdul Manaf
International Journal of Public Health Research 2017;7(1):774-782
Smoking is one of the addiction problems that needs an effective intervention. Smoking cessation studies have shown the promising result, but the central issue was to prevent relapse. A retrospective cohort study was conducted at Quit Smoking Clinic in Klinik Kesihatan Tanglin, Kuala Lumpur to determine the outcome and predictors of smoking cessation. A cohort of 770 smokers attended the clinic between the year 2008 and 2015 was selected through simple random sampling. Smokers were defined as current smokers while smoking abstinence is defined as cessation for more than 6 months and relapse as any smoking episode even a puff since the quit date. The majority were Malays, Muslims and had at least secondary education. The mean age of smoking initiation was 17.6 years old. The majority of the respondent smokes between 11 to 20 sticks per day and had a higher nicotine dependence score (43.0%). The smoking cessation outcome was good with 52.5% of the respondent abstained from smoking at 6 months. The predictors for smoking cessation were numbered of the quit attempt (1 to 10 times) (AOR = 1.582, 95% CI = 1.012-2.472) and pharmacotherapy (aOR = 0.711, 95% CI=0.511-0.989). More frequent follow-up was essential during the first 6 month period to enhance not only medication compliance but also a motivational aspect to smokers to maintain cessation. Emphasis should also be made for smokers who make first quit attempt.
2.A Systematic Review on Methods Used in Health Education Intervention on Anaemia in Pregnancy
Hasneezah Hassan, Rosliza Abdul Manaf
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2019;15(SP3):77-83
Anaemia is a common health problem during pregnancy, which leads to adverse health consequences to both mothers and infants. Health education is an important strategy in preventing anaemia. It’s success to improve haemoglobin level depends on the methods and design. This review aimed to identify the methods used and the effectiveness of health education intervention in improving anaemia in pregnancy. A systematic review of studies published in MEDLINE, CINAHL, Science Direct and PubMed from January 2010 to April 2017 was conducted using various keywords. Initial search revealed 274 articles, which later reduced to eight after being screened for inclusion criteria that consist of intervention study and involving pregnant women as participants. Health education intervention program with various delivery methods were proven to significantly reduce the prevalence of anaemia in pregnancy. Group discussion, health talk, poster presentation and educational pamphlet were common methods used in health education intervention.
3.Family Planning Practice Among Married Orang Asli Women in Sepang District and Its Associated Factors
Hasneezah Hassan, Rosliza Abdul Manaf, Suriani Ismail
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2019;15(SP3):29-35
Introduction: Family planning allows couples to have their desired number of children and optimum birth spacing. While the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) in Malaysia was reported as 52.2% in 2014, little is known regarding the practice of family planning among marginalised groups such as the Orang Asli women. This study aims to determine family planning practice among married Orang Asli women in Sepang district and its associated factors. Methods: A cross sectional study using a pretested questionnaire was conducted in five Orang Asli settlements in Sepang using cluster sampling. Chi-square test and simple logistic regression were used in bivariate analysis, whereas binary logistic regression was used to determine the predictors of family planning practice. Results: 212 (58.4%) participants were current users of family planning, with 68.3% of the users reported using oral contraceptive pills. In the logistic regression models, family planning practice was significantly more common among women who had children (AOR= 43.659, 95% CI: 5.788, 329.323), being housewives (AOR=1.973, 95% CI: 1.205, 3.230) and had higher attitude score (AOR=1.113, 95% CI: 1.006, 1.232). Conclusion: The CPR of current study was about the same as the national CPR in 2014. The predictors of family planning practice among Orang Asli women were having children, being a housewife and having a better attitude towards family planning. Future intervention to increase the CPR should focus on improving women’s attitude regarding family planning.
4.Prevalence and Predictors of Pap Smear Practice among Staff of a Public University in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan
Nuurain Amirah Mohd Razi ; Rosliza Abdul MANAF ; Suriani ISMAIL
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2017;13(3):33-42
Introduction: The practice of Pap smear has long been an issue worldwide especially in the developing countries. Malaysia National Health and Morbidity Survey IV reported an uptake of 12.8% in 2011. It was found that Malay women has the lowest prevalence of uptake compared to other major ethnicities in the country. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of Pap smear practice and its predictors among staff in a public university with majority of Malay ethnicity. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted among female staff in a public university in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan using a self-administered and validated questionnaire. All female staff from the seven faculties and the library were invited to participate. Data were analysed using SPSS version 22 for descriptive and inferential statistics, whereby Multiple Logistic Regression were performed to identify the predictors. Results: One-hundred-and eighty-seven respondents participated this study. The prevalence of Pap smear practice was 65.2%, of which, two-thirds (65.6%) had done it within the past three years. Predictors of the practice were higher parity, attending annual medical check-up, husband’s support and positive attitude towards the test. Conclusion: The prevalence of Pap smear uptake among this population is higher than other studies in Malaysia, however, not all of them have done it regularly within 3 yearly interval as suggested by the World Health Organisation.
5.The Correlation of Two Nicotine Dependence Measurement Methods: Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) and Saliva Cotinine among a Group of Muslim Smoker in Malaysia
Nuraisyah Hani ZULKIFLEY ; Suriani ISMAIL ; Rosliza Abdul MANAF ; Zulkifley HAMID
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2017;13(3):43-50
Introduction: One of the known factors that hindered smoking cessation is nicotine dependence. Measurement of the nicotine dependence is important to better understand cigarette smoking addiction dependence and ways to overcome it. Among methods of nicotine dependence measurement are self-reported Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) and biochemical assessment such as saliva cotinine. Biochemical assessment can be used to measure the accuracy of the self-reported measurement of nicotine dependence. Objective: To explore the correlation between the FTND and the saliva cotinine of the smokers in three different timeline. Methods: A total of 61 male smokers who currently smoke cigarette on daily basis were recruited. The study used the one-group pretest-posttest study design and the data were collected three times. The self-reported measurement were measured by using FTND and the biochemical assessment measured by using saliva cotinine from Saliva Bio oral swab (SOS) with the sensitivity of 0.15ng/ml. Data analysis was conducted by using Pearson correlation. Results: There was a significant association between the FTND score and saliva cotinine level of the smokers at baseline, second and third data collection (p=0.014, p=0.003, p<0.001). Conclusion: Both the self-reported measurement of nicotine dependence and biochemical assessment of the smokers are correlated and it could provide reliable information of the nicotine dependence.
6.Influence of an intervention program promoting voluntary fasting practices and its perceived barriers among overweight or obese Muslim women working in the public sector, Malaysia
Suriani ISMAIL ; Rosliza Abdul MANAF ; Aidalina MAHMUD ; Khadijah SHAMSUDDIN
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2018;14(2):1-6
Introduction: This article aims to describe the effect of an intervention to promote the practice of voluntary Islamic fasting and its barriers among a group of overweight and obese Muslim women working in the public sector in Malaysia. Materials and methods: In this quasi-experimental study, an intervention to encourage voluntary fasting was delivered in a half day seminar, supported by relevant booklets prepared. A self-administered questionnaire was used to capture data on voluntary fasting practices and its perceived barriers before and four months after the intervention. Data was analysed using Mc Nemar test to compare the proportion before and after the intervention. Significant level was set at p<0.05. Results: A total of 56 women were recruited. Their mean age was 36.65 years, most were married, had formal education up to secondary level and median income of RM 3000 per month. At baseline, 60.7% of them have practiced voluntary fasting. After intervention, the number of participants who practices voluntary fasting increased with a significant increase in three types of voluntary fasting (i.e. Mondays only, Thursdays only and 6 days in Shawal). The highest barrier to practice voluntary fasting was having no motivation to do so, followed by work commitment, health problems and family commitment. Discussion and Conclusion: Most of the respondents could practice voluntary fasting regularly if motivated to do so and backed by social support both at work and at home.
7.Factors Associated with Knowledge of Healthy Community, Empowers Nation (KOSPEN) and its Implementation among Community Health Volunteers in Kulim District, 2017
Navindra Kumar SONDARAM ; Hayati KADIR@SHAHAR ; Rosliza Abdul MANAF
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2018;14(2):7-16
Introduction: The increasing burden of Non-Communicable Diseases and their prevalence has led Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia to introduce a community empowerment program “Komuniti Sihat, Perkasa Negara” acronymed as KOSPEN in July 2013. Thirty thousand community health volunteers have been trained nationwide up to May 2015. Objective: To identify the factors associated with knowledge on KOSPEN and its implementation among community health volunteers in Kulim District. Methods: A cross-sectional study based on simple random sampling was conducted among community health volunteers Kulim District. Volunteers participated in this study were 194. Data collected using self-administered questionnaire. All data collected were analysed using IBM SPSS version 22 involving descriptive and inferential statistics with significance level set at 0.05. Results: The study found that level of knowledge on KOSPEN is associated with employment status (p=0.02) and awareness level (p<0.001) among the community health volunteers. The level of implementation is associated with age (p=0.025), education level (p=0.007) and employment status (p=0.017) of the community health volunteers. Employment status (aOR=2.133, 95% CI=1.056-4.306, p=0.035) and awareness level (aOR=6.119, 95% CI=2.701-13.867 p<0.001) were predictors of level of knowledge on KOSPEN. Level of implementation of KOSPEN by the community health volunteers could be predicted by education level (aOR=4.085, 95% CI=1.299-12.851 p=0.016). Conclusion: Generally the KOSPEN volunteers had good knowledge on KOSPEN and implementation of KOSPEN program. However, there are still misconceptions among the KOSPEN volunteers regarding their functions and role. Therefore it is important to empower the volunteers with awareness on their roles, functions and good knowledge.
8.Identifying self-care behaviour and its predictors among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at a district of Northern Peninsular Malaysia
Kang Chia YEE ; Salmiah Md SAID ; Rosliza Abdul MANAF
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2018;14(2):17-29
Introduction: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus among Malaysian aged ≥ 18 years increased from 11.6% (2006) to 17.5% (2015). Positive self–care behaviour leads to good glycaemic control. The objective of this study is to determine the self-care behaviour, its associated factors and predictors among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients in government health clinics at a district of Northern Peninsular Malaysia. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 546 T2DM patients aged ≥ 18 years, recruited by simple random sampling method. A validated self-administered questionnaire including socio-demographic characteristics, diabetes profile, knowledge, Health Belief Model (HBM) and Summary of Diabetes Self-care Activity Scale (SDSCA) was used. Data were analysed using SPSS version 22.0. Self-care behaviour is the dependent variable. Results: The respondents practised 3.4 (SD = 1.11) days self-care behaviour past 1 week. The predictors of self-care behaviour were self-efficacy (standardized β = 0.257, p< 0.001), knowledge (standardized β = 0.112, p = 0.007), female (standardized β = 0.107, p = 0.010), combination oral hypoglycaemic agents (OHA) and insulin (standardized β = -0.182, p = 0.002), and monthly income < RM1,000 (standardized β = -0.129, p = 0.002). The entire group of variables significantly predicted self-care behaviour [F (6, 539) = 15.79, p < 0.001, adjusted R2 = 0.140] with total variance of 14.9%. Self-efficacy was the strongest predictor in self-care behaviour. Conclusion: The findings enable us to identify the specific groups with predicted lower self-care behaviour which are useful in future planning and implementation of intervention.
9.A Review on Determinants of Depression among Adult Prisoner
Gunenthira RAO ; Rosliza Abdul MANAF ; Halimatus Sakdiah MINHAT
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2018;14(2):75-87
Prisoner tend to be marginalized and deprived that it burdens them with psychological trauma, predominantly depression. This review will identify the determinants of depression among adult inmates. Literatures published from 2012 to March 2017 were searched from various databases. Inclusion criteria were English full text, adults with a diagnosis of depression while exclusion criteria were diagnostic instruments, clinical or drug trials. The review adhered to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement reporting. A total of 168 studies were identified although only 14 studies were eligible for final review. Factors associated with inmates’ depression range from the potentially modifiable to non-modifiable. Recognized modifiable factors were psychological, family support, and environment while non-modifiable were biological, demographic, individual, and social. Determinants identified should be addressed in formulation of better targeting therapy, in terms of both prevention and treatment of depression among inmates.
10.Pap Smear Uptake and Its Associated Factors among Orang Asli Women in Selangor
Iis Sulastri INDRA ; Mohamad Zahari MAHAMUD ; Ng Zhi LING ; Rosliza Abdul MANAF ; Suriani ISMAIL
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2017;13(3):3-10
Introduction: Pap smear screening may increase the quality of women’s health through early detection of cervical cancer thus providing a better prognosis for women with cervical cancer. While the benefit of Pap smear screening is well documented, the screening uptake among Malaysian women in general was unsatisfactory with only 47.3% being screened. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Pap smear uptake and its associated factors among Orang Asli women who lives in rural areas in Selangor. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Hulu Langat and Kuala Langat districts from April to July 2017. Through cluster sampling, five Orang Asli settlements in the two districts were chosen. All women in the selected village aged between 18 to 65 years were invited to participate and interviewed using a structured, pretested questionnaire. Data were analysed using SPSS Version 22. Univariate and bivariate analysis were conducted to identify factors associated with Pap smear uptake among the participants. All hypotheses tests were two-sided and level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: Out of the 147 respondents, 114 (77.6%) had undergone Pap smear for at least once in the past. Women aged more than 35 years (p=0.013) were shown to be significantly more likely to take Pap smear compared to women who were 35 years old and less. There were significant associations between marital status (p<0.001), knowledge (p<0.001), attitude (p<0.001) and use of oral contraceptive (p=0.001) with Pap smear uptake. Conclusion: This study showed a high prevalence of Pap smear uptake among Orang Asli women in Selangor.