1.How well do the in-service examination scores correlate with performance in the written diplomate certification examinations?
Miranda Charles Xon E. ; Reyes Catherine Renee B. ; Camagay lluminada T.
Philippine Journal of Anesthesiology 2003;15(1):16-19
Objectives: This study aims to answer the question:How well do the In- Service Examinations predict performance int he Written Diplomate Certification Examination?
Methodology: Descriptive statistics and measures of central tendencies were used to described the distribution of the data. Linear regression using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to evaluate data.
Results: Of the 50 residents who were in the program from 1999 to 2000, only were included in the study. One did not take the In- Service Examination during his 2nd year of residency while the other has yet to take her WDCE.
Conclusion: This study found a high positive correlation of scores in the Philippine Board of Anesthesiology ISEs and the WDCE. The In- Service Examination is a useful tool for gauging the readiness of a resident to perform well in the Written Diplomate Certification Examination. It is also a useful method for assessing the rate of improvement of the anesthesiology resident during his training. The results of this study help to established the ISEs as a mean of determining the strengths and weaknesses of anesthesia trainees and their training programs.
2.The perioperative anesthetic management of conjoined twins: A case report
Catherine Renee B. Reyes ; Yves Kristine G. Garcia
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(Early Access 2024):1-4
The perioperative management of conjoined twins poses unique anatomic, physiologic, logistic, and even ethical challenges, necessitating a multidisciplinary team approach. We present a case of omphalopagus conjoined twins separated at the second month of life (39 2/7 weeks post-conceptual age). This paper highlights significant components in the anesthetic management of conjoined twins for separation surgery, in light of modern medicine and technological advancements.
3.Anesthetic and airway management in a pediatric patient with Morquio Syndrome:A case report
Yves Kristine G. Garcia ; Catherine Renee B. Reyes
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(9):35-38
Morquio syndrome is a subtype of mucopolysaccharidoses, wherein the accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in various organ systems lead to alteration of anatomy and physiology. Most prominent features are extensive bony abnormalities, which normally require surgical correction. This paper reports the case of a 7-year-old child with Morquio syndrome who successfully underwent correction of genu valgum under general endotracheal anesthesia via asleep induction and videolaryngoscopy, with supplemental peripheral nerve block. The precautions and anesthetic care done to ensure a safe procedure are discussed, especially with anticipation of a possible difficult airway.
Mucopolysaccharidosis IV
4.The use of peripheral nerve block and intra-articular steroid injection for pain management in an adolescent with Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome: A case report
Marie Christelle S. Endencia ; Karl Matthew C. Sy Su ; Catherine Renee B. Reyes
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(9):39-43
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) is a rare genetic disorder causing accelerated aging and agerelated pathologies. Weighing benefits and risks on doing surgical versus conservative pain management require multidisciplinary planning and consideration in HGPS patients. This presents a case of a 15-year-old patient with HGPS with severe pain from bilateral hip dislocation managed with peripheral nerve block and steroid injection. This afforded her immediate pain relief allowing her to undergo physical rehabilitation comfortably.