part of the duodenum is a rare complication. We report herean 80-year-old woman who presented at the SarawakGeneral Hospital, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia with earlysatiety and epigastric fullness for 3 months. She had noprior medical or surgical history other than an uneventfulopen cholecystectomy. Upper endoscopy showed a largesubmucosal mass in the first part of duodenum with pyloricconverging gastric folds. Computed tomography scan of theabdomen showed a gastroduodenal intussusception with a4x6cm mass at the junction between the first and secondpart of duodenum. Laparoscopic transgastric resection wasperformed. Histopathological examination of the resectedspecimen confirmed leiomyoma. She remained well at 43months follow-up.