Background: Lang Son is a north mountianous province in Vietnam with population 727.081. It\u2019s residents belong to 8 ethnic minorities. Because their living conditions and education level is still low, they have limited access to new techniques to improve their living conditions, especially their health. In addtion, some districts in the province have to confront drug evil and HIV/AIDS epidemic. Objective: To define the current situation of maternal and child health care, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and sexual transmissiondiseases prevention and offer interventional measures. Subjects and method: A cross-sectional, retrospective study was conducted in health workers and patients at the 4 commune health stations in Huu Lung and Chi Lang district on October/2004.Results and Conclusion: Termination of water and sanitation cause some diseases of mothers and children. Knowledge of people about pregnancy care as well as maternal and child health care are limited (32.2/12.6% pregnancy at labors in both districts has not been supported by trained attendance. In whole province, 32.6% children under 5 year older have malnutrition). Knowledge and practice of people on safe sex are limited so they might expose to HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancy and sexual transmission diseases.
Child Welfare/ psychology
Maternal Welfare/ psychology
Reproductive Medicine/ manpower