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Author:( Remo Vittorio Thaddeus D. Abella)

1.Antimicrobial activity of Ardisia serrata (Cavs.) Pers. ethanolic and aqueous leaf extract on the growth and biofilm formation of selected bacterial isolates

Patrick Josemaria DR. Altavas ; Alfonso Rafael G. Abaya ; Remo Vittorio Thaddeus D. Abella ; Danna Lee A. Acosta ; Angelica C. Aguilar ; Camille Anne V. Aguinaldo ; Katrina Loise L. Aguirre ; Catherine Therese C. Amante ; Karen B. Amora ; Glen Aldrix R. Anarna ; Rafael T. Andrada ; Gere Ganixon T. Ang ; Jeram Caezar R. Angobung ; Angelo V. Aquino II ; Dennielle Ann P. Arabis ; Hannah Luisa G. Awitan ; Mary Faith D. Baccay ; Chryz Angelo Jonathan B. Bagsic ; Tomas V. Baldosano Jr. ; Cecilia C. Maramba-Lazarte

Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(18):91-97

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