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Author:( Razana A)

1.Sarcoma of the Heart: a Rare Intracardiac Tumor and Review of Literature

MR Norhafizah ; MD Noraini ; AM Sakr ; MS Shiran ; MA Razana

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2009;5(2):57-62

2.Outcome of Tendon Transfers for Radial Nerve Palsy in a Malaysian Tertiary Centre

Richford J ; Abdullah S ; Norhafizah M ; Juliana I ; Rashdeen F ; Razana A

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2018;12(1):1-6

3.Superficial Angiomyxoma of the Eyelid. A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Nadzrin Md Yusof ; Noraini Mohd Dusa ; Norhafizah Mohtarrudin ; Razana Mohd Ali

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(Supp 9, November):134-136

4. Anti-breast cancer properties and toxicity of Dillenia suffruticosa root aqueous extract in BALB/c mice

Latifah Saiful YAZAN ; Yong Sze ONG ; Jhi Biau FOO ; Yin Sim TOR ; Latifah Saiful YAZAN ; Nur Elena ZAABA ; Razana Mohd ALI

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2015;5(12):1018-1026

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