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Author:( Rakha EA)

1.Tumour cell membrane laminin expression is associated with basal-like phenotype and poor survival in Nigerian breast cancer

Agboola Aoj ; Ebili Ho ; Iyawe Vo ; Banjo Aaf ; Salami Bs ; Rakha Ea ; Nolan C ; Ellis Io ; Green Ar

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2016;38(2):83-92

2.Molecular profiling of breast cancer in Nigerian women identifies an altered p53 pathway as a major mechanism underlying its poor prognosis compared with British counterpart

Agboola AOJ ; Banjo AAF ; Anunobi CC ; Ayoade BA ; Deji-Agboola AM ; Musa AA ; Abdel-Fatah T ; Nolan CC ; Rakha EA ; Ellis IO ; Green AR

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2014;36(1):3-17

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