Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopment disorder with an unidentified etiology and wide-ranging
functional impact. This narrative review aimed to identify various behaviours and oral health problems among
children with ASD, recognize the barriers towards oral health care, and identify the strategies for oral health care
management. Online databases (Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar) were used by using various search terms.
All types of articles with different level of evidence were included. Articles which were not in English and were not
available in full text were excluded. Various behavioural problems among ASD contributed to various oral healthcare challenges that lead to compromise oral health status. Caregivers and dental professionals have to identify these
problems towards strategizing an effective oral health management for them. Therefore, this narrative review provide
an insight towards controlling the oral health problems faced through preventative and practical approach for the
chidlren with ASD.