1.Geospatial and clinical analyses on pediatric related road traffic injury in Malaysia
Rahman Hisamuddin NIK ; Rainis RUSLAN ; Noor Hatim SYED ; Sharifah Mastura Syed MOHAMAD
World Journal of Emergency Medicine 2016;7(3):213-220
BACKGROUND: The main aim of this study is to utilize the geographical information system (GIS) software and perform the spatial analysis in relation to clinical data for road traffi c injury (RTI) pediatric cases attending the emergency department.METHODS: The study sample included pediatric patients (age less than 18 years) with road-related injuries within a district in Malaysia who attended emergency departments of two tertiary hospitals within the district. In addition to injury, pre-hospital care and outcome data, the coordinate of the locations were obtained by the ambulance paramedics by using portable handheld GPS unit brand Garmin? model GPS 72 H. The data was transferred into the excel format which in turn underwent GIS analysis by using ARCGIS? (by ESRI) software version 10.1 licensed to the study institution.RESULTS: A total of 102 (24.8%) of all motor vehicle crash (MVC) victims involved the pediatric age group (age 18 years and below). The mean (SD) age of the pediatric victims was 14.30 years (SD 3.830). Male comprised of 68 (66.7%) of the cases. Motorcyclists [88 (88.0%)] were the most common type of victims involved. Interestingly, the majority of the severely injured victims [75 (73%)] sustained the RTI on roads with maximum speed limit of 60 km/hour. The mean (SD) length of hospital stay was 7.83 days (5.59).CONCLUSION: The pediatric related road traffic injury in Malaysia causes significant health and social burden in the country. This study showed both important clinical and geographical factors that need to be taken into consideration for future preventive action.
2.The Buffering analysis to identify common geographical factors within the vicinity of severe injury related to motor vehicle crash in Malaysia
Rahman Hisamuddin NIK ; Rainis RUSLAN ; Noor Hatim SYED ; Sharifah Mastura Syed MOHAMAD
World Journal of Emergency Medicine 2016;7(4):278-284
BACKGROUND: The main objective was to identify common geographical buildup within the 100-meter buffer of severely injured based on injury severity score (ISS) among the motor vehicle crash (MVC) victims in Malaysia. METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study from July 2011 until June 2013 and involved all MVC patients attending emergency departments (ED) of two tertiary centers in a district in Malaysia. A set of digital maps was obtained from the Town Planning Unit of the district Municipal Office (local district map). Vector spaces were spanned over these maps using GIS software (ARCGIS 10.1 licensed to the study center), and data from the identified severe injured cases based on ISS of 16 or more were added. Buffer analysis was performed and included all events occurring within a 100-meter perimeter around a reference point. RESULTS: A total of 439 cases were recruited over the ten-month data collection period. Fifty two (11%) of the cases were categorized as severe cased based on ISS scoring of 16 and more. Further buffer analysis looking at the buildup areas within the vicinity of the severely injured locations showed that most of the severe injuries occurred at locations on municipal roads (15, 29%), straight roads (16, 30%) and within villages buildup (suburban) areas (18, 35%). CONCLUSION: This study has successfully achieved its objective in identifying common geographical factors and buildup areas within the vicinity of severely injured road traffic cases.