1.The Measure of Processes of Care 20-Item (MPOC-20): Validity and Reliability of the Malay Version
Nor Farah Mohamad Fauzi ; Ming Amy Chen Ern ; Hanif Farhan Mohd Rasdi ; Nur Zakiah Mohd Saat
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2015;13(2):61-67
The paediatric rehabilitation service in Malaysia is shifting from the traditional child-focused approach to a family-centred approach. At present, there is a lack of an evaluation tool to assess to the quality of paediatric rehabilitation services, and whether the services are in line with the principles of the family-centred service. This study was undertaken to assess validity and reliability of the Malay version of the Measure of Processes of Care 20-item (MPOC-20) questionnaire in evaluating family-centered approach in children rehabilitation services in Kuala Lumpur. The original English version of the MPOC-20 was translated into Malay language, before it was administered to 102 parents of children receiving rehabilitation service at the Occupational Therapy Unit, UKM Medical Centre. The component structure of the MPOC-20 Malay version was examined using principal component analysis with Varimax rotation to explore the factor structures after translation. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated to determine the internal consistency reliability of the factors identified in the MPOC-20 Malay version. The resultant four-factor model explained 64 % of the variance in the Malay MPOC-20 responses. All four factors were similar to the five factors described in the original MPOC-20. All the 20 items were retained, with relocation of some items into a new factor. The Malay version of the MPOC-20 showed good internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha values ranging from 0.75 to 0.90. This study demonstrates that the Malay version of the MPOC-20 is valid and reliable, and is suitable for evaluation of the quality of child rehabilitation services in the Malaysian context.
Early Intervention (Education)
2.Driving Rehabilitation by Occupational Therapists in Malaysia: What are the Current Practices? (Pemulihan Pemanduan oleh Ahli Terapi Cara Kerja di Malaysia: Apakah Amalan Semasa?)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2022;20(No.2):129-137
Occupational therapists have a significant role in driving rehabilitation by helping clients with disabilities to return to
driving. To date, the services for driving rehabilitation are still limited in Malaysia. Furthermore, the current practice
of driving rehabilitation in Malaysia is still underreported. Therefore, this study aims to assess occupational therapists’
challenges, attitudes, and skills towards driving rehabilitation, the sociodemographic differences, and associations
between the developed constructs. A cross-sectional study was conducted from June to September 2020. A convenience
sampling method was used to recruit 177 occupational therapists with at least one year of working experience in
Malaysia. The questionnaire consists of three constructs: the challenges, attitudes, and skills related to driving
rehabilitation. The content validity of the questionnaire was good (S-CVI/Ave= 0.992; S-CVI/UA= 0.950; modified
kappa= 0.812 to 1.000). Based on the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), three items had been deleted due to low
communalities. The Cronbach’s alpha for all constructs was acceptable (Cronbach’s alpha > 0.7). Experience in
practicing driving rehabilitation, workplace settings, and educational level had significant differences in at least one of
the constructs. Age and years graduated had a significant positive correlation with skills. This questionnaire proved to
be a tool with good content validity and reliability to assess occupational therapists’ challenges, attitudes, and skills
related to driving rehabilitation. In the future, qualitative studies are recommended to better understand the occupational
therapists towards driving rehabilitation, especially from their personal experience.
3.Challenges, Attitudes and Skills of Occupational Therapists towards Pre-Driving Assessments Practices in Malaysia (Cabaran, Sikap Dan Kemahiran Ahli Terapi Cara Kerja Terhadap Amalan Penilaian Pra-Pemanduan Di Malaysia)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2022;20(No.1):139-149
A pre-driving assessment usually involves standardised and non-standardised tests to examine the skills for safe driving
of people with disabilities. However, it is still unknown to what extent the pre-driving assessments are being practised
among occupational therapists in Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the association of challenges,
attitudes, and skills of occupational therapists towards practising driving rehabilitation and explore the most used predriving assessment. A cross-sectional study had been conducted from July to September 2020. The convenient sampling
method was used to recruit experienced occupational therapists in driving rehabilitation. A total of 53 therapists had
completed an online survey. According to the results, the bivariate correlation between skills and challenges was positive
and strong (rѕ = 0.680, p < 0.05). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that workplace variables
had a significant effect on the combined dependent variables of challenges, attitudes, and skills, F(3,49) = 4.521 p =
0.007, partial Ƞ² = 0.217. This study found that the most used standardised assessment was the range of motion (n = 39,
73.6 %) and the right and left discrimination (n = 40, 75.5 %). The findings of this study identified that occupational
therapists challenges and attitudes are significantly associated with the skills to practice driving rehabilitation.
Malaysian occupational therapists working in the government sector reported better skills than those working in the
private sector. Furthermore, numerous types of pre-driving assessments were used and vary from setting to setting. This
study hopes to benefit occupational therapists and related rehabilitation practitioners towards a holistic understanding
of Malaysia's driving rehabilitation practices.
4.Video Modelling to Improve Hand Dexterity in Students with Learning Disabilities: Special Education Teachers' Perspectives (Permodelan Video Bagi Meningkatkan Kecekatan Tangan Murid Dengan Masalah Pembelajaran: Persepsi Guru Pendidikan Khas)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2022;20(No.1):151-160
Proficient hand dexterity (HD) may help students with learning disabilities (LDs) perform various hand tasks efficiently.
Video modelling (VM) is a strategy that uses a model to improve desired skills. However, the limited study focuses on VM
to improve HD among students with LDs. Therefore, this study explores VM implementation in the learning and teaching
process to improve the HD of students with LDs. Five Special Education (SE) teachers who taught the Hand Manipulative
Component lessons in two different states were purposefully selected and invited to participate in this study. A one-toone interview was conducted with individual SE teachers. The interview sessions were audio-recorded and transcribed
verbatim, and the data was analysed through thematic analysis. Rigorous approaches were performed to ensure the
findings' trustworthiness, such as triangulation, member checking, and an audit trail. Four key themes emerged:
conventional learning and teaching methods, challenges faced by students with LDs in improving HD, and the advantages
of implementing VM in learning and teaching to improve HD and develop a video module. This study suggests SE
teachers can implement VM in their learning and teaching processes to improve the HD performance of students with
LDs. This current study concludes that VM can be a supportive strategy in the teaching process to improve HD performance
among students with LDs.
5.Models and theories to support health promotion programmes for overweight and obese adults: A scoping review
Tatiana Suhaimi ; Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa ; Hanif Farhan Mohd Rasdi ; Ruzita Abd Talib
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2022;28(No.3):335-355
Introduction: The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity has been alarming.
One approach to address this issue is to implement health promotion programmes.
Despite the many health promotion and health intervention programmes held, there
is a lack of evidence showing the application of theories and models. This scoping
review aimed to explore existing literature and synthesise findings based on models
and theories used to support health promotion programmes for overweight and obese
adults. Methods: This review was guided by the Arksey and O’Malley framework.
Online databases, such as Ovid, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, were used
to search for relevant articles using suitable keywords, from January 2015 until
December 2021. Articles were written in English and Malay, and the study subjects
were adults aged 18-59 years old. Two reviewers independently screened the articles,
and the extracted information were tabulated after analysis. Results: A total of 13
different theories and models were found in the 27 articles selected. Many studies
reported using the Transtheoretical Model, Social Cognitive Theory, and Health
Belief Model in health promotion programmes for overweight and obese adults.
Most constructs and components focused on changing health-related behaviours
starting with the individual, such as self-efficacy and readiness to change. Majority
of the articles showed an improvement in health-related behaviours and had great
potential for future studies. Conclusion: When conducting health promotion
programmes for overweight and obese adults, researchers should consider models
and theories with constructs and components to ensure consistent improvement
and potentially significant impacts on health-related outcomes.
6.Understanding Work-Related Intentions Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour: A Systematic Review (Memahami Kehendak Berkaitan Kerja Menggunakan Teori Tingkah Laku Terancang: Tinjauan Literatur Sistematik)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2023;21(No.2):167-176
Work can guarantee financial stability and quality of life, foster identity and self-confidence and ensure social wellbeing. Thus, it is vital to understand the motivation and intention to work. The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) has
been used extensively in theory and research in a wide range of human behaviours. However, research on the efficacy
of the TPB in the vocational realm remains limited. This study aims to review the applications of the TPB in work-related
intention. Relevant studies were systematically searched using standardised keywords across two databases. Three
hundred and sixty-six research articles (n=366) were identified, however, only seven articles (n=7) were eligible to be
evaluated in this study using the Assessment for Cross-Sectional Studies (AXIS) tool. All studies confirmed the efficacy
of the TPB in explaining work intentions. The explained variance in intention varied from 10% (post-retirement work
intention) to 59% (to work with older adults). However, the underlying core constructs of TPB namely attitudes, subjective
norms, and perceived behavioural control (PBC) do not always altogether consistently predict the intention to work.
Besides, few review studies have reported variables that are not included in TPB, such as moral obligation, identity, and
tenure, which contributed to a significant amount of variance in intention. Overall, the findings of this review indicated
that TPB is helpful in understanding work intention. However, further investigation is needed to estimate the extended
variables’ performance in explaining intentions and to cover a broader aspect of work intentions.
7.Motor performance and functional mobility in children with specific learning disabilities
Suhaili Ibrahim ; Dzalani Harun ; Masne Kadar ; Hanif Farhan Mohd Rasdi ; Nur Sakinah Baharudin ; Evelyn Jong Tze Hui
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2019;74(1):34-39
Limitations in motor performances among
children with specific learning disabilities (SLD) can lead to
impaired functional skills. Thus, this study aimed to
determine the level of motor performances and functional
mobility, and the influence of motor performances on the
functional mobility in children with SLD.
8.Adaptation, Validation and Reliability Testing of Sensory Processing Measure Home Form Malay version for Children with Autism (Adaptasi, Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Borang Sensory Processing Measure Home Form versi Bahasa Melayu untuk Digunakan terhadap Kanak-kanak dengan Autisme)
Noor Mukminin Ahmad ; Masne Kadar ; Chai Siaw Chui ; Hanif Farhan Mohd Rasdi ; Nor Afifi Razaob@Razab ; Dzalani Harun
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2020;18(No.1):37-45
Inappropriate responses towards sensory input received from the environment, also known as sensory processing difficulties (SPD) may affect daily living activities of the children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Sensory Processing Measure Home Form (SPM Home Form) as a parent report measure for SPD is available in English and other foreign languages. To enhance the applicability and meaningfulness of SPM Home Form for the Malay speaking population, a study that focuses on translating, adapting, and validating the SPM Home Form into the Malay language was conducted. The development of the Malay version of the SPM Home Form (SPM-MV Home Form) involved three steps: 1) Item evaluation, 2) Forward and backward translation, and 3) Expert review and content validity. The process of translation and adaptation of the form was performed according to standard guidelines. No item was excluded from the original SPM Home Form as all the items were considered by the expert panel as appropriate and relevance to evaluate the activity and social participation among children in Malaysia. Content validity as measured by 10 experts in occupational therapy is high. The mean of sub-scales I-CVI is between 0.96 and 1.00. The total S-CVI of the form is 0.95 with sub-scales S-CVI range between 0.82 and 1.00. Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistency was reported at 0.80 and ICC for test-retest reliability ranged from 0.80 to 0.97. The SPM-MV Home Form has high potential to be used for assessing SPD among children ages 5-12 years in Malaysia.
9.Psychometric Properties of The Malay Version of The Personal Wellbeing Index: A Preliminary Study Among Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Ciri-ciri Psikometrik Indeks Kesejahteraan Diri Versi Bahasa Melayu: Kajian Awal di Kalangan Penjaga Kanak-Kanak Autisme Spectrum Disorder)
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2023;21(No.2):157-165
Caregivers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can have a compromised quality of life due to caregiving
burden and parenting stress. The Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) is one of the instruments that measure the subjective
wellbeing dimension. This study intended to explore this instrument’s construct validity and reliability and compare the
subjective wellbeing among caregivers based on sociodemographic characteristics. A cross-sectional study was
conducted on 53 caregivers of children with ASD recruited from occupational therapy clinics at Hospital Canselor
Tuanku Muhriz (HCTM) and the Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM. The PWI has one global life satisfaction construct
(1 item) and subjective wellbeing (8 items). The rating scale is anchored from 0 (no satisfaction at all) to 10 (completely
satisfied). The statistical analysis indicated that the Malay version of PWI has acceptable unidimensionality (outer
loadings >0.5 for all items), convergence validity (Average Variance Extracted (AVE)=0.5781), constructs validity
(r=0.812, p<0.001), and construct reliability (ρA=0.8864, ρc=0.9046, α=0.8761). Marital status is significant in
achieving life and personal relationships while health issues are significant only in personal health. The Malay version
has good construct validity and reliability and can measure the subjective wellbeing of the caregivers of children with
autism in Malaysia. The psychometric properties of the PWI Malay version can be further established with a larger
sample size. In the future, a national norm of Malaysians’ wellbeing could be developed to interpret their wellbeing
10.Knowledge, Attitudes and Self-reported practices Questionnaire on Pureed Diet Preparation (KAP DYS Puree) among Food Handlers in Malaysian Hospitals for Dysphagia Management: Development, Validity, and Reliability Testing
Aizul Azri Azizan ; Hanif Farhan Mohd Rasdi ; Suzana Shahar ; Zahara Abdul Manaf ; Hasnah Haron ; Nurul Huda Razalli
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023;19(No.3):187-195
Introduction: This methodological research study aimed to measure content validity and reliability of a newly developed questionnaire of knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported practices towards pureed diet preparation (KAP DYS
Puree) among hospital food handlers for dysphagia management. Methods: The study was conducted through face
validation, content validation, content reliability and construct validation. A cross-sectional design with convenience
sampling was carried out involving 4 panels for face validation, 10 raters for content validity and 161 food handlers
participated for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), while 30 food handlers were involved for test-retest reliability. The
questionnaire which consisted of 40 items distributed into 3 domains and was assessed and analyzed using modified
kappa (k*) for reliability. Results: Content Validity Index revealed the following I-CVI values: knowledge = 0.915,
attitudes = 0.922 and self-reported practices = 0.900 and modified kappa values (k*) knowledge = 0.983, attitudes
= 0.9214 and self-reported practices = 0.899. The EFA was employed for two dimensions which were self-reported
practices and attitudes based on principal axis of factoring with varimax rotation. The factor analysis yielded two
factors with a total of 10 items in the attitudes domain and two factors with a total of 9 items in the self-reported practices domain that had satisfactory factor loading (> 0.3). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) values for attitudes = 0.816
and self-reported practices = 0.776. Bartlett’s test of sphericity was significant at p < 0.0001 for attitudes and self-reported practices indicating the suitability of this data for factor analysis. Interclass Correlation Index (ICC) values for
attitudes = 0.739 and self-reported practices = 0.789. Conclusion: This instrument can be used as a need assessment
tool in the development of a comprehensive training module for pureed diet preparations in dysphagia management.