1.Psychotherapy For Prison Populations: A Review
Mohammad Rahim Kamaluddin ; Linthini Gannetion ; Maria Magdalina anak Dennis Janting ; Nur Deanna Rosli ; R Nurul Najwa Baharuddin ; Geshina Ayu Mat Saat ; Kamsiah Kamin ; Azizah Othman
ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry 2018;19(1):1-
Introduction: Psychotherapy is a form of treatment intervention targeting problematical human behaviour, emotion, and cognition using various psychological techniques and approaches. In Malaysia, the application of psychotherapy in ameliorating criminality among forensic populations is developing and evidence shows that some therapies like Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy and Reality Therapy have been practiced in many correctional institutions. Objective: This paper aims to review the role of psychotherapy for help in correctional settings as a means to ameliorate criminal behaviour and reduce recidivism rates. Method: An archival research was utilised, where articles and books regardless of the year of publication from different countries, including Malaysia were examined. Several keywords were used for the purpose of retrieval of related articles. Results and Discussion: Three different approaches of psychotherapies, i.e. Behavioural Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy and their principles and effectiveness in rehabilitating the forensic populations were elaborated in this review. The principle behind the effectiveness of the psychotherapy was different, and this influences the choice of treatment that should be used in dealing with the forensic populations. Conclusion: Â Forensic populations have rights to obtain treatment, and the choice of therapy has to be relevant within the context of cost-effectiveness to ensure optimum effectiveness in ameliorating criminal tendencies. Â
2.Analysis of waste management effect on the climate related disease in Larangan Village, Sidoarjo
R AZIZAH ; Ahmad Fariz Hj MOHAMED ; Lilis SULISTYORINI ; Shinta Arta MULIA ; Novi Dian ARFIANI ; Ariska RAHMAWATI
Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology 2024;39(1):e2024010-
The repercussions of climate change have profound implications for human health, leading to the emergence of climate-related diseases. Recognizing this, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Indonesia has established the Climate Village Program to tackle and mitigate the impact of climate change. Despite the implementation of this program, Larangan Village in Candi Sub-district, Sidoarjo Regency, continues to struggle with cases of climate-related diseases. This research aims to assess the impact of waste management on the prevalence of climate-related diseases in Larangan Village. Using a quantitative, analytical, observational approach with a cross-sectional design, the study concentrates on two neighborhoods within Larangan Village. The population consists of 330 families in the 2nd neighborhood (Non-Climate Village Program) and 344 families in the 9th neighborhood (Climate Village Program), with a sample size of 109. The variables under investigation encompass waste management and climate-related diseases. Data collection involves conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires among community members in both neighborhoods. The collected data undergo analysis using Multigroup Analysis SEM PLS with a significance level of 0.05. The findings reveal a significant negative correlation between waste management and climate-related diseases, suggesting that enhanced waste management is linked to a reduced incidence of such diseases in the community.
3.Analysis of waste management effect on the climate related disease in Larangan Village, Sidoarjo
R AZIZAH ; Ahmad Fariz Hj MOHAMED ; Lilis SULISTYORINI ; Shinta Arta MULIA ; Novi Dian ARFIANI ; Ariska RAHMAWATI
Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology 2024;39(1):e2024010-
The repercussions of climate change have profound implications for human health, leading to the emergence of climate-related diseases. Recognizing this, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Indonesia has established the Climate Village Program to tackle and mitigate the impact of climate change. Despite the implementation of this program, Larangan Village in Candi Sub-district, Sidoarjo Regency, continues to struggle with cases of climate-related diseases. This research aims to assess the impact of waste management on the prevalence of climate-related diseases in Larangan Village. Using a quantitative, analytical, observational approach with a cross-sectional design, the study concentrates on two neighborhoods within Larangan Village. The population consists of 330 families in the 2nd neighborhood (Non-Climate Village Program) and 344 families in the 9th neighborhood (Climate Village Program), with a sample size of 109. The variables under investigation encompass waste management and climate-related diseases. Data collection involves conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires among community members in both neighborhoods. The collected data undergo analysis using Multigroup Analysis SEM PLS with a significance level of 0.05. The findings reveal a significant negative correlation between waste management and climate-related diseases, suggesting that enhanced waste management is linked to a reduced incidence of such diseases in the community.
4.Analysis of waste management effect on the climate related disease in Larangan Village, Sidoarjo
R AZIZAH ; Ahmad Fariz Hj MOHAMED ; Lilis SULISTYORINI ; Shinta Arta MULIA ; Novi Dian ARFIANI ; Ariska RAHMAWATI
Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology 2024;39(1):e2024010-
The repercussions of climate change have profound implications for human health, leading to the emergence of climate-related diseases. Recognizing this, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Indonesia has established the Climate Village Program to tackle and mitigate the impact of climate change. Despite the implementation of this program, Larangan Village in Candi Sub-district, Sidoarjo Regency, continues to struggle with cases of climate-related diseases. This research aims to assess the impact of waste management on the prevalence of climate-related diseases in Larangan Village. Using a quantitative, analytical, observational approach with a cross-sectional design, the study concentrates on two neighborhoods within Larangan Village. The population consists of 330 families in the 2nd neighborhood (Non-Climate Village Program) and 344 families in the 9th neighborhood (Climate Village Program), with a sample size of 109. The variables under investigation encompass waste management and climate-related diseases. Data collection involves conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires among community members in both neighborhoods. The collected data undergo analysis using Multigroup Analysis SEM PLS with a significance level of 0.05. The findings reveal a significant negative correlation between waste management and climate-related diseases, suggesting that enhanced waste management is linked to a reduced incidence of such diseases in the community.
5.Analysis of waste management effect on the climate related disease in Larangan Village, Sidoarjo
R AZIZAH ; Ahmad Fariz Hj MOHAMED ; Lilis SULISTYORINI ; Shinta Arta MULIA ; Novi Dian ARFIANI ; Ariska RAHMAWATI
Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology 2024;39(1):e2024010-
The repercussions of climate change have profound implications for human health, leading to the emergence of climate-related diseases. Recognizing this, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Indonesia has established the Climate Village Program to tackle and mitigate the impact of climate change. Despite the implementation of this program, Larangan Village in Candi Sub-district, Sidoarjo Regency, continues to struggle with cases of climate-related diseases. This research aims to assess the impact of waste management on the prevalence of climate-related diseases in Larangan Village. Using a quantitative, analytical, observational approach with a cross-sectional design, the study concentrates on two neighborhoods within Larangan Village. The population consists of 330 families in the 2nd neighborhood (Non-Climate Village Program) and 344 families in the 9th neighborhood (Climate Village Program), with a sample size of 109. The variables under investigation encompass waste management and climate-related diseases. Data collection involves conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires among community members in both neighborhoods. The collected data undergo analysis using Multigroup Analysis SEM PLS with a significance level of 0.05. The findings reveal a significant negative correlation between waste management and climate-related diseases, suggesting that enhanced waste management is linked to a reduced incidence of such diseases in the community.
6.Association Between Toilet Availability and Handwashing Habits and the Incidence of Stunting in Young Children in Tanjung Pinang City, Indonesia
Ahmadi ; Lilis Sulistyorini ; R. Azizah ; Hengky Oktarizal
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(No.2):215-218
Introduction: Stunting is a short or very short body state that exceeds -2 SD (Standard Deviation) below the median length based on height by age. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the availability of toilets meeting the requirements and habits of washing hands with soap on the incidence of stunting in children aged 2459 months in Bugis Village in Tanjung Pinang City. Method: This study was observational with a cross-sectional approach. The procedure of data analysis was done by quantitative analysis. Large sample of 82 children aged 24-59 months.. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. Data collection uses observation and interviews. Statistical tests using the test Chi-square. Results: the study showed that there is an association between stunting in children and the availability of toilets meeting hygiene requirements (p-value= 0.016) and handwashing habit with soap (p-value= 0.013). Conclusion: the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-59 months in Bugis Village Tanjungpinang City is influenced by the availability of qualified toilets in each house and the habit of washing hands with soap.
7.Analysis of Heavy Metals (Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Manganese, and Zinc) in Well Water in East Java Province, Indonesia
Mochammad Sholehhudin ; R. Azizah ; Arif Sumantri ; Shaharuddin Mohd Sham ; Zainul Amiruddin Zakaria ; Mohd Talib Latif
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2021;17(No.2):146-153
Introduction: Indonesia is one of the countries whose inhabitants use well water for drinking and cooking purposes.
In East Java, 48.90% of the population uses well water for their daily needs. Well water contained heavy metals had
bad effects on health such as cancer, damage of liver, kidneys, and others. The objective of this study was to evaluate the concentration of heavy metals in well water and relate them to a potential health outcomes. Methods: The
method used in this study was analytical descriptive. Data used was secondary from East Java Environmental Office.
A total of 101 samples were collected from 33 locations. There were 5 heavy metals analyzed, namely cadmium,
chromium, lead, manganese, and zinc. Equipment using ICPMS and AAS. Data analyzed with descriptive statistics
by SPSS. Data obtained were compared to the WHO Standard for Drinking Water Quality. Results: Concentration
for cadmium was 0.002 mg/l, followed by manganese at 1.80 mg/l and zinc at 0.020 mg/l. Besides, all water samples
had levels of chromium and lead below the detection limit. Conclusion: All heavy metals had concentrations below
the maximum allowable standard, except for five water samples from three locations with levels of manganese
which was above the maximum standard. Long term effects of manganese include neurological problems, intelligence, and low birth weight. Further studies need to be done to determine the source of manganese contamination.
It is recommended that bottled water is used for drinking purposes in an area where heavy metal concentration is
above the allowable limit.
8.Management of Organochlorine Exposure to Health Risks in Asia – A Review
Muhammad Azmi Maruf ; R. Azizah ; Lilis Sulistyorini ; Zainul Amiruddin Zakaria ; Najihah Hanisah Marmaya ; Aditya S. Pawitra ; Arif Sumantri ; Siti N. A. Jauharoh
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2021;17(No.4):332-340
Organochlorine organic pesticides used on a large scale still pose a great health hazard to humans and animals.
Organochlorine pesticides contribute to reduced disease, higher yields and increased production. This research was
to review various articles on management of organochlorine exposure and health risks. This research used multiple
search engines (Scholar, PubMed). A few significant keywords were chosen to discover considers that fit this theme.
Organochlorine as Persistent Organic Pollutants are difficult to remove from the environment. There are several
health-causing effects of organochlorine most of which are chronic diseases (i.e., pulmonary function, cancer, reproductive issue). Organochlorine control in the environment is needed to reduce health effects, especially in farming
communities, personal protective equipment including masks and gloves is also necessary. Local government may
also promote and doing a prevention program from the danger of the use of pesticides in agriculture.
9.A Review of Open Defecation (OD) In Indonesia and The Control with Logic Model
Amalia Fitri Kartika Sari ; R. Azizah ; Juliana Jalaludin ; Isnaini Rahmawati ; Lilis Sulistyorini ; Ririh Yudhastuti ; Arif Sumantri ; Siti N. A. Jauharoh ; Oryza Filial Zulkarnain ; Muhammad Addin Rizaldi
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2022;18(No.2):157-165
In 2015, Indonesia was ranked as the second-highest, with a percentage of 12.9%. Open Defecation Free (ODF) in
Indonesia is still a problem, 33 out of 34 provinces in Indonesia are still not 100% verified as ODF. The purpose
of this study is to make a management control of OD behaviour in Indonesia. This study’s literature was collected
using Google Scholar and Pubmed search engines by entering keywords open defecation Indonesia, and buang air
besar sembarangan. From review of published literature, it is found that several factors cause people to practice OD,
namely environmental, socio-cultural, and economic factors. These factors become the basis for making OD model
control with a logic model. The program was made with a button-up approach carried out through several activities,
namely approaches to community leaders, youth, and local communities, monitoring potential areas for OD practice
and cross-sector coordination, and making regional regulations.