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Author:( Q Sue Huang)

1.Identification of Enterovirus C105 for the first time in New Zealand

Angela Todd ; Susan Taylor ; Q Sue Huang

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2015;6(1):60-61

3.Implementing hospital-based surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections caused by influenza and other respiratory pathogens in New Zealand

Q Sue Huang ; Michael Baker ; Colin McArthur ; Sally Roberts ; Deborah Williamson ; Cameron Grant ; Adrian Trenholme ; Conroy Wong ; Susan Taylor ; Lyndsay LeComte ; Graham Mackereth ; Don Bandaranayake ; Tim Wood ; Ange Bissielo ; Ruth Se ; Nikki Turner ; Nevil Pierse ; Paul Thomas ; Richard Webby ; Diane Gross ; Jazmin Duque ; Mark Thompson ; Marc-Alain Widdowson

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2014;5(2):23-30

4.Circulation of influenza and other respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia and New Zealand, 2020–2021

Genevieve K O' ; Neill ; Janette Taylor ; Jen Kok ; Dominic E Dwyer ; Meik Dilcher ; Harry Hua ; Avram Levy ; David Smith ; Cara A Minney-Smith ; Timothy Wood ; Lauren Jelley ; Q Sue Huang ; Adrian Trenholme ; Gary McAuliffe ; Ian Barr ; Sheena G Sullivan

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2023;14(3):13-22

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