One of the vascular disorders that occurs in the elderly is hypertension. The most severe consequence of this complications is stroke. Prevention of hypertension with non-pharmacological therapy like listening to classical music
(eg. Mozart). Classical music can stimulate alpha waves in the brain, releasing a peptide called beta-endorphin.
This causes a sense of tranquility so that the heart rhythm decreases, and blood pressure drops. The sample in this
study were 17 respondents, aged over 60 years. The result of this case report showed an average systolic reduction
of 21 mmHg. Before intervention, 53% suffered from stage 2 hypertension (mean systolic 162 mmHg) and after the
intervention with classical music therapy for 12 days, 65% recovered with stage 1 hypertension (average systolic
141 mmHg). So, the interventions of listening to classical music, can maintain balance in blood pressure among
hypertension patient.