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MeSH:( Psychiatry)

3.Psycho-spiritual paradigm in caring for the critically and terminally ill

Salceda Pacita Ramos

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 1999;23(1):11-13

4.Social psychiatry and the changing world

Ladrido-Ignacio Lourdes

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 1999;23(2):12-17

7.Child psychiatry: past, present and future

Banaag Cornelio G.

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 1999;23(2):29-32

8.International perspectives of psychiatric ethics.

Robertson Michael

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2015;37(1):12-15

9.Geriatric psychiatry in the Philippines

Buenaventura Robert D.

The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 1999;23(2):33-

10.Case Report of A Young Girl with Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous and Psychosis

Wong Daniel Teck Lung

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2019;15(2):160-162

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