1.Taik-Won Kim, the First Korean Clinical Psychiatrist.
Psychiatry Investigation 2018;15(6):551-552
No abstract available.
2.Is It Unethical for Psychiatrists to Give an Opinion on a Public Figure's Mental State?
Psychiatry Investigation 2018;15(2):101-101
No abstract available.
3.Psycho-spiritual paradigm in caring for the critically and terminally ill
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 1999;23(1):11-13
The renewed emphasis on dynamic psychiatry is a countervailing response to the giant leaps in Biologic Psychiatry in the last 2-3 decades. The psychiatrist is uniquely endowed with his medical background and psychological orientation to travel through the bio-psycho-spiritual interface of human existence and accompany the critically and terminally ill.
4.Social psychiatry and the changing world
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 1999;23(2):12-17
Social changes known to be prevalent in the world today, especially those identified in developing countries also prevail in the Philippines. These social transformations have had an impact on individuals and communities. What has become clear is that the political and social forces that have generated such changes have contributed significantly to an increase in the world-wide incidence of psychosocial and mental health problems.
5.Ten Years' Reminiscence of the Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry 2004;8(1):11-14
No abstract available.
Geriatric Psychiatry*
6.Professor Edmond Chiu and Korean Geriatric Psychiatry.
Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry 2003;7(2):105-107
No abstract available.
Geriatric Psychiatry*
7.Child psychiatry: past, present and future
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 1999;23(2):29-32
There is a healthy interest in developing and propagating child psychiatry in the Asian region. Linkages are currently being made among the existing programs in the region.
8.International perspectives of psychiatric ethics.
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2015;37(1):12-15
In this paper, the fundamental assumptions of ethics, values and individual moral agency were reviewed so as to arrive at a position that reconciles the tension between universal moral codes and the contextual influences of different psychiatric professional groups. The moral imperatives that merge from the Nuremburg 'Doctor's trial' and the subsequent allegations of abuses of power by psychiatrists under other authoritarian regimes necessitated the development of universal proclamations of ethical conduct. In light of this tension, the argument that a middle ground of negotiated morality according to basic Hippocratic notions and respect for life can become the foundation of binding moral absolutes in psychiatric ethics. It is neither credible nor possible to assert broader ethical maxims within the psychiatric profession, given the different contexts in which professional groups practice their craft. In conclusion, the empirical studies of the value systems of different psychiatric professions should be elaborated and that these be compared to identify the common ground that might form the basis of a global code of ethics for psychiatry.
Ethics ; Psychiatry
9.Geriatric psychiatry in the Philippines
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 1999;23(2):33-
Geriatric psychiatry as a subspecialty is relatively new in our country. However, for a long time, psychiatrists in the Philippines have been treating elderly psychiatric patients.
10.Case Report of A Young Girl with Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous and Psychosis
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2019;15(2):160-162
Childhood- and adolescent-onset schizophrenia are rare. Along with positive, negative, affective and cognitive symptoms, eye-tracking dysfunction characterized by a disturbance in the smooth pursuit system has been the only associated visual impairment found in schizophrenia. This case report highlights a case of a child with persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous who had gradual onset of psychosis over two years duration. A final diagnosis of schizophrenia was considered and she was started on antipsychotics, to which she showed gradual response with mild extrapyramidal side effects
Child psychiatry