1.GnRH agonist and GnRH antagonist in intracytoplasmic injection cycles.
M R Zainul Rashid ; F B Ong ; M H Omar ; S P Ng ; A Nurshaireen ; N S M N Sharifah-Teh ; A H Fazilah ; M A Zamzarina
The Medical journal of Malaysia 2008;63(2):113-7
The long agonistic protocol for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) is effective and used most often, thus is considered the gold standard. Therefore any new regimen has to be compared in its results with those obtained with the long protocol. This report compares the efficacy of GnRH agonist and antagonist in a retrospective study of IVF/ICSI carried out in a tertiary teaching hospital from 2003 to 2006. Only the first COH cycle followed by IVF-ICSI from 200 couples (agonist = 120 and antagonist = 80) were analysed. The end points studied included the number of oocytes recovered, number of mature (MII) oocytes, fertilization, cleavage, morphology based embryo quality, pregnancy rate, quantity and cost of gonadotrophin. The average age of female subjects was 35.1 +/- 4.7 years with 50% being 35 years and above. Major infertility factors were tubal blockage, male factor and endometriosis altogether comprising 68%. GnRH agonist and antagonist cycle parameters were comparable except lesser amount of gonadotrophin was used with lower resultant costs (both p < 0.0005) in antagonistic regime. Antagonist regime produce somewhat more good quality embryos (p = 0.065), an insignificant difference. A clinical pregnancy rate per embryo transfer of 16.3% in agonist and 20.6% in antagonist regime was achieved respectively. In conclusion, GnRH antagonist protocol produced a COH response, embryonic development and pregnancy rates on par to GnRH agonist regime. Moreover GnRH antagonist protocol required a shorter stimulation period plus fewer complications. Hence GnRH antagonist regime provided means for a friendlier, convenient and cost effective protocol for patients.
Protocols documentation
Encounter due to In vitro fertilization
Sperm Injections, Intracytoplasmic
2.Fundamental Study of Reduced Radiation Exposure of Virtual Endoscopy by 16 DAS MDCT
Yasuji YAMADA ; Masanori KATOH ; Makoto NAGAI ; Shingo OKAZAKI ; Shunichi NAKAMURA ; Tsukasa SUGAWARA ; Norio KONDOH ; Kencho MIYASHITA ; Akira FUJINAGA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2006;55(5):459-464
Our aim was to study the scan protocol of 16 DAS (Data Acquisition System) multidetector-row CT (MDCT) and to ascertain whether we could reduce radiation exposure and scanning time, while maintaing image quality in the Virtual endoscopy (VE).We made a mimic gastrointestinal tract and examined the result by changing a scan protocol of 16 DAS MDCT.We found that a reduction of radiation exposure and scanning time depended on slice width, angle of the table, rotation time, table speed, mAs/slice and resolution.The study confirmed that it was possible to use the scan protocol of MDCT with a radiographic dose of 40% and scanning time of 50%, without changing image quality in the VE.
amsonic acid
Protocols documentation
Accident due to exposure to weather conditions