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Author:( Phuong Thi Nguyen)

1.Effects of artesunate in the cobination of other antimalarial drugs on activities of some murine plasma enzymes

Ngoc Thi Phuong Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2002;18(2):24-29

2.Investigation of increase of preoperative blood CA-125 in patients with primary ovarian carcinoma

Phuong Thi Nguyen

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1999;(6):27-30

3.Management of toxic drug, stupefacients, psychotropes and pro-drug in hospital

Cham Thi Phuong Nguyen

Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;282(10):2-3

4.Some opinions of monitoring the adverse drug reactions in hospitals throughout the country in 1998:

Cham Thi Phuong Nguyen

Pharmaceutical Journal 2000;291(7):2-3

5.Some results in study on Japanese peppermint SK-33

Thao Thi Phuong Nguyen

Pharmaceutical Journal 1998;272(12):10-11

6.Simultaneous Determination of Berberine and Palmatine in “Huong Lien Hoan” by HPLC

Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao

Journal of Medicinal Materials - Hanoi 2003;8(2):45-49

7.Study on the tocolysis effectiveness of nifedipin on uterine contraction in the management of preterm labor

Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong

Journal of Medical Research 2005;36(3):44-52

8.Cervical cancer screening

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(6):11-16

9.Investigation of oral bacteria in Vietnam dental plaque

Nguyen Thi Mai Phuong

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2003;287(8):11-17

10.Polyphenolic component of fruit skin of Garcinia mangostana L. and inhibitory effect on acid production by Streptococcus mutans GS-5

Nguyen Thi Mai Phuong

Pharmaceutical Journal 2004;44(6):18-21

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