1.A patient evaluated for chronic iron deficiency anaemia.
Vui Heng CHONG ; Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(1):49-49
A middle aged patient with end stage renal failure on regular dialysis was referred for evaluation
of chronic iron deficiency anaemia. Previous faecal occult blood testing had been positive four out
of five times. Previous two upper gastrointestinal endoscopies had been reported as moderate to
severe antral gastritis. A colonoscopy only showed grade I haemorrhoids. He had also required
regular blood transfusion. A repeat endoscopy was carried out and this finding is shown in the
panel above. A biopsy was also taken for histological evaluation.
What is the diagnosis?
Answer: refer to page 70
2.A patient evaluated for chronic iron deficiency anaemia - Answers.
Vui Heng CHONG ; Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(1):70-70
(Refer to page 49)
Answer: Gastric antral vascular
ectasia or Watermelon stomach
The endoscopy showed several antral inflammatory
folds with linear red stripes running at
the crests of the folds or parallel to the folds.
These erythematous stripes are vascular ectasia,
dilated vascular channels located within
the mucosa and submucosa. Histology typically
show fibromuscular hyperplasia of the
lamina propria and dilated vascular channels
with clots (Panel a). Special staining for vascular
endothelium will show increase density
(Panel b).
3.Methylene blue for sentinel lymph node localisation in breast cancer surgery: Experience of RIPAS Hospital
Sonal TRIPATHI ; Hani TRASIL ; Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(3):117-121
Axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) is a standard procedure in the management of breast cancer for diagnosis of axillary node metastasis and for local control. The aim of this study was to investigate the ease and the effectiveness of using methylene blue dye in the localisation of sentinel lymph node (SLN) and biopsy (SLNB) in patients undergoing surgery for breast cancer at RIPAS Hospital.
Materials and Methods
Twenty-five patients with confirmed fine needle aspiration cytological diagnosis of breast cancer, who were undergoing planned mastectomy and axillary node clearance, were included in the study. Four to five milliliters of methylene blue dye was injected into the peri-tumour area 20 to 30 minutes preoperatively before surgical incision was made. All SLNs were submitted for intra-operative frozen section analysis. All patients underwent mastectomy and Level II axillary clearance.
Methylene blue dye staining and localisation of SLNs were positive in 22 (88%) patients, out of which 10 (45.45%) patients had SLN which were positive for metastasis. In three patients (12%), the dye failed to reach the axilla with one patient having micro-metastasis in the axillary lymph nodes. The mean duration to SLN harvesting was 20 min (range 15 to 25 min) after injection of the methylene blue. Complications included blue discolouration of urine (28%), post-operative fever (4%), tattooing near the scar (4%) and a small area of skin necrosis near the scar (4%).
In our setting, SLNB using methylene blue dye is also an effective method for accurately identifying SLNs in breast cancer patients and provide an accurate pathological staging without having to do a formal axillary clearance.
4.Lymphangioma of the ovary
Ghazala KAFEEL ; Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE ; Hla OO
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(3):145-148
Lymphangioma of the ovary is an extremely rare lesion. There are only 19 cases reported in the literature. Lymphangioma is usually unilateral and asymptomatic, presenting as an incidental finding during routine gynaecologic procedures. It is composed of aggregates of lymphatic spaces in ovarian stroma and the endothelial cells lining these spaces stain positively with CD-31 and CD-34 on immunostaining. The main differential diagnosis is an adenomatoid tumour which can be differentiated from the lymphangioma by immunohistochemical studies. We report this rare lesion in a 42-year-old Malay lady diagnosed after total abdominal hysterectomy and right salpingo-oophrectomy. A literature review is presented and the histological and immunohistological findings along with differential diagnosis are discussed.
5.A glimpse at male infertility based on semen analyses in Brunei Darussalam.
Siti Zurainah ABDUL HAMID ; Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(2):83-91
Introduction: Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive children and the causes are equally divided between males and females. Considerable advances have been made in treatment of infertility amongst women, especially with the introduction of in-vitro fertilisation. However there is very little progress made in treating the male infertility. Male causes of infertility can be categorised into pre-testicular, testicular and post-testicular. This study looked at the causes of infertility amongst the males, based on the semen analysis in our local setting. Materials and Methods: From 2006-2008, 1,242 semen specimens were received for analysis. Subjects were instructed on proper semen collection using the World Health Organisation criteria, where the specimen is collected following three days of abstinence and sent to the laboratory within one hour of collection. Semen samples were examined microscopically for morphology, motility and the concentration. Results: Interestingly, 109 subjects (8.8%) had normal spermatozoa (normal analyses) and this included 38 patients (34.2%) whose initial analyses were abnormal. 57 (4.6%) subjects were azoospermic. 730 (58.8%) men had more than two abnormalities in spermatozoa and a further 217 (17.5%) men had abnormal morphology alone. Among patients with two or more abnormalities, a majority had three abnormalities and this was consistently seen in all age groups. There was a trend towards less severe abnormalities from 2006 to 2008. Conclusions: Majority had more than two abnormalities and abnormal morphology and they may not be able to father a child normally. However they may be able to have an offspring by assisted reproductive methods. Only a minority was azoospermic and they will not be able to father any children even with assisted reproductive techniques. Interestingly, 8.8% had normal analyses suggesting other causes of infertility such their female partners or improper techniques.
6.Eccrine Porocarcinoma.
Kenneth Yuh Yen KOK ; Pemasiri Upali Telisinghe
Brunei International Medical Journal 2011;7(2):92-96
Eccrine porocarcinoma is an extremely rare malignant cutaneous neoplasm. This tumour has an indolent behavior and misleading clinical diagnosis often leading to a delay in definitive treatment. The definitive diagnosis is made by histopathology since clinical findings often vary. The tumour must be considered in the differential diagnosis of elderly patients presenting with long standing skin lesion with a recent history of accelerated growth rate. Because of its reported high rate of local recurrence, a wide excision of the tumour with clear resection margins is mandatory. Close long term follow up is required. We present herein two cases of eccrine porocarcinoma.
7.Gliosis of the cervix.
Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE ; Ghazala KAFEEL ; Hla OO
Brunei International Medical Journal 2011;7(3):173-176
Cervical glial polyps or gliosis of uterine cervix are rare. These are rare polypoidal mesenchymal tumours and usually manifest with vaginal bleeding, post-coital bleeding or cervical discharge. Microscopically these polyps show heterotopic glial tissue with varying degree of gliosis. Immunoperoxidase staining with Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) confirms the glial nature of the polyp. Controversies remain regarding the origin. Some consider them to be foetal implants following termination of pregnancy whilst others consider them to be metaplastic in nature. We report a rare case of cervical gliosis that was diagnosed after histological examination of the resected specimen in a 32-year-old lady who presented with irregular per vagina bleeding.
8.A man with foot ulcer.
Prathibha Parampalli SUBRAHAMANYA ; Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE
Brunei International Medical Journal 2011;7(4):210-210
A 59-year-old Malay man presented with a keratinising lesion over the dorsum of right toe. The
resected specimen was an ulcerated necrotic skin covered lesion that measured 5 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm.
The cut surface showed blackish powdery granular material embedded in nonviable tissue (Panel
A; Haematoxylin and Eosin stain, B; Grocott (Silver) stain and C; Periodic Acid Schiff [PAS]
What is the diagnosis?
Answer: refer to page 238
9.A man with foot ulcer - Answers.
Prathibha Parampalli SUBRAHAMANYA ; Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE
Brunei International Medical Journal 2011;7(4):238-238
(Refer to page 210)
Answer: Eumycetoma (Madurella
mycetoma or Maduramycosis)
Mycetoma is an uncommon localised chronic
infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
that can be due to fungus (eumycetoma) or
bacteria (actinomycetoma). It is characterised
by a triad of tumefaction, draining sinuses
(usually in late stage) and presence of the
exudates containing colonial grains. Mycetoma
infection is classified based on the
aetiological agents and colour of the grains
(Refer to supplementary text).
10.Cystic carcinoma of the neck
Prathiba Parampalli SUBRHAMANYA ; Ghazala KAFEEL ; Hla OO ; Pemasiri Upali TELISINGHE
Brunei International Medical Journal 2010;6(1):56-60
Malignant cystic lesions of the lateral side of the neck are usually due to metastasis and are rarely primary carcinoma. The most common is metastatic cystic squamous cell carcinoma arising from a primary site at the Waldeyer's ring. However, they can arise from papillary carcinoma of thyroid, lung and mediastinum but very rarely from the abdominal and pelvic organs without regional lymph node involvement. Therefore, accurate diagnosis is very important for appropriate management. We report two cases of cystic squamous cell carcinoma of the lateral neck; cystic metastasis from an occult squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and a primary branchiogenic carcinoma. We emphasize the importance of meticulous search for the primary malignant lesions in cases of cystic carcinoma of the neck.