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Author:( Paulette D. Nacpil-Dominguez)

1.Who we are: Demographic and stress profile of the Philippine LIFECARE cohort.

Sison Olivia T ; Ngalob Queenie G ; Punzalan Felix Eduardo R ; Castillo-Carandang Nina T ; Nacpil-Dominguez Paulette D ; Llanes Elmer Jasper B ; Velandria Felicidad V ; Reganit Paul Ferdinand M ; Gumatay Wilbert Allan G ; Sy Rody G

Acta Medica Philippina 2014;48(2):41-46

2.Where we are: socio-ecological and health profile of the Philippine LIFEcourse study in CARdiovascular disease epidemiology (LIFECARE) study sites.

Llanes Elmer Jasper B ; Nacpil-Dominguez Paulette D ; Sy Rody G ; Castillo-Carandang Nina T ; Punzalan Felix Eduardo R ; Reganit Paul Ferdinand M ; Gumatay Wilbert Allan G ; Sison Olivia T ; Ngalob Queenie G ; Velandria Felicidad V

Acta Medica Philippina 2014;48(2):47-55

3.Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in relation to socio-demographic profile of the life course study in cardiovascular disease epidemiology study (LIFECARE) Philippine cohort.

Punzalan Felix Eduardo R ; Sy Rody G ; Sison Olivia T ; Castillo-Carandang Nina T ; Gumatay Wilbert Allan G ; Reganit Paul Ferdinand M ; Nacpil-Dominguez Paulette D ; Ngalob Queenie G ; Velandria Felicidad V ; Llanes Elmer Jasper B

Acta Medica Philippina 2014;48(2):62-69

4.Incidence and associated risk factors of hypertension among apparently healthy adult Filipinos in the LIFECARE Philippine cohort study

Elmer Jasper B. Llanes ; Olivia T. Sison ; Felix Eduardo R. Punzalan ; Jose Eduardo DL Duya ; Nina T. Castillo-Carandang ; Wilbert Allan G. Gumatay ; Paulette D. Nacpil-Dominguez ; Paul Ferdinand M. Reganit ; Rody G. Sy

Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(Early Access 2024):1-9

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