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Author:( Patricia A. NACIANCENO)

1.Dermatomyositis Presenting as Life-threatening Hypercalcemia

Harold Henrison CHIU ; Patricia Pauline REMALANTE ; Remalante NACIANCENO ; Rogelio VELASCO JR ; Ramon LARRAZABAL JR ; Geraldine ZAMORA

Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2020;27(4):285-289

2.Intralesional measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine for cutaneous warts: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Patricia A. NACIANCENO ; Marie Len A. CAMACLANG ; Francisca DC. ROA

Acta Medica Philippina 2019;53(2):162-170

3.Reduced levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in alopecia areata: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Felix Paolo J. LIZARONDO ; Patricia A. NACIANCENO ; Claudine YAP-SILVA

Acta Medica Philippina 2019;53(2):152-161

4.Complementary and alternative medicine use and quality of life among Filipino Adult Psoriasis Vulgaris Patients seen in a tertiary center: A cross-sectional study

Marie Len A. Camaclang-Balmores ; Ma. Lorna F. Frez ; Patricia A. Nacianceno ; Jay-V James G. Barit

Acta Medica Philippina 2021;55(5):530-537

5.Determination of the antimicrobial property of oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng.) crude aqueous leaf extract against throat pathogens using broth and checkerboard dilution methods.

Sofia Isabel T. Manlubatan ; Kara Mae H. Matias ; Kenneth Roy P. Mendoza ; Sheryll Anne R. Manalili ; Kris Conrad M. Mangunay ; Christine Mae G. Olivar ; Johnnel G. Pahila ; Greco Mark B. Malijan ; Paulo Miguel G. Manzanilla ; Marie Abigail M. Marin ; Ramon Joseph Y. Mata ; Abdel Hadi M. Mohammad Isa ; Carla Maja Lizl A. Montañ ; a ; Maika Kamille M. Mortell ; Mark Terence P. Mujer ; Patricia A. Nacianceno ; Maria Regina Rocio S. Naval ; Joseph V. Orañ ; o ; Gabriel M. Ozoa ; Alfredo P. Pacheco ; Leonila E. Casanova ; Cleotilde H. How

Acta Medica Philippina 2022;56(5):6-16

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