1.Malaysian private general practitioners’ views and experiences on continuous professional development: A qualitative study
Abdul Samad N ; Md Zain A ; Osman R ; Lee PY ; Ng CJ
Malaysian Family Physician 2014;9(2):34-40
Introduction: Continuous professional development (CPD) is an important aspect of a medical practitioner’s career. Aiming to be at par with other developed countries for high quality of professional practice, Malaysia is planning to implement compulsory CPD for the doctors.
Aim: The aim of the study was to explore the private general practitioners’ (GPs) views, experiences and needs regarding CPD programme in the primary care service.
Methods: This study used a qualitative methodology. Seven semi-structured interviews and three focus group discussions were conducted with private general practitioners from an urban area of Malaysia between January and December 2012. An interview topic guide was developed based on literature review and researchers’ discussions and it was used to guide the interviews. All the interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and the transcripts formed the data for analysis using the thematic approach.
Results: GPs undertook a wide range of CPD programmes to keep up with medical advances, meet patients’ expectations and improve financial rewards. Conferences, lectures and online recourses were the most mentioned methods of keeping updated. Some of the GPs felt that peer
motivation and networking seem to motivate and facilitate participation in CPD programmes. However, they were wary of the validity and relevance of some CPD programmes, particularly those related to pharmaceutical industry. Although the participants agreed to the new mandatory
CPD regulation, they voiced concerns on how it would be implemented and wished for a more effective method of monitoring.
Conclusions: Organised peer support and relevant CPD content may improve GP participation in CPD but adequate regulatory measure should be in place to monitor the CPD activities.
Education, Medical
Primary Health Care
Education, Professional
2. Effectiveness of some herbals on initial enamel caries lesion
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2016;6(10):846-850
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of herbal medicaments such as ginger, rosemary and honey on remineralization of initial enamel lesion. Methods Demineralized human enamel specimens were measured for baseline surface microhardness and fluorescence methods. Ten specimens in each of four groups were used in this in vitro recycling study with the following treatments which applied three times a day: 1) sodium fluoride toothpaste (Ipana, Procter & Gamble, Turkey), 2) ginger-honey (Arifoglu Herbals, Anzer Honey, Turkey), 3) ginger-honey-chocolate (Bind Chocolate, Turkey), 4) rosemary oil (Arifoglu Herbals, Turkey). Treatment regimens of demineralization and remineralization cycle were applied for 21 days. The post-treatment data were obtained by measurements of surface microhardness and fluorescence methods. Data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA test with Tukey's honest significant difference test. Results Enhanced remineralization was observed with several of the treatment systems including ginger + honey and rosemary. Significant differences between treatments were observed by microhardness and FluoreCam fluorescence assesment, compared to the positive control group (NaF dentifrice). Significantly, greater remineralization was observed with the honey + ginger treatment regimen. No significant differences between groups were observed using the fluorescence assessment method, quantitative light-induced fluorescence. Conclusions Herbals (ginger, honey and rosemary) have enhanced remineralization of initial enamel lesion.