Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2009;58(2):285-294
The present study was to evaluate endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein expression and hemodynamics of pulmonary circulation in rats of "Living high and Training low" (LH+TL). The Sprague Dawley strain of male rats were used at the age of 9 weeks. They were divided according to four conditions of a living low (LL) group, living low and training low (LL+TL) group, living high (LH) group and LH+TL group, for 10 days. We assessed the effects of LH+TL on exercise-induced pulmonary arterial pressure and blood lactic acids under sea-level altitude in catheter-implanted conscious rats. Also, we measured the pulmonary artery under anesthesia and analyzed eNOS protein expression by western blot analysis. The blood lactate levels in the LH+TL rats decreased after maximal treadmill running compared to LL, LL+TL and LH rats (p<0.05). The increase in pulmonary arterial blood pressure with exercise was significantly lower in the LH+TL group than in the LL group (p<0.05). The eNOS protein expressions of pulmonary artery were higher in the LH+TL group than in the LL group (p<0.05). This study indicates that LH+TL reduced the increase of pulmonary arterial blood pressure with exercise at below sea-level altitude. In addition, eNOS protein expressions were enhanced in the pulmonary arteries of LH+TL rats. Thus, we conclude that the high altitude training of LH+TL was a useful method for improvement of endurance exercise ability and this improvement may be associated with pulmonary arterial response.
4.A Novel Approach to Surgical Treatment of Scimitar Syndrome: Relocation of the Anomalous Pulmonary Vein and Intra-Atrial Baffle Rerouting
Yoshimasa Uno ; Takaaki Suzuki ; Kentaro Hotoda ; Osamu Ishida ; Toyoki Fukuda
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2007;36(5):305-308
Scimitar syndrome is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly with anomalous right pulmonary veins draining to the inferior caval vein. Currently, it is widely accepted that there are 2 forms of presentation with either an infantile manifestation or an adult form. Patients in the latter category are usually less severely affected and frequently asymptomatic on diagnosis. A 16-year-old boy who had been given a diagnosis of scimitar syndrome was observed for years because of his unwillingness to undergo surgery. However, since the latest catheter examination demonstrated an elevated pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio of 2.39, he consented to undergo surgical treatment. Preoperative studies demonstrated an intact atrial septum and abnormal bronchial arborization of the right lung. Pulmonary angiography demonstrated abnormal right pulmonary veins that converged to a single venous trunk, the so-called scimitar vein, and drained into the inferior caval vein at the level of diaphragma. Because of the morphological abnormalities including a wide distance between the pulmonary veno-caval junction and interatrial septum, counterclockwise rotation of the heart, and a small left atrium, surgical management was performed with a novel approach, consisting of relocation of the scimitar vein to the anterolateral wall of the right atrium, total excision of the oval fossa, and intra-atrial baffle rerouting with the pulmonary venous blood being conveyed to the left atrium through the atrial septal defect. During the cardiopulmonary bypass vacuum assisted venous drainage through a femoral venous cannula was highly effective to secure a clear operative field without occlusion of the inferior caval vein. Postoperative recovery was uneventful and the repeat Doppler echocardiography demonstrated an unobstructed flow through the baffle. This experience indicates that the above novel approach is a promising surgical option for the management of scimitar syndrome.
5.Reliability of the Estimation of Non-Metabolic CO2 Output During Incremental Exercise.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2001;50(1):129-138
It is known that lactic anions and hydrogen ions (H+) produced during intense exercise are partly transported or diffused from muscle to blood resulting in the production of non-metabolic CO2 through the bicarbonate buffering system. The purpose of the present study was to examine the reliability of the estimation of non-metabolic CO2 output using respiratory gas analysis during incremental exercise. Six healthy subjects underwent an incremental pedaling exercise test accompanied by respiratory gas and arterial blood sampling. The rate of non-metabolic CO2 output (VCO2-NM) was calculated by subtracting projected metabolic VCO2 from actual VCO2 after CO2 threshold (CT) . CT was determined using a modified V-Slope method. Bicarbonate (HCO3-), pH, CO2 partial pressure and lactate concentration were measured from arterial blood samples using automatic analyzers. The kinetics of VCO2-NM and HCO2- were compared throughout the exercise test. VCO2-NM was significantly correlated with HCO3-decrease after CT (r=0.976, p<0.001) and the kinetics of VCO2-NM and HCO3- decrease were similar during exercise. Furthermore, the amount of non-metabolic CO2 output (NM-CO2) calculated integrating VCO2-NM above CT was significantly correlated with the difference in HCO3-between CT and exhaustion (r=0.929, p<0.01) and with the difference in arterial blood pH between rest and exhaustion (r=0.863, p<0.05) . However, NM-CO2 was not significantly related to maximum ventilation (r=0.111, ns) . These results suggest that the estimation of non-metabolic CO2 output during incremental exercise proposed in the present study is reliable. It was also suggested that the primary factor which influenced nonmetabolic CO2 output during incremental exercise was the addition of H+ into blood and not hyperventilation.
6.Effects of Low-Intensity Brief Exercise and Training on Cell-Mediated Immunity
Osamu TERADA ; Katsuhiko SUZUKI ; Yoshiko KURIHARA ; Satoru MORIGUCHI
Japanese Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2007;4(2):71-77
We investigated the effects of low-intensity brief exercise on lymphocyte functions and plasma cytokine concentrations. Six young sedentary women performed 30-min walking exercise (6 km/h, 50–65% HR max) per day for 3 weeks. Each subject’s peripheral blood was sampled before training, 1 week and 3 weeks after training, and analyzed for natural killer (NK) cell activity, T cell proliferation activity, granzyme B, interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p40 and interferon.γ (IFN-γ). Lymphocyte functions did not change significantly following training, but plasma concentrations of IL-12p40 decreased significantly. These results suggest that cytokine balance towards significant Th1>Th2 is induced by low-intensity training.
7.Fate of the Communicated False Lumen Following Surgical Treatment for Aortic Dissection.
Shigeru Hosaka ; Kihachiro Kamiya ; Shoji Suzuki ; Osamu Suzuki ; Shinpei Yoshii ; Ryoichi Hashimoto ; Yusuke Tada
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1996;25(2):99-104
The purpose of this study was to estimate the postoperative growth of untreated segments of the dissected aorta with non-thrombotic communicating false lumen, and also to evaluate the clinical outcome in relation to the aortic enlargement after surgery. Nineteen patients who underwent surgical treatment of aortic dissection were studied with enhanced CT scans and angiograms during the postoperative follow-up period. In Stanford type A patients, mean aortic dilatation rate calculated at the segment showing maximal dilatation was 5.1mm/year during 13-82 months (average, 41 months) after surgery, as a sequela of enlargement of the false lumen. Differences in the aortic dilatation rates between the different segments of the aorta were observed and these were per annum 4.8mm in the ascending aorta, 5.4mm in the transverse aortic arch, 4.3mm in the proximal descending aorta, 2.7mm in the distal descending aorta and 2.4mm in the abdominal aorta. In all patients, major communications were detected at the perianastomotic sites on angiography. In Stanford type B patients, false lumens with small communications were observed to show gradual thrombotic occlusion, but no significant aortic dilatation was detected during the follow-up period (13-70 months, average: 44 months), except three cases of sudden death who had major communications. Nine late events related to dissection, consisting of 4 sudden deaths suspected to be due to aortic rupture, 2 intestinal necroses and 3 cerebral infarctions, occured in 6 patients (32%), among which three patients had undergone arterial fenestration, one of whom had double barrel anastomosis. In the remaining two, major leakages were recognized at distal aortic anastomotic sites on postoperative angiography. The results of this study, we stress the importance of periodic check-ups using enhanced CT scan and if necessary, angiography after surgery of the patients having communicating false lumen. Early detection of progressive aneurysm formation and timely surgical reintervention can yield a good prognosis.
8.Tricuspid Valve Plasty Using Autologous Pericardium for a Patient with Infectious Endocarditis
Hideyuki Kato ; Hideo Yoshida ; Kunikazu Hisamochi ; Keiji Yunoki ; Makoto Mouri ; Noriyuki Tokunaga ; Toshihiko Suzuki ; Osamu Oba
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(5):340-343
A 27-year-old woman was given a diagnosis of infectious endocarditis with severe tricuspid regurgitation. Despite adequate antibiotics therapy, her general condition did not improve, and moreover multiple pulmonary abscesses were detected by computed tomography. Therefore surgery was indicated. Surgery consisted of removal of vegetation and tricuspid valve plasty with autologous pericardial patch augmentation of the anterior leaflet. Tricuspid valve plasty was carried out without prosthetic materials. Her postoperative course was uneventful with only mild tricuspid regurgitation. One year after surgery, neither recurrence of infection nor worsening of tricuspid regurgitation was noted. This method could be a useful technique for young patients with severe infection.
9.Left Ventricular Free Wall Rupture Followed by Papillary Muscle Rupture Combined with Acute Myocardial Infarction
Junko Kobayashi ; Hideo Yoshida ; Hideyuki Kato ; Toshihiko Suzuki ; Makoto Mohri ; Keiji Yunoki ; Kunikazu Hisamochi ; Osamu Oba
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010;39(3):129-132
We described a patient with free wall rupture followed by papillary muscle rupture due to acute myocardial infarction. A 69-year-old man was transferred complaining of transient unconsciousness. His clinical history, electrocardiogram, and chest CT showed myocardial infarction with free wall rupture indicated that several days had passed since the onset. Coronary angiography showed occlusion of the right coronary artery and severe stenosis of the left anterior descending artery. Since cardiac rupture was at inferior wall and hemorrhage wasn't active, repair of the rupture using fibrin glue and fibrin sheet and coronary artery bypass grafting to the left anterior descending artery was performed without cardiopulmonary bypass. On the 10th postoperative day, his arterial oxygen saturation suddenly deteriorated. Transesophageal echocardiography revealed papillary muscle rupture and severe mitral regurgitation. Emergency mitral valve replacement was performed. After two emergency operations, he gradually recovered and were discharged to home. In three months after discharge, he was admitted again due to congestive heart failure with left ventricular aneurysm at inferior wall and recovered in response of conservative treatment. Surgical experience of double rupture is rare. Based on this case, it may be necessary to perform reperfusion therapy toward even this case of recent myocardial infarction, to prevent papillary muscle rupture. It also may be better to use a patch on free wall rupture to prevent cardiac aneurysm.
10.Pulmonary Valve Endocarditis: Report of a Case and Collective Review of Japanese Cases.
Yutaka KOTSUKA ; Ryushi MURAKAMI ; Takeshi MIYAIRI ; Osamu MORIZUKI ; Makoto TAKEDA ; Masaru SUZUKI ; Junji KANDA ; Akira MIZUNO
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1991;20(7):1321-1325
A case of a 51-year old male with pulmonary valve endocarditis accompanied by aortic regurgitation, and ruptured aneurysm of Valsalva sinus was reported. Repeated blood cultures grew α-streptococcus on a single occasion. After medical treatment, resection of pulmonary valve vegetation, resection and patch closure of aneurysm, and aortic valve replacement were performed successfully. Twenty one cases of pulmonary valve endocarditis reported in Japan, including our case, were collected and reviewed. Causative organism was streptococcus in 93% of cases. No case of intravenous drug abuse was found in this series. A variety of preexisting heart diseses were found in 20 cases out of 21 (95%). All these diseases were congenital ones, such as ven-tricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary stenosis and ruptured aneurysm of Valsalva sinus. This fact means that jet lesion of pulmonary valve is a major predisposing factor of pulmonary valve endocarditis. Surgical procedures were reported in 12 cases: resection of vegetation in 4 cases, resection of pulmonary valve in 2, and pulmonary valve replacement in 5. Appropriate surgical procedures should be chosen, depending upon the activity of infective endocarditis, severity of destruction of the valve, and pulmonary vascular resistance.