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Author:( Onaiwu Idahosa Enabulele)

1.Aetiologic Agents of Fevers of Unknown Origin among Patients in Benin City, Nigeria

Christopher Aye Egbe ; Onaiwu Idahosa Enabulele

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2014;21(1):37-43

2.Sero prevalence of Hepatitis B virus among infertile women recruited for Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART)

Abieyuwa Patricia Osemwenkha ; Kennedy Osegua Ibadin ; Onaiwu Idahosa Enabulele ; Isaiah Ndubuisi Ibeh

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2011;7(4):230-232

3.Effect of Salmonella enterica ser. Typhi on the gut population of Lactobacillus spp. among typhoid patients in Ondo State, Nigeria

Enabulele Onaiwu Idahosa ; Fadare Olalekan Shadrach

Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 2023;19(no.4):392-401

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