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Author:( Omar, B)

1.Field observation on the efficacy of Toxorhynchites splendens (Wiedemann) as a biocontrol agent against Aedes albopictus (Skuse) larvae in a cemetery

Nyamah, M.A.,* ; Sulaiman, S. ; Omar, B.

Tropical Biomedicine 2011;28(2):312-319

2.Morphological descriptions on the larvae of Hypopygiopsis fumipennis (Walker, 1856) (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

Heo, C.C ; Latif, B ; Silahuddin, S.A ; Nazni, W.A ; Omar, B.

Tropical Biomedicine 2015;32(1):151-159

3.New locality record of Isomyia paurogonita Fang & Fan, 1986 (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo

Heo, C.C. ; Aisha, S. ; Kurahashi, H. ; Omar, B

Tropical Biomedicine 2013;30(1):159-163

4.Multiple species of scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) as contaminants in forensic entomology laboratory insect colony

Zuha, R.M., Jenarthanan, L.X.Q., Disney, R.H.L., Omar, B.

Tropical Biomedicine 2015;32(3):568-572

5.An occurrence of Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp) (Diptera: Muscidae) from a human corpse in a high-rise building in Malaysia: A case report

Syamsa, R.A. ; Ahmad, F.M.S. ; Zuha, R.M. ; Khairul, A.Z. ; Marwi, M.A. ; Shahrom, A.W. ; Omar, B.

Tropical Biomedicine 2012;29(1):107-112

6.Forensic entomology of high-rise buildings in Malaysia: Three case reports

Syamsa, R.A. ; Omar, B. ; Zuha, R.M. ; Faridah, M.N. ; Swarhib, M.S. ; Hidayatulfathi, O. ; Shahrom, A.W.

Tropical Biomedicine 2015;32(2):291-299

7.In Vitro Cytotoxic and Anticancer Effects of Zamzam Water in Human Lung Cancer (A594) Cell Line

Ulfat M. Omar ; Huda A. Al Doghaither ; Sawsan A. Rahimulddin ; Shiekhah M. Al Zahrani ; Ayat B. Al-Ghafari

Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 2017;24(3):15-25

8.Morphological descriptions of second and third instar larvae of Hypopygiopsis violacea Macquart (Diptera:Calliphoridae), a forensically important fly in Malaysia.

Ahmad Firdaus, M S ; Marwi, M A ; Syamsa, R A ; Zuha, R M ; Ikhwan, Z ; Omar, B

Tropical Biomedicine 2010;27(1):134-7

9.Light microscopy and molecular identification of Sarcocystis spp. in meat producing animals in Selangor, Malaysia

Latif, B., Kannan Kutty, M., Muslim, A., Hussaini, J., Omar, E., Heo, C.C., Rossle, N.F., Abdullah, S. Kamarudin, M.A. and Zulkarnain, M.A.

Tropical Biomedicine 2015;32(3):444-452

10.GnRH agonist and GnRH antagonist in intracytoplasmic injection cycles.

M R Zainul Rashid ; F B Ong ; M H Omar ; S P Ng ; A Nurshaireen ; N S M N Sharifah-Teh ; A H Fazilah ; M A Zamzarina

The Medical journal of Malaysia 2008;63(2):113-7

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