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Author:( Olveda Mildred B)

1.A cross-sectional survey on the awareness and basic knowledge on newborn hearing screening of obstetric and pediatric residents

Eduardo C Yap ; Mildred B Olveda ; Lucia Amycel T Ignacio

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2005;20(1-2):25-30

2.The sail excision technique: A modified alar lift procedure for Southeast Asians noses.

Baladiang Dennis Eusebio A ; Olveda Mildred B ; Yap Eduardo C

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2010;25(1):31-37

3.Topical cepae extract-heparin sodium-allantoin gel versus placebo on hypertrophic thyroidectomy scars: A randomized, double- blinded, split-scar controlled trial.

Michael Paolo M. Tapangco ; Waynn Neilsen Destriza ; Bernardo D. Dimacali ; Mildred B. Olveda

Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2012;27(2):12-16

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