1.A reappraisal of secondary bilateral synchrony.
Neurology Asia 2007;12(1):29-35
A reappraisal was made with respect to a classical observation of the mode of instrumental phase reversals on inter-ictal EEG of seemingly bilateral synchronous spike-wave discharges in patients with either idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGE) or symptomatic localization-related frontal lobe epilepsies (FLE). It was pointed out in the original observation by Tukel and Jasper that one phase reversal at midline or near the midline on the side of the parasagittal epileptogenic lesion designated as secondary bilateral synchrony (SBS) was found in patients with frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE), whereas a double phase reversal was found over the homologous frontal electrodes (F3 and F4) designated as primary bilateral synchrony (PBS) in patients with IGE. Twenty-three patients (IGE: 15, and FLE: 8) revealing bursts of seemingly bisynchronous spike-wave discharges in interictal EEGs were retrospectively studied. Discharge patterns were defined as stable phase reversal pattern if the site of phase-reversal was consistent, and as unstable pattern if the site of phase-reversal was not consistent but shifting in the same patient. Stable one phase-reversal pattern was found more frequently in FLE (50%) than in IGE patients (26.7%), and stable double phase-reversal pattern more frequently in the IGE (33.3%) than in the FLE group (12.5%). Notably, unstable pattern was found almost equally in both IGE and FLE patients (40% and 37.5%, respectively). Recognition of SBS or PBS in accordance with original observation was found not to clearly differentiate FLE from IGE in patients showing seemingly bisynchronous spike-wave complexes. The variability of instrumental phase-reversals can be accounted for by the fact that the localization of maxima of negative spike of the spike-and-wave complexes varies considerably.
Right and left
Patient observation
2.First report of the signal fly, Scholastes sp. (Diptera:Platystomatidae) visiting animal carcasses in Malaysia.
Chen Chee Dhang ; Chong Chin Heo ; David McAlpine ; Hiromu Kurahashi ; Nazni Wasi Ahmad ; Abdullah Marwi Mohamad ; John Jeffery ; Lee Han Lim ; Baharudin Omar ; Mohd Sofian-Azirun
Tropical biomedicine 2008;25(3):264-6
Signal fly, Scholastes sp. (Diptera: Platystomatidae) was observed associated with animal carcasses in Malaysia. The first observation was on a monkey carcass, which was killed by using a handgun and immediately placed in a forested area in Gombak, Selangor while the second observation was on a pig that died of natural causes and whose carcass was placed in an oil palm plantation in Tanjung Sepat, Selangor. Both animal carcasses were visited by Scholastes sp. flies during the fresh decomposition period. However, the role Scholastes flies in the decomposition process remains unknown. In this paper, we report the occurrence of Scholastes sp. on animal carcasses in Malaysia for the first time.
Patient observation
3.Rear Seatbelt Usage in Malaysia: Findings from Roadside Observations and Surveys
Norlen Mohamed ; Noradrenalina Isah ; Fadhli Yussof
International Journal of Public Health Research 2011;1(1):48-54
Despite of its importance for preventing fatal and severe injuries in an event of a crash, limited studies were conducted to find out the status of seatbelt use among rear passengers in Malaysia. This study was conducted to the determine seatbelt use among rear passengers in Malaysia in conjunction with the introduction of the rear seatbelt law that took effect on 1st January 2009. Two methods were used; the roadside observations and surveys. A total of 4180 rear passengers were observed during the road side observation and 793 rear passengers were interviewed in the survey. About 41.8 % (95 % CI: 38.3, 45.4) of rear passengers interviewed reported that they “Always/Often’ wore safety belts, while roadside observation recorded slightly lower rate (36.2 % [95 % CI: 34.8, 37.7]). Based on the roadside observation method, male rear passengers were more likely to use rear seatbelts as compared to female rear passengers (with Odd Ratio: 1.17 (95 % CI: 1.03, 1.33)). Both methods consistently reported that rear passengers of Multipurpose Vehicle (MPV)/Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) (survey method “always wear”: 39.3 %, Odd Ratio: 2.02 [95 % CI: 1.13, 3.61], roadside observation method: 51.9 %, Odd Ratio: 2.23 [95 % CI: 1.89, 2.62]) were two times more likely to wear seatbelts as compared to rear passengers of a car. The two research methods indicate rear passengers in Malaysia were consistently having low seatbelt usage rate. As the rear seatbelt advocacy and enforcement programme are new in Malaysia, efforts to advocate rear seatbelt use should be strengthened. The changes in rear seatbelt usage rate need to be tracked regularly and as an alternative to roadside observation method, interview survey method could be used to measure the seatbelt usage rate and to identify the reason for not using safety belt among rear passengers.
Seat Belts
Motor Vehicles
Data Collection
Accident Prevention
4.Offshore Safety Awareness Training System
Ruzana Ishak ; Mohd Azri Baharuddin ; Noor Hamizah Hussin
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;2017(Special Volume (1)):106-114
Safety is vital in any industry, including the offshore sector, which is classified as a major hazard industry. Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) identified that the probability of accidents is high while working on the offshore sectors where it will exposed workers to many hazardous work activities. The appropriate measures to prevent accident in this sectors must be laid out clearly. This paper is to identify the effectiveness of safety awareness campaign and the continuity of the awareness among the workers to prevent injuries at offshore. To achieve this, we have identified the level of awareness and propose a guideline on areas of improvement. Prior of embarking to offshore, staff were exposed to safety awareness program for four weeks. After the program, we started with the pretest to all staff. They were posted offshore for 6 weeks. Within the period, the performance awareness of each staff is monitored through observation and interview. During the final week, the posttest questionnaire were administered to all staff. Two instruments were used for the quantitative data collection, which are Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition (UAUC) card; and Behavior Observation Tool (BOT) card. Questionnaire data were analyzed quantitatively. Paired-sample t-test was used for analyzing pre and post result. The results show that the mean was increased. Recent studies on the safety briefing highlighted several significant changes in terms of employee understanding toward safety. Safety awareness training has been introduced in the new safety briefing prior to offshore mobilization.
Offshore Sector
Unsafe Act/Unsafe Condition
Behaviour Observation
5.Proposed Algorithm with Standard Terminologies (SNOMED and CPT) for Automated Generation of Medical Bills for Laboratory Tests.
Shine Young KIM ; Hyung Hoi KIM ; In Keun LEE ; Hwa Sun KIM ; Hune CHO
Healthcare Informatics Research 2010;16(3):185-190
OBJECTIVES: In this study, we proposed an algorithm for mapping standard terminologies for the automated generation of medical bills. As the Korean and American structures of health insurance claim codes for laboratory tests are similar, we used Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) instead of the Korean health insurance code set due to the advantages of mapping in the English language. METHODS: 1,149 CPT codes for laboratory tests were chosen for study. Each CPT code was divided into two parts, a Logical Observation Identifi ers Names and Codes (LOINC) matched part (matching part) and an unmatched part (unmatched part). The matching parts were assigned to LOINC axes. An ontology set was designed to express the unmatched parts, and a mapping strategy with Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) was also proposed. Through the proceeding analysis, an algorithm for mapping CPT with SNOMED CT arranged by LOINC was developed. RESULTS: 75% of the 1,149 CPT codes could be assigned to LOINC codes. Two hundred and twenty-five CPT codes had only one component part of LOINC, whereas others had more than two parts of LOINC. The system of LOINC axes was found in 309 CPT codes, scale 555, property 9, method 42, and time aspect 4. From the unmatched parts, three classes, 'types', 'objects', and 'subjects', were determined. By determining the relationship between the classes with several properties, all unmatched parts could be described. Since the 'subject to' class was strongly connected to the six axes of LOINC, links between the matching parts and unmatched parts were made. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method may be useful for translating CPT into concept-oriented terminology, facilitating the automated generation of medical bills, and could be adapted for the Korean health insurance claim code set.
Current Procedural Terminology
Insurance, Health
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
6.Development and Adoption of a LOINC Mapping Algorithm.
Shine Young KIM ; Hyung Hoi KIM ; Eun Yeoup LEE ; Chul L hune CHANG ; Hwa Sun KIM ; Hune CHO
Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics 2008;14(2):123-135
OBJECTIVES: LOINC(R)(Logical Observations Identifiers, Names, Codes) is being used as the global standard for sharing laboratory test information and standardization. However, difficulties have been encountered in transferring local code to LOINC. Use in existing laboratory information systems(LIS) is possible with maximized local codes and LOINC mapping. Since the existing mapping tool has parts that do not match domestic medical environments, it is difficult to use without modification or supplementation. To this end, we have developed algorithms for LOINC mapping and have evaluated their usefulness. METHODS: We used 2,376 M-codes transformed from Pusan National University Hospital's 1,150 local codes, and codes from various laboratory test domains(Diagnostic Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Seroimmunology, Molecular and Cytogenetics, Microbiology, Transfusion Medicine). In materializing the automatic mapping algorithms, spread sheet programs(Excel, Microsoft) and existing mapping tools(RELMA, Regenstrief) were used. The accuracy of the mapped codes was verified by a specialist of the Laboratory Medicine Department. RESULTS: Of the 2,376 M-codes, mapping on LOINC was found to be possible for 78.7%(1,871) while LOINC corresponding with the local codes could not be found for 21.3%(505). Of the mapped codes, 90.8%(1,699) were mapped accurately automatically, while the rest were mapped manually. CONCLUSIONS: The LOINC mapping algorithm that was developed in this study was useful for mapping various forms of local code with LOINC.
Chemistry, Clinical
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
7.Standardization of Terminology in Laboratory Medicine I.
Soo Young YOON ; Jong Hyun YOON ; Won Ki MIN ; Hwan Sub LIM ; Junghan SONG ; Seok Lae CHAE ; Chang Kyu LEE ; Jung Ah KWON ; Kap No LEE
The Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2007;27(2):151-155
BACKGROUND: Standardization of medical terminology is essential for data transmission between health-care institutions or clinical laboratories and for maximizing the benefits of information technology. Purpose of our study was to standardize the medical terms used in the clinical laboratory, such as test names, units, terms used in result descriptions, etc. During the first year of the study, we developed a standard database of concept names for laboratory terms, which covered the terms used in government health care centers, their branch offices, and primary health care units. METHODS: Laboratory terms were collected from the electronic data interchange (EDI) codes from National Health Insurance Corporation (NHIC), Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC) database, community health centers and their branch offices, and clinical laboratories of representative university medical centers. For standard expression, we referred to the English-Korean/ Korean-English medical dictionary of Korean Medical Association and the rules for foreign language translation. Programs for mapping between LOINC DB and EDI code and for translating English to Korean were developed. RESULTS: A Korean standard laboratory terminology database containing six axial concept names such as components, property, time aspect, system (specimen), scale type, and method type was established for 7,508 test observations. Short names and a mapping table for EDI codes and Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) were added. Synonym tables for concept names, words used in the database, and six axial terms were prepared to make it easier to find the standard terminology with common terms used in the field of laboratory medicine. CONCLUSIONS: Here we report for the first time a Korean standard laboratory terminology database for test names, result description terms, result units covering most laboratory tests in primary healthcare centers.
Clinical Laboratory Techniques/*classification/standards
Databases, Factual
*Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
Terminology as Topic
*Unified Medical Language System
8.Development of an Integrated Biospecimen Database among the Regional Biobanks in Korea.
Hyun Sang PARK ; Hune CHO ; Hwa Sun KIM
Healthcare Informatics Research 2016;22(2):129-141
OBJECTIVES: This study developed an integrated database for 15 regional biobanks that provides large quantities of high-quality bio-data to researchers to be used for the prevention of disease, for the development of personalized medicines, and in genetics studies. METHODS: We collected raw data, managed independently by 15 regional biobanks, for database modeling and analyzed and defined the metadata of the items. We also built a three-step (high, middle, and low) classification system for classifying the item concepts based on the metadata. To generate clear meanings of the items, clinical items were defined using the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms, and specimen items were defined using the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes. To optimize database performance, we set up a multi-column index based on the classification system and the international standard code. RESULTS: As a result of subdividing 7,197,252 raw data items collected, we refined the metadata into 1,796 clinical items and 1,792 specimen items. The classification system consists of 15 high, 163 middle, and 3,588 low class items. International standard codes were linked to 69.9% of the clinical items and 71.7% of the specimen items. The database consists of 18 tables based on a table from MySQL Server 5.6. As a result of the performance evaluation, the multi-column index shortened query time by as much as nine times. CONCLUSIONS: The database developed was based on an international standard terminology system, providing an infrastructure that can integrate the 7,197,252 raw data items managed by the 15 regional biobanks. In particular, it resolved the inevitable interoperability issues in the exchange of information among the biobanks, and provided a solution to the synonym problem, which arises when the same concept is expressed in a variety of ways.
Biological Specimen Banks
Data Collection
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
Precision Medicine
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
9.Development of an Integrated Biospecimen Database among the Regional Biobanks in Korea.
Hyun Sang PARK ; Hune CHO ; Hwa Sun KIM
Healthcare Informatics Research 2016;22(2):129-141
OBJECTIVES: This study developed an integrated database for 15 regional biobanks that provides large quantities of high-quality bio-data to researchers to be used for the prevention of disease, for the development of personalized medicines, and in genetics studies. METHODS: We collected raw data, managed independently by 15 regional biobanks, for database modeling and analyzed and defined the metadata of the items. We also built a three-step (high, middle, and low) classification system for classifying the item concepts based on the metadata. To generate clear meanings of the items, clinical items were defined using the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms, and specimen items were defined using the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes. To optimize database performance, we set up a multi-column index based on the classification system and the international standard code. RESULTS: As a result of subdividing 7,197,252 raw data items collected, we refined the metadata into 1,796 clinical items and 1,792 specimen items. The classification system consists of 15 high, 163 middle, and 3,588 low class items. International standard codes were linked to 69.9% of the clinical items and 71.7% of the specimen items. The database consists of 18 tables based on a table from MySQL Server 5.6. As a result of the performance evaluation, the multi-column index shortened query time by as much as nine times. CONCLUSIONS: The database developed was based on an international standard terminology system, providing an infrastructure that can integrate the 7,197,252 raw data items managed by the 15 regional biobanks. In particular, it resolved the inevitable interoperability issues in the exchange of information among the biobanks, and provided a solution to the synonym problem, which arises when the same concept is expressed in a variety of ways.
Biological Specimen Banks
Data Collection
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
Precision Medicine
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
10.Clinical observation of Cookgas intubating laryngeal airway in anticipating difficult tracheal intubation.
Dong YANG ; Xiao-Ming DENG ; Mao-Ping LUO ; Ling-Xin WEI ; Jing-Hu SUI ; Xu LIAO ; Yan-Ming ZHANG ; Kun-Lin XU
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae 2007;29(6):755-759
OBJECTIVETo compare the clinical effects of Cookgas intubating laryngeal airway (CILA) in facilitating fiberoptic bronchoscope (FOB) and Shikani optical stylet (SOS)-guided intubations in anticipating difficult tracheal intubation.
METHODSTotally 60 anticipated difficult tracheal intubation patients undergoing selective plastic surgery under general anesthesia were allocated to FOB group (n = 30) and SOS group (n = 30). After anesthesia induction and CILA insertion, the patients were treated with FOB or SOS-guided intubation via CILA. The time of intubation and CILA removal and the time and the success rate of CILA insertion were recorded. Noninvasive blood pressure and heart rate were recorded before and after anesthesia induction at CILA insertion, at intubation, at CILA removal, and every minute thereafter for 5 minutes.
RESULTSCILA was inserted successfully in all patients. The first intubation attempt succeeded in all but two who succeeded in the second and the third attempt respectively in FOB group. In SOS group, 18 patients were successfully intubated in the first attempt, and 7 patients were successfully intubated in the second attempt; SOS failed in 5 patients with severe cervical scars, and then FOB was successfully used to intubate. The time of the intubation [(60.2 +/- 29.6) vs. (92.4 +/- 47.9)s] and CILA removal [(104.6 +/- 39.9) vs. (130.0 +/- 51.9) s] in SOS group were significantly longer than in FOB group (P < 0.05). Hemodynamic changes during the intubation with CILA in these two groups were minimal.
CONCLUSIONSFOB and SOS-guided tracheal intubation via CILA is safe and effective in anticipating the outcome of difficult airway management. Compare to SOS-guided intubation, the time of FOB-guided intubation is shorter and the success rate is higher.
Anesthesia, General ; Bronchoscopes ; Fiber Optic Technology ; Humans ; Intubation, Intratracheal ; adverse effects ; methods ; Observation ; Surgery, Plastic ; Task Performance and Analysis ; Treatment Outcome