Objective Understand shunde Uistrict Foshan City,Guangdong Province in the incidence of breast cancer in women.Methods The joint selectivity ductoscopy examination of the clinical breast examination screening,breast X-ray radiography examination from March 2011 to January 2013,Shunde District,FoShan City,Guangdong Provice,3 600 bladder than 40 years old woman with breast cancer screening.Results Three thousand six hundred women were found in 10 cases of breast cancer,the detection rate of 278/100 000 (10/3 600).Breast clinical examination found 1 313 cases of breast abnormalities,142 cases of breast lumps,nipple discharge line fiberoptic ductoscopy to cheek the 100 cases,X-ray radiography examination of four and more than 72 cases,accounted for a total of 45.19% of the screening population (1 627/3 600).Conclusions Joint ductoscopy X-ray radiography examination of breast cancer screening in the normal population can help to detect early breast cancer,and to provide the basis for early clinical treatment.