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Author:( Nurlia YAHYA)

1.Nalbuphine vs. chlorpheniramine in reducing intrathecal opioid-induced pruritus in parturients undergoing lower-segment caesarean section

Salimi MOHD SALLEH ; Esa KAMARUZAMAN ; Jaafar MD ZAIN ; Khairulamir ZAINUDDIN ; Norsidah ABD MANAP ; Nurlia YAHYA

Brunei International Medical Journal 2012;8(3):128-134

2.Sturge-Weber-Syndrome with Extreme Ocular Manifestation and Rare Association of Upper Airway Angioma with Anticipated Difficult Airway

Hon Seng Wong ; Ropilah Abdul Rahman ; Swee Ying Choo ; Nurlia Yahya

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2012;67(4):435-437

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