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Author:( Norlia A)

1.Mammographic breast density and other risk factors in Malaysian women with breast cancer

Zulfiqar MA ; Aslinda M ; Norlia A ; Nurismah MI ; Shamsuddin K

Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 2012;8(3):1-7

2.The follow-up of post-mastectomy patients: Should the ipsilateral side be assessed with both mammogram and ultrasound?

Radhika Sridharan ; Hartini Baherin ; Norlia Abdullah ; Suria-Hayati Mohd Pauzi ; Zulfiqar Mohd Annuar

The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2016;71(5):282-287

3.Hepatitis B seroepidemiology and booster vaccination in pre-clinical medical students in a Malaysian university

Siti Norlia Othman

The Malaysian Journal of Pathology 2018;40(3):295-302

4.Emergence Of Dengue Virus Type 4 During COVID-19 Pandemic In Patients Admitted to a Teaching Hospital In Malaysia (Peningkatan virus denggi serotip keempat semasa pandemik COVID-19 pada pesakit yang dimasukkan ke hospital pengajar di Malaysia)

Mahrunissa Mahadi ; Siti Norlia Othman ; Najma Kori ; Sharifah Azura Salleh ; Zetti Zainol Rashid ; Petrick Periyasamy ; Nor Azila Muhammad Azami ; Noraidatulakma Abdullah ; Hui-min Neoh

Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2023;21(No.1):115-125

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