Objective : To investigate the utilization of Acupuncture and Moxibustion therapy (AMT) in nursing homes (NH), we gathered information through questionaires.
Method; We sent questionaires to 1, 237 NH that were in 6 prefectures in the Kinki area and 5 prefectures in the Kanto area.
Results : We obtained replies from 321 NH (26%). Sixteen NH (14%) were already utilizing AMT, 9 NH were planning to utilize AMT soon and 79 NH were considering utilizing AMT sometime in future. The results suggest that AMT utilization will increase in 46 NH which are already utilizing it, 22 NH (48%) employed acupuncturist and other nursing homes relied on volunteers or visit. About 1/3 of NH had privaterooms for AMT while the other NH had a rehabilitation room which also serves as an AMT. The cost of AMT was borne directly by patients in 8 NH (7%) while it was free in 29 NH (52%) and paid by public funding or medical insurance in 14 NH (30%). One reason for non-utilization of AMT is the costs for treatment and or personnel. Another reason is that questions remain about the necessity of AMT and its effects on disease. The most apparent of AMT in nursing homes were improvements in activity of daily living (ADL), feeling and expression. On the other hand, the problems of AMT in NH were time limits for treatment, indistinct effects, AMT and cost.
Conclusion : Given these results, we concluded that to promote the utilization AMT in NH, it is necessary to instruct elderly residents as well as medical doctor, nurses and workers in NH, about AMT.