1.Antenatal Myomectomy: Is It Safe?
Nor Amirawati A ; Anizah A ; Shafiee MN
Journal of Surgical Academia 2017;7(2):46-48
2.The Fundamental Of Hajj Demand For Health Care Services Within Congestion In Makkah
Nor Radhiah MN ; Rosminah M ; Suhaimi AW ; Omar O
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;17(1):84-93
The large population of human congestion in Makkah during Hajj would promote contagious diseases. Thus, the pilgrims
require health care services that are efficient, effective, and high quality. The aim of this study is to determine the type
of health-related problems among Malaysian pilgrims and to identify the health care services required by them during
Hajj in Makkah. A cross-sectional study was conducted in which involved 379 Malaysian pilgrims in 2013/14234H. The
survey was conducted after the pilgrims completed their Hajj ritual. A total of 400 sets of questionnaires were
distributed at Abraj Janadriyah Hotel, which was occupied by more than 3000 Malaysian pilgrims. The response rate for
this survey was 93%. Male respondents were constituted of 49.6% and female respondents were 50.4% with the mean age
52 years old. The underlying disease among Malaysian pilgrims during Hajj was respiratory disease (77.5%). The demands
for health personnel (36.1%) and quality medication (34.7%) are among the important healthcare services required by the
Malaysian pilgrims in Makkah. Respiratory disease is a common disease experienced by Malaysian pilgrims in Makkah. A
certain types of services such as health personnel and quality medicine are strongly demanded by the Malaysian pilgrims
to overcome their health problem during Hajj. This research provides a fundamental input to the health care providers,
and also benefited the Hajj management authority to improve the quality of hajj management in future
3.Early Versus Late ECV In Primigravidae With Breech Presentation: A Pilot Study
Nor Azlin MI ; Norliza H ; Norzilawati MN ; Mahdy ZA ; Shuhaila A ; Jamil MA
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2013;13(1):20-27
This was a pilot study comparing the success between early versus late external cephalic version (ECV) involving primigravidae with singleton breech pregnancy. They were randomised into early (34–36 weeks) and late (37-40 weeks) ECV groups. A total of 44 women were initially randomised into 22 women for each group. The overall ECV success rate was acceptable in both groups although insignificantly higher in the late ECV group (55.6% versus 46.7%, p= 0.732.) Caesarean section in the early ECV group was higher (80% versus 72.2%). Early ECV group had women with higher BMI (29.5 versus 26.8 kg/m2, p=0.107), anterior placentation (60% versus 38.9%) and extended breech presentation (55.6% versus 44.4%; p= 0.296). In conclusion, early ECV in primigravidae showed no better success rate than late ECV. Maternal obesity, anterior placentation and extended breech presentation should alert to failure risk.
4.Re-Evaluation of Serum Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Follow Up in Patients with Molar Pregnancy
Harry SR ; Nirmala CK ; Nor Azlin MI ; Lim PS ; Shafiee MN ; Shamsul AS ; Omar MH ; Hatta MD
Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1
Continued follow up of uncomplicated molar cases beyond obtaining one undetectable serum β-hCG level is not necessary in order to detect relapse of gestational trophoblastic disease
5.Preliminary Study On The Ergonomic Design Of Motorcycle Seat For Comfort Usage
Eida Nadirah R ; Badrulhisyam AJ ; Nurhayati MN ; Rifqi Irzuan AJ ; Mohamad Asmidzam A ; Nor Syazwani AA
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2020;20(Special 1):231-237
Motorcycle seats undeniably provides good comfort to motorcyclists but there are some that offers less affirmation on ushering comfort, whilst some even results in harm to users, resulting in back pains, neck, shoulders, and other parts of the body over prolonged riding periods. This research aims to investigate the discomforts faced by motorcyclist and the best seat concept based on an ergonomic design, fit for the masses through a subjective evaluation. A study that includes a survey was conducted to study the subjective assessment against the motorcycle seat comfort. The study is divided into two parts, where in part 1, the anthropometric data were collected from a total of 100 respondents, representing 88 males and 12 females. Mean from the anthropometric data was used for two new seat redesigns, designated Seat A and Seat B. For part 2, sets of questionnaire were distributed to 130 respondents to measure their perception of seat design A and design B. Based on the results produced, 86.2% respondents suffered discomforts while riding a motorcycle. Most suffered discomforts at particular body areas: lower back, buttock and shoulder, while no discomfort reported around leg, feet and thigh. Results also proved that current seat designs needed an improvement with a majority of respondents opting an added backrest and to increase surface around buttock area. Based on the evaluation of designs, Seat B was selected as a better option as compared to seat A in terms of comfort usage.
6.Percentage of Haemoglobin Variants Detected during HbA1c Analysis in Hospital Kuala Lumpur
S Intan Nureslyna, MN Sabariah, CR Lim, WS Wan Nor Syafi qah ; DR Chen ; SY Choy ; O Nor’Ashikin
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2013;9(2):13-17
HbA1c is an established index of glycaemic control and correlates strongly with risk of chronic diabetic
complications. However, the accuracy of HbA1c measurement can be affected by many factors,
among which is the presence of haemoglobin (Hb) variants. The aim of the study was to determine
the percentage of Hb variant detected during HbA1c monitoring in Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The study
also analysed non-reportable HbA1c results in the presence of Hb variants. A cross-sectional study
using retrospective data of HbA1c results over fi ve months’ period was analysed on Biorad Variant
II Turbo, a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay. The Hb variants were grouped
either as HbS, HbC, others (Hb variant apart from HbS or C), and a combination of HbS or C with
Others. A total of 11,904 patients were included. Only 2.3% (273) had Hb variants; HbS trait (10.3%),
others (89%), and the combination of HbS trait with others (0.7%). No patient with HbC variant or
its combination was found. Only 2.2% of those with Hb variant had non-reportable HbA1c. Although
the percentage of Hb variants detected during HbA1c analysis and non-reportable HbA1c results were
low, their presence should be noted.
7.Assessment of Physical Activity Level among Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Cheras Health Clinic, Kuala Lumpur
Nor Shazwani MN ; Suzana S ; Hanis Mastura Y ; Lim CJ ; Teh SC ; Mohd Fauzee MZ ; Lim HC ; Dahlia S ; Norliza M
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2010;16(1):101-112
A cross-sectional study was carried out to assess the physical activity levels among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) at Cheras Health Clinic in
Kuala Lumpur. A total of 132 subjects (62 men and 70 women) aged 30 years and above participated in this study. Data was collected using an interview based
questionnaire to obtain socio-demographic and health profile information. Physical activity was assessed using a shortened version of the International
Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Anthropometric measurements and body fat were also taken. Glycaemic status, that is, HbA1c, fasting blood sugar
(FBS) and 2 hours post-prandial (2-HPP) were obtained from medical records. Results showed that the mean age of the patients was 51.9 + 5.8 years. The
majority of patients had poor glycaemic control based on HbA1c (70.7%), FBS (71.9%) and 2HPP (85.4%). Patients who were unmarried and aged(60 years and
above had a lower physical activity level (p<0.05). In the older age group, low physical activity was associated with poor glycaemic control (p<0.05). Patients
in the moderate and high physical activity level were motivated to perform physical activity so as to be healthy (68.1%). Low physical activity level among
patients was due to lack of time (54.5%) and lack of energy (21.2%). In conclusion, physical activity levels of the patients were unsatisfactory and associated with
poor glycaemic control, especially in the elderly. There is a need to encourage diabetic patients to undertake regular physical activity in order to achieve optimal
glycaemic control.
8.Hepatitis C Infection And Detection Of Antibodies, Rna And Genotypes Among Female Healthcare Workers In Baghdad
Waqar AK ; Nik Shamsidah NI ; Nor Aini MN ; Mustafa WALK
Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre 2018;21(1):14-20
Background:Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is a major public health problem worldwide. About 130- 200 million people are infected with HCV worldwide leading to 500,000 deaths annually (WHO 2014). Healthcare workers (HCWs) have played an important role in the transmission of HCV infection, either as victims or as sources of infection.Objectives: To determine the prevalence of HCV, antibodies (Abs) RNA and genotypes among the female HCWs in Baghdad and to identify whether HCWs were infective or only infected.Subjects and Methods:A cross-sectional study involving 1001 women attending 17 health care centres in Baghdad, Iraq, was carried out. Information on type and duration of their occupation was obtained. HCV Abs (anti-HCV) were tested using a third generation enzyme immunoassay (EIA-3) and immunoblot assay (Lia Tek-111). Molecular analysis using RT-PCR and DNA enzyme immunoassay (DEIA) for HCV-RNA and genotype detections were carried out for 63 serum samples.Results:Only 160/1001 (15.98%) were HCWs. Anti-HCV and HCV- RNA seroprevalence were significantly higher (6.37%, p=0.0057, 88.83%, p= 0.011 respectively) among HCWs than non HCWs. HCWs were at a significantly higher risk of exposure to HCV infection (OR=2.75, 95% C.I. =1.31-5.79). There was no significant association between HCV genotypes and the HCWs. HCV-4 showed higher expression (62.5%) among HCWs.Conclusion:Female HCWs were infective and infected with HCV, thus there is a need for medical equipment to be sterilized and cleaned thoroughly.