1.Toxoplasmosis among Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia
BTE Chan ; RN Amal ; MI Noor Hayati
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2009;5(1):31-37
Objective: Primary toxoplasmosis is usually subclinical, but in severely immunocompromised patients, it may be life0threatening. For this reason, it is important to monitor situations related to non-noticeable diseases among foreign arrivals in the country. In this study, we aimed to survey toxoplasmosis among migrants from Indonesia to Malaysia. Methods: In a prospective observational study, a serological evaluation on toxoplasmosis among 336 Indonesian migrants was conducted in a plantation and a detention camp. A study-subject information sheet was used to obtain demographic information and venous blood samples for the serological study to determine Toxoplasma gondii IgG and IgM antibodies. The control group was composed of 198 local Malaysians working in the same plantation and detention camp. Results: The age of study participants ranged from 19-45 years ( geometric mean 29.9). One hundred and thirty-eight legal Indonesian workers (42%) were found positive for IgG and twenty workers (6%) were positive for IgM. The high prevalence rate of 54.4% among the illegal Indonesian migrants is significantly higher than that for local Malaysian workers and detainees from other countries (P<0.05). No significant difference in the prevalence rate was noted among the migrants or local workers when they were grouped according to agricultural and non-agricultural occupations (p>0.05).Conclusion: The continuous introduction of these infections may, in the long term, influence the epidemiology and further compromise efforts in control and prevention. A routine screening for toxoplasmosis may be indicated for sub-groups of migrants in this country.
2.Aesthetic Rehabilitation with Nano- Ceramic Composite Material - Case Reports
Noor Hayati Azami ; Nora Sakina Mohd Noor ; Wei Pin Ngan ; Jovian Tze Yu Then ; Yeong Chee Teoh
Annals of Dentistry 2018;25(2):53-57
Aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry is one of the main areas of dental practice. Increasing demands of patients for
aesthetics has resulted in the development of several techniques for restoring the anterior teeth. Composite
resin restorations have become an integral part of contemporary restorative dentistry and can be called “star
of minimal invasion” due to its conservative concepts. The direct composite veneering allows restoring the
tooth in a natural way and preservation of sound tooth structure when compared to indirect restorations.
Before placement of direct composite veneers, a proper diagnosis, available treatment options, cost of
treatment, patient’s expectations and duration of treatment should be taken into consideration. This article
presents three case reports of aesthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth using direct composite with
satisfactory outcome that mimic the natural dentition.
3.Use of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Health-Related Quality of Life among Cancer Patients in Johor, Malaysia
Loke Mi Mi ; Chong Kah Hui ; Noor Salihah Zakaria ; Hayati Mohd Yusof
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2017;23(2):227-238
ntroduction: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is becoming increasingly popular among cancer patients worldwide. While health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in relation to cancer outcomes has attracted global attention, there are few studies on CHM use and HRQoL among cancer patients in Malaysia. This study attempted to determine the association between use of CHM, including the types, reasons, and beliefs, and HRQoL among Malaysian cancer patients.
Methods: cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 cancer patients (60 male and 60 female) recruited from government oncology clinics in Johor state. A purposive non-probability sampling was applied to recruit respondents.
Results: Use of CHM was reported by about half of the patients (49.2%). Common types of CHM used included Chinese herbal extracts (27.5%), Sabah snake grass (12.2%), and ginger (11.5%). The median score for overall belief in CHM significantly differed between CHM users (71.7%) and non-users (65.0%) (p<0.001). The HRQoL was generally reported as ‘good’ with high scores for overall functioning scales and low scores for symptom scales. However, no significant difference in HRQoL between CHM users and non-users was noted. ‘Social Functioning’ scores between both groups showed a significant difference (p < 0.001) with respect to sex, with females scoring higher than males. No significant association was noted between CHM use and socio-demographic characteristics except for sex.
Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of self-prescription of CHM among the cancer patients studied. Nonetheless use of CHM did not show any significant difference in terms of quality of life among CHM users.
4.Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Parents, and Frequency of Cariogenic Food Intake among Their Non Syndromic Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate Children in North-east Peninsular Malaysia
Loke Mi Mi ; Chong Kah Hui ; Noor Salihah Zakaria ; Hayati Mohd Yusof
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2017;23(2):239-252
Introduction: Appropriate oral health knowledge is essential to enable parents to be responsible for the oral health care of their children especially those with special needs. This study aimed to determine the oral health knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of parents and cariogenic food intake of their non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate children (NSCLP) compared to non-cleft children.
Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on randomly selected parents with children aged 1 to 6 years at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia and Kota Bharu Dental Clinic. A face-to-face interview using a validated questionnaire on oral health KAP and cariogenic food intake of their children was done. Data were analysed by using IBM SPSS version 22.0.
Results: Sixty-four Malay parents with NSCLP (n=33) and non-cleft (n=31) children were recruited. The mean (SD) percentage score of oral health knowledge of parents in both groups (NSCLP and non-cleft) was fair, 59.5%(11.85) and 62.0%(15.00), P=0.4722; oral health attitude was good, 78.0% (9.30) and 80.2% (15.40), P=0.504; but oral health practice was poor 33.8% (5.94) and 36.1 (8.44), P=0.220. The cariogenic food frequency score was significantly higher in noncleft children; 40.2(10.32) compared to NSCLP children, 34.8(9.46), P=0.032.
Conclusion: Parents of both groups had fair knowledge and good attitude but poor oral health practice. Cariogenic foods were consumed more by the non-cleft children. Oral health awareness among the parents needs to be strengthened towards good oral health attitude and practice and non-cariogenic food choices for the betterment of oral health status of their children.
5.Screening for XPD312 polymorphisms in human oral cancer: a preliminary study
Khor Chai Wey ; Ahmad Azlina ; Kannan Thirumulu Ponnuraj ; Noor Hayati Abdul Razak
Archives of Orofacial Sciences 2010;5(2):42-46
Xeroderma pigmentosum-D (XPD) is one of the genes that
play a role in the Nucleotide-Excision Repair (NER). Polymorphisms in XPD gene have been identified and reported to be associated with many types of cancer with two common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), namely, XPD312 and XPD751. The XPD312 polymorphism is at exon 10 codon 312 Asp to Asn (A→G) and the association of this polymorphism with oral cancer is very little known,
especially, in Malaysia. The aim of this study was to screen for XPD312 gene polymorphisms in human oral cancer patients attending Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Malaysia. Blood samples were collected from 10 oral cancer and 10 normal healthy subjects with their
consent. DNA was extracted using commercial DNA extraction kit and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed to amplify the XPD312 gene. The PCR products were digested using restriction enzyme, Sty I and analyzed on a 3% agarose gel for the detection of polymorphisms. This was followed by DNA sequencing to confirm the
findings. In the current study, only homozygous wild type
polymorphisms in the XPD312 gene was noticed in the oral cancer tissues as revealed by the restriction enzyme and DNA sequencing analyses.
6.Stature Approximation of Malays, Chinese and Indian in Malaysia Using Radiographs of Femur, Tibia and Fibula
Amal Hayati Zainal Abidin ; Khairul Osman ; Sri Pawita Albakri Amir Hamzah ; Noor Hazfalinda Hamzah ; Ab Halim Mansar ; Normaizatul Afizah Ismail
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2011;9(1):45-50
The study was conducted to create specific formulae for stature estimation of adult male population in Malaysia based on measurements of femur, tibia and fibula lengths using radiographic method. A number of thirty two Malaysians from hospitals involved as subjects in this study. The subjects were Malays (14), Chinese (8) and Indians (10) from 25-45 years old. The standing height of the subject was recorded before femur, tibia and fibula were scanned with an x-ray machine. The bones length was measured on the x-ray film in centimetres (cm) and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0 for Windows. The results showed a significant relationship (p < 0.05) between
stature and measurements of length of femur, tibia and fibula. Stature of Malays and Indians were significant (p < 0.05)with measurements of length of femur, tibia and fibula but insignificant in Chinese. Simple Linear Regression Analysis was used to derive regression equation for single bone and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used to derive regression equation for combination of femur, tibia and fibula. Six formulae for stature estimation of adult male population in Malaysia were derived. The formulae consist of three formulae for single bone, a formulae for combination bones with unknown race, a formulae for combination bones of Malays population and a formulae for combination bones of Indians population. Formulae for combination bones had the highest correlation coefficient compared to the formula using a single bone. Standard error was found to be high in all the formulae due to small sample size. Extension for this study is essential to provide Malaysia with accurate formulae.
7.Solitary Fibrous Tumour of the Submandibular Region: A Rare Entity
Noor Liza Ishak ; Primuharsa Putra Sabir Athar Husin ; Suria Hayati Md Pauzi ; Isa Mohd Rose ; Mohd Razif Mohamad Yunus
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2016;12(2):60-63
Solitary fibrous tumours of the head and neck region are
extremely rare. The clinical diagnosis is often difficult to
establish, and this lesion may be indistinguishable from other
soft tissue neoplasms. An 18-year old Chinese gentleman
presented with a painless right submandibular swelling which
was increasing in size for eight months. A computed
tomography scan showed a well-defined solid mass measuring
about 2.0 x 2.96 cm in the submandibular region. The tumour
was resected and was confined within its capsule.
Immunohistochemical staining was strongly positive for CD34,
CD 99, and vimentin and negative for desmin, smooth muscle
actin (SMA), cytokeratin, S100 and CD68. The microscopic and
immunohistochemical profile were compatible with solitary
fibrous tumour. Distinguishing solitary fibrous tumours from
various spindle neoplasms can be difficult. In view of the
resemblance, immunohistochemical staining can help
differentiate solitary fibrous tumour from spindle neoplasm.
Neoplasms, Tumors, Cancer
8.Relationship between Demodex sp. Infestation and Acne Problem among Adults in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Chew Poh Ling ; Noor Hayati Mohd Isa ; Siti Nor Azreen Abdul Manap ; Ismail Mohd Ghauth ; Aisah Md Yunus
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2010;8(1):45-48
Demodex sp. is a skin ectoparasite known as follicle mite. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of Demodex sp. infestation among Malaysian adults with age ranges from 20 to 29 years old in Lembah Klang and to determine the relationship between the infestation status and gender and acne problem on face. This is the first study that has been conducted in Malaysia to determine the prevalence of Demodex sp. infestation. A total of 350 people participated in this study. Samples were selected by stratified random sampling. Skin scraping was carried out on
forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. All specimens were mounted in Hoyer’s medium and studied under light microscope. Questionnaires were distributed to the subjects to identify acne problem on their skin conditions. The overall prevalence of Demodex sp. infestation was 18.9% with higher prevalence in males (25.7%) compared to females (12.0%). There
was no significant difference between acne problem and Demodex sp. infestation. In conclusion, infestation of Demodex sp. was detected in a fifth of the subjects, with men had more problems.
9.Red cell autoantibodies among thalassaemia patients in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Singapore medical journal 2007;48(10):922-925
INTRODUCTIONThalassaemia is one of the major public health problems in Malaysia. Regular monthly blood transfusion remains the main treatment for severe thalassaemia patients. One of the complications of blood transfusion is the formation by the recipients of alloantibodies and autoantibodies against red blood cell (RBC) antigen. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of RBC autoantibodies among multiple-transfused thalassaemic patients in our institution and factors that contribute to its development.
METHODSA prospective study was conducted in Haematology Laboratory, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia between January 2004 and December 2004. A total of 63 thalassaemia patients, who received regular blood transfusion were included in this study. Clinical and serological data were collected and analysed prospectively. Blood samples were subjected to standard blood bank procedures for screening of antibodies and their subsequent identification using reagent of Diamed-ID Gel microtyping system.
RESULTSThere were 49 (77.8 percent) patients with Hb E/beta-thalassaemia, ten (15.9 percent) beta-thalassaemia major, three (4.7 percent) Hb H Constant Spring and one (1.6 percent) Hb H disease. Only one (1.6 percent) patient had autoantibodies. There were no statistical associations found between the formation of autoantibodies with age at the start of transfusion, number of packed cell transfused and splenectomy.
CONCLUSIONOur data showed a low autoimmunisation rate in multiple-transfused thalassaemia patients in our hospital.
Adolescent ; Adult ; Autoantibodies ; blood ; Blood Group Antigens ; immunology ; Child ; Child, Preschool ; Coombs Test ; Erythrocytes ; immunology ; Female ; Hospitals, University ; Humans ; Malaysia ; Male ; Middle Aged ; Prospective Studies ; Thalassemia ; blood ; Transfusion Reaction
10.Effects of Temperatures on Larval Development of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) and Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) (Diptera: Calliphoridae): Application in Forensic Science
Ahmad Firdaus Mohd Salleh ; Anita Talib ; Mohamed Abdullah Marwi ; Noor Hayati Mohd Isa ; Syamsa Rizal Abdullah ; Raja Muhammad Zuha Raja Kamal Bashah ; Baharudin Omar.
Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences 2009;7(2):89-96
Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) and Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) are two important species of blow flies that could be utilised as indicators to
estimate the Post Mortem Interval (PMI) of corpses in forensic science. Determination of PMI of corpses is based on the larva size and its development
stages. Development studies of eggs, larvae and pupae of Ch. megacephala and Ch. rufifacies at 27ºC, 30ºC and 33ºC were carried out using an insect growth chamber. Data from these studies were used to construct growth curves
and Accumulated Degree Hours (ADH) for both species. Ch. megacephala needs 9.15 days to complete one life cycle at 27ºC, 8.54 days at 30ºC and 6.76 days
at 33ºC. Development for Ch. rufifacies is slower than Ch. megacephala and takes 9.92 day at 27ºC, 9.13 days at 30ºC and 7.44 days at 33ºC. Eggs of the
two species hatch faster at 33ºC compared to the two other temperatures. Low value of ADH shows shorter life cycle of that particular species. This study’s
findings are useful in estimating PMI of the corpses found under various environmental temperatures.