Uyanga M ; Nomin-Erdene B ; Khishigsuren Z
Innovation 2017;11(2):73-76
BACKGROUND. In 1929, Mongolian mental health department established and since
then it has been showing qualified professional health care towards population. In code
of mental health (7.1.2) it is defined as “mental health care can be carried out by person
with professional license that indicated in health law” However, recently people tend
to seek help from nonprofessional organizations. Because of psychiatric misconception
among population, people usually don’t seek help from professional service that it makes
diagnostic delay and people suffer longer from their illness. GOAL. To define diagnoses
and pathway of people who seek help first-time from mental health care. MATERIAL AND
METHOD. This study was relied upon to NCMH out and inpatient unit. Cross-sectional
study method with purposive sampling and questionnaire method wasused in this study.
RESULT. In total of 145 patients, 76 males and 69 females, who are aged between 18 to 56
years participated in our study. According to ICD 10, majority of participants (40.7%, n=59)
had schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders, 21.4%had stress induced disorder,
12.4 % had organic disorder, 11% had affective disorder, and 14.5 % had substance
use disorder.According to their help seeking pathway, every patient sought help from
professional organization or several nonprofessional organizations and individual person.
As we demonstrated the initial help seeking pathway of participants 40% sought help from
religious service, 26.2% sought help from psychiatrist, 17.2% sought help from general
and 16.6% sought help from other professional doctors. Therefore we demonstrated the
amount of participants who sought help from nonprofessional organization and individual
person that 60.6% sought help from shaman, 62% sought help from lama. Primary or
secondary educated people are tend to seek help from religious service which was statistically
significant (p≤0.006).in total of 107 participants sought help from nonprofessional
organization and each patient spent about 5,629,122.30±928799 tugrug, but average of
total medical fee for per patients in NCMH was 83916±7793 tugrug which costs 7 times
lower than nonprofessional organization but improves patients` mental state more, significantly
(p≤0.001) Primary or secondary educated patients likely to have diagnostic delay 1
time more than high educated patients, people with nonprofessional initial help seeking
likely to have diagnostic delay 2 times more than psychiatric initial help seeking patients
and people who imply that religion causes mental illness have diagnostic delay with 2
times more, significantly. (p≤0.001). CONCLUSION. According to study result stress induced
disorder and schizophrenia were the majority of total participants. People tend to
seek professional help far lately from symptom onset. Psychiatric misconception and inadequate
health education among the population are the main reason of diagnostic delay.
Nomin G ; Uyanga E ; Suvdanchimeg A ; Oyuntsetseg B
Innovation 2018;12(4):21-23
Дутуу төрөлт нь анагаах ухаан төдийгүй нийгэм эдийн засгийн тулгамдсан асуудал юм. Дутуу болон жин багатай төрөх нь нярайн эндэгдэлийн тэргүүлэх шалтгааны нэг болж байна. Шүдний тулгуур эдийн үрэвсэлт өвчний үед зарим нянгийн бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгүүд нь жирэмсэлтийн явц ба ургийн хөгжилд нөлөөлж болдог гэдгийг харуулсан судалгааны үр дүнгүүд байдаг. Иймээс жирэмсэн эмэгтэйчүүдийн тулгуур эдийн өвчин нь нярайн дутуу болон жин багатай төрөх эрсдэлт хүчин зүйл болж байгаа эсэхийг судлахад энэхүү судалгааны зорилго оршино. Уг судалгааг эмнэлэгт суурилсан тохиолдол хяналтын загвараар Нийслэлийн Өргөө Амаржих Газар болон Эх Хүүхдийн Эрүүл Мэндийн Үндэсний Төв (ЭХЭМҮТ)-ийн нийт 90 оролцогчийг хамруулан хийж гүйцэтгэлээ. Тохиолдлын бүлэг 30 (37 долоо хоногоос бага тээлттэй, 2500 гр-aaс бага жинтэй нярай) оролцогч, хяналтын бүлэгт 60 (хэвийн тээлттэй) оролцогч хамрагдсан.
Судалгаанд оролцогчдийн шүд цоорох өвчний (ШЦӨ) тархалт хяналтын бүлэгт 99%, эрчим 8.32 ЦЛА/ш, тохиолдолын бүлэгт ШЦӨ тархалт 100%, эрчим 11.33 ЦЛА/ш байв. Амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйн (АХЭА) үзүүлэлтийг үнэлэхэд хяналтын бүлэгт 2.4 буюу ‘’дунд’’, тохиолдолын бүлэгт 3.2 буюу ‘’муу’’ үнэлгээтэй байлаа. Тулгуур эдийн өвчин, шүдний чулуу (***p<0.008), шүд буйлны эмгэг хөндийн гүн 4-6 мм байх нь (***p<0.006) жин багатай дутуу нярай (ЖБДН) төрөх эрсдэлт хүчин зүйл болж байгаа нь статистик ач холбогдол бүхий үр дүнг үзүүллээ. Буйлны үрэвсэл нь ЖБДН төрөх эрсдэлийг 5.5 дахин нэмэгдүүлж байна. Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) үзүүлэлт нь АХЭА үзүүлэлтээс хамааралтай болох нь статистикийн хувьд ач холбогдолтой байлаа (***р<0.000). Тулгуур эдийн өвчин шүдний чулуу, шүд буйлны эмгэг хөндийтэй байх нь ЖБДН төрөх эрсдэлт хүчин зүйл болж байгаа нь судалгааны үр дүнгээс ажиглагдлаа.
3.Periodontitis as a potential risk factor for preterm low birth weight
Nomin G ; Uyanga E ; Suvdanchimeg A ; Oyuntsetseg B
Innovation 2018;12(4):67-
Preterm birth is not only health problem but also one of major socioeconomic issues. Preterm Low Birth Weight (PLBW) is leading causative factor of neonatal mortality. Some researches results showed that during periodontal inflammatory disorder some bacterial components could affect pregnancy and fetal development. Therefore aim of our study is to assess and confirm periodontal disease of pregnant females whether or not risk factor of PLBW.
We performed our study on the First Maternity Hospital and National Centre for Maternal and Child Health of Mongolia by clinical based case control method on 90 participants. Case group has 30 females (<37 weeks of gestation, and Neonates Birth Weight <2500), control group has 60 females (Normal birth) (ratio was 1:2).
Dental caries prevalence on control group was 99%, the mean of DFM/t was 8.32 “average”, prevalence of case group was 100%, and mean of DFM/t was 11.33, which was also “average”. Oral hygiene examination assessment was poor. Study results showed that patients with periodontal disease such as dental calculus (***p<0.008) and periodontal pocket with depth of 4-6mm (***p<0.006) were risk factors for PLBW. Gingivitis is increased to have PLBW baby by 5.5 times. CPITN index was highly associated with dental hygiene index and it was statistically significant. (***p<0.000).
Within the limits of this study poor periodontal health status of mothers may be a potential risk factor for a preterm low birth weight.
Dariimaa G ; Lkham-Edrene B ; Enkhjin B ; Nomin G ; Davaadulam E
Innovation 2017;11(2):103-107
In this study we aimed to check a hypothesis about water sound (WS) effect can
stimulate parasympathetic nervous system. A case-control study design was used. The
students in control group did not listen WS, whereas students in case groups had been
influenced under WSE by 3 different ways, including audio, video and shower. Data
base had been obtained by performance of stress test, measurements of systolic and
diastolic pressure, and counts of pulse. For statistical analysis, IBM SPSS 20.0 and Graphpad
prism 7.0 were used. Interestingly, 92% of total students had stress. There were no
differences between groups before WS effect. After WS effect, ANOVA test detected
differences in diastolic pressure (ANOVA, F=6.209, p=0.001), stress score (F=15.21,
p<0.001). Paired test was utilized to compare mean of values between before and post
WS measurements, finding SP (p=0.001), SS (p<0.001) categories. It showed an effective
WS influence. Chi-square test indicated that stress level of all students decreased significantly
(p<0.001). But there were no differences between 3 methods of water therapy. In
conclusion, WS has an effect of stimulation in immune system, useful for some diseases,
in which parasympathetic system decrease and sympathetic system increases.
5.Results of a study on relationship between the dental caries and physical growth among autism spectrum disorder
Nomin-Erdene E ; Delgertsetseg J ; Oyuntsetse B
Innovation 2019;13(1):40-45
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impairments in social
interaction and communication, restricted patterns of behavior, and unusual sensory
sensitivities. Symptoms of autism occur in some infants, while some children are diagnosed
in 2-3 years. There was a direct and indirect relationship between the dental caries and the
physical growth among children. The study purpose was to determine the oral health and the
body growth status among children with Autism spectrum disorder.
The study population consisted of 53 children, who were diagnosed as “ASD”
and approved by psychiatrist between the age of 3-18. The dental examination was done
under recommendation by WHO (2013) and oral hygiene index was calculated by FedorovVolodkina (1973). Body growth status was evaluated by Kaup and Rohrer’s index. The results
of the study were processed using statistical Stata-21 software.
The prevalence of dental caries among all children with Autism spectrum disorder
was 88.6% and mean DMFT score were 2.6±3.0 in the primary dentition, 6.1±3.8 in the mixed
and 4.0±2.3 in the permanent dentition. Children with good oral hygiene index were 32% of
all study population and poor were 68%. When we assessed the body growth status, normal
weight children were 52.8%, overweight children were 18.9% and lower weight was 28.3% of
all study poptulation.
We have found that the oral health and the body growth status among
children with ASD were poor.
6.Result for comparative study of automatic analyzer and vaginal smear test for diagnosis of vaginal secretion
Nomin-Erdene B ; Battogtokh Ch ; Batsuren Ch
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2022;200(2):8-15
Introduction :
Women’s age and reproduction system are always changed from many factors such as communicative and non- communicative diseases, pregnancy and menopause et cetera. Especially, the kinds of vaginal microflora and their proportions are changed too. In the world, the expansion of women’s vaginitis from bacteria was over 29.2% in 2021. For our country, 7486 as 6.9% vaginitis cases occurred within 10,000 people and 3683 as 26.3% cervical inflammation cases occurred by 2019. Vaginitis is asymptomatic for 50-75% of women. Sometimes it is not easy to diagnose vaginitis from bacteria because the fact that it doesn’t create a single type of bacteria. To diagnose vaginitis from bacteria in practice, Amsel’s criteria and Nugent testing methods are mostly used. The methods need much time, doctors’ skills and laboratory devices. It is a disadvantage of these methods. Thus, it needs to find a special method it meets people’s satisfaction, money-saving and more effective.
Comparative research on the traditional and automatic testing methods for vaginal secretion
Materials and Methods:
We included 47 women in menopause age in analytic study design. All test of participants was tested with Nugent score and automatic analyzer. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 version interpreted according to frequency distribution and percentage. A chi – square test and risk test was used to determine significant association wherever applicable with a p-value of less than 0.05 regarded as significant. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of Automat analyzer were calculated, and each component of Automat analyzer was compared to the Nugent scoring system.
This study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of “Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences” university.
Evaluating the vaginal discharge from participants in the research by Nugent score, 17% (8/47) of them had bacterial vaginitis, 34% (16/47) was uncertain or they needed to be tested again, 17% (9/47) was normal. But evaluating their test of vaginal discharge by GMD-S600 automatic analyzer, 17% (8/47) had Fungal vaginitis, 57,4% (27/47) had Bacterial vaginitis, 25,5% (12/47) lost their uterus acidic balance. Evaluating the reason of vaginitis with device test by Nugent test, it fits 17%. The test diagnoses it very effective in statistics.
Comparing traditional method to automatic analyzer testing method for vaginal secretion, the automatic analyzer method is more effective to diagnose and it has an advantage of detecting vaginal abnormality. Also, working unhealthy condition, smoking, making wash are the defends of having vaginitis.
7.Knowledge and attitude of population on measles vaccination
Nomin-Erdene B ; Ichinkhorloo B ; Ariuntugs S ; Ankhmaa B ; Tuguldur B ; Gansmaa M ; Budkhand O ; Khaliunаа T ; Nomin B ; Sainbayr Ts ; Oyunbileg J
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2021;196(2):69-74
Vaccination is a cost-effective intervention to prevent major illnesses that contribute to child mortality
in the country. Increase in parental knowledge abour vaccination will lead to increase in vaccination
rates of children. The main aim of our study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions
of vaccination. People’s knowledge about immunization and their attitudes toward them are likely
influence uptake.
The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of the population towards
measles and to clarify their satisfaction and understanding of the measles immunization program.
Materials and Methods:
We conducted cross-sectional study, involved participants from 3 aimags and 6 districts covered
voluntarily. Total participants were 509. We used to online model and with the participant’s self-answer closed questionnaire.
76% of the respondents were female and 24% were male. 64.1% of respondents who have children
of 0 to 5 years of age, had little or bad knowledge towards immunization schedules against measles.
Overall, the general attitude towards vaccines was positive, but the knowledge about significance of
vaccines was weak. Further, district and province family doctors need to pay particular attention to
increasing awareness and knowledge on importance of vaccines among families with young children.
It is necessary to conduct extensive, long-term research and training among population to evaluate
their knowledge and attitude towards measles, its vaccine and prevention, and to identify causes of
lack of knowledge.
Our study shows the importance of good physician–patient communication in improving knowledge
attitude and practice of parents towards their children’s vaccination.
8.Historical Aspects of Great Oriental Doctor Darmo MenrampaLobzang Chodrak
Qimuge ; Tudevdagva L ; Nomin-Erdene B ; Terbish L ; Bold Sh
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2019;187(1):60-64
Most recent researches by our historians and archeologists showed that Traditional Mongolian Medicine has undergone 5000 years of historical development which contained all the features of nomadic medicine. Among this 5000 years, the Tibetan medicine particularly, some of the Tibetan doctors their books and sutras influenced a lot into our medical system. Darmo Menrampa Lobzang Chodrak was one of the Tibetan doctors who played important role in field of Mongolian Medicine.
In the course of the research, we have summarized data of over 10 sources and determined that the following books and sutras have been written in medicine without overlapping. From the many of the medical works of Dharmo maaramba wrote, medical sutra that was written in text during his time among Mongols, was found Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region of China, which indicates that he has had a profound impact on Mongolian medicine and the literature spread through Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region of China and Mongolia and is still being used in training, research and practice. In the ancient Tibetan books, the Dharmo maaramba was pronounced in Mongolian as «Darkhan Tengeryn Ezen,” «Otoch Khan» and «Dharmo Emch.”
His name was included in the list of teachers of Zaya Bandida Luvsanprinlei (1642-1708), which is undoubtedly the fact that Dharmo maaramba was his teacher.
9.Clinical features of ophthalmology in thyroid disease
Oyungerel B ; Erdenezul G ; Misheel B ; Uranchimeg D ; Chimedlkhamsuren G ; Nomin-Erdene M ; Sarantuya J
Innovation 2021;14(2-Ophthalmology):6-10
TED (thyroid eye disease) is an inflammatory disease of the orbit caused by
autoimmune diseases of the thyroid, which adversely affect the vision, appearance, and quality
of life. Exophthalmos and eyelid retraction are the main features of TED, which can lead to ocular
motility, diplopia, optic neuropathy, and permanent vision loss. The study aims to determine the
most common clinical signs of TED in Mongolians and define whether there is a correlation with
the levels of thyroid autoantibodies.
The study involved 102 patients with TED and 81 patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy.
The clinical features of TED were identified and evaluated by activity score (CAS) and severity of
GO using the European Group of Graves’ Orbitopathy (EUGOGO).
The mean age of TED patients was 42.6±11.2, which was younger than GD patients
(P=0.012). The current smoker was 24 patients (23.5%) with TED, which is relatively higher than GD
(P=0.0001). The most common ocular signs were eyelid retraction 80 (78.4%), proptosis 77 (75.5%),
diplopia 14 (13.7%) and 4% vision loss. There were no differences in proptosis between the right (18
mm, median) and left eye (17.8 mm, median) (P>0.05). The mean CAS score was 3.09±1.72 and
varied depending on gender and smoking. According to EUGOGO, 62.7% of the patients were
moderately severe. Only 7 % of the patients were in the sight-threatening stage, presenting optic
neuropathy and corneal breakdown. The mean TSI level in patients with TED was 37.95 ± 35.41 IU
/ ml, which was 2.7 times higher than the mean in patients with GD.
Eyelid retraction and exophthalmos are the most common clinical signs of TED.
Early diagnosis of these features can prevent complications of the disease. Determining serum TSI
levels will help in the treatment and monitoring of TED.
10.Results of normal microflora of the skin of the population covered by the study of immunosuppression and risk factors for injectable infectious diseases
Budkhand O ; Ichihkhoroloo B ; Ankhmaa B ; Ariuntugs S ; Nomin-Erdene B ; Khaliun T ; Gansmaa M ; Baigali B ; Altanchimeg S ; Dashpagma O ; Oyunbileg J
Mongolian Medical Sciences 2021;196(2):75-83
Researchers have found that people living in polluted areas have a lower ability to resist skin bacteria
and increase the number of skin microflora. Decreased immune function increases the risk of sore
throat, influenza, respiratory infections, pneumonia and gastrointestinal diseases. One of the main
indicators of the human immune system is the normal microflora.
To study the relationship between normal human microflora and specific immunity.
Material and Methods:
This study was conducted within the framework of the project “Effects of non-specific immune factors
on injectable infectious disease immune system”. The survey sampled 10 households from Dornod
aimag, 8th khoroo of Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar city, and 3rd khoroo of Baganuur district. A
total of 176 people aged 6 months to 50 years were involved. A total of 528 swab samples and 31
blood samples were collected from the throat, tonsils, skin and mucous membranes to study the
relationship between normal human microflora and specific immunity.
The research methodology was discussed at the meeting of the Academic Council of the Ministry of
Social Welfare and the Medical Ethics Review Committee under the Ministry of Health (January 5,
2018, Resolution 646) and the research was approved.
The total number of normal microorganisms in the skin and mucous membranes of the study
participants changed, and the number of hemolytic strains and fungi increased. 58%-67% of the
participants had normal and long-term immunity against diphtheria and tetanus, while 5% -14% were
not. This result was as high as in urban and rural areas.
This result was as high as in urban and rural areas. As the age group increases, the level of the
body’s specific immunity decreases, the structure of the normal microflora changes, and the number
of fungi and hemolytic bacteria increases. Furthermore, it is necessary to study specific and nonspecific immunity in detail in relation to environmental pollution indicators.