1.6. Assessment of Faculty Activity and Development in the Accreditation Standards
Medical Education 2016;47(2):97-100
Accreditation for medical education has been introduced in several countries to ensure and improve the quality of education programs in medical schools. In the standards for accreditation, the assessment of faculty activity and development is described as important to improve medical education. The balance of teaching, research, and service functions is considered in the assessment. The results of the appraisal are reflected in the faculty's appointments, promotions, and compensation increases in many countries.
2.Medical Education and National Examination in Canada
Medical Education 2014;45(4):284-290
Because Canada is an extremely large country, the main issue in medical education in Canada is fostering physicians who are highly competent in practical skills. For this reason, clinical clerkships and the national examination for evaluating clinical skills and attitudes in Canada are quite advanced. The Canadian medical education system can provide useful information for Japan.
3.Medical Education in the Netherlands
Medical Education 2009;40(5):305-307
1)In the Netherlands, only high school graduates are accepted to medical schools.2) Several medical schools divide their courses into a bachelor's course and a master's course, according to the Bologna process.
4.Medical Education in Spain
Medical Education 2009;40(5):308-310
1)In Spain, only high school graduates are accepted to medical schools.2) Although the reform of medical education is in progress, there are barriers to reform, especially at universities with a long history.
5.Clinical skills evaluation of the United States Medical Licensing Examinatio
Medical Education 2012;43(1):21-26
・We visited the National Board of Medical Examiners and the Clinical Skills Evaluation Collaboration Center to discuss with the examiners the present state of the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination), to which clinical skills evaluation has been introduced.
・Evidence that the introduction of clinical skills evaluation to the USMLE has affected the reform of medical schools curricula in the United States supports the necessity of introducing clinical skills evaluation to the Medical Board Examination of Japan.
6.Medical Education and the National Licensure Examination in Germany
Medical Education 2014;45(3):193-200
Medical education in Germany has undergone significant reforms since the new law, “Regulation of the Licensing of Doctors,” was introduced in 2003. The major point of the reforms is the shift from theoretical education to practical clinical training. The national licensure examination consists of 2 parts: an examination for knowledge of basic medicine in the second year of medical school, and an examination for clinical knowledge and skills after clinical clerkships. These reforms should provide useful information for the reform of medical education in Japan.
7.The seamless link between undergraduate medical education and postgraduate training and the elimination of the uneven distribution of physicians among disciplines and regions in France
Medical Education 2014;45(3):201-206
France’s sophisticated system of medical education achieves a seamless link between undergraduate education and postgraduate training and has eliminated the uneven distribution of physicians among disciplines and regions. The Épreuves Classantes Nationales (national ranking examination), introduced in 2004, improved the uneven distribution of physicians among disciplines and regions. Although the medical board examination is not used in France, the unique medical education system, which develops both general practitioners and specialists, provides useful information for improving medical education in Japan.
8.Medical education program in Malaysia
Medical Education 2009;40(5):311-316
1) We report on medical education programs in Malaysia on the basis of investigations of 2 national universities and 1 private medical college.2) Although the history of medical education in Malaysia is short, the education programs are efficient and conform to global standards.
9.The Advantage of an Integrated Basic and Clinical Medical Curriculum Exemplified by the Study of Hematology
Medical Education 2009;40(5):351-353
1) At Dundee University, which has an excellent history of medical education and where the objective structured clinical examination was developed, hematology and dermatology play integrated roles in the second semester of the first-year curriculum. 2) Integrated curriculums, exemplified by the study of hematology, are expected to be introduced to medical schools in Japan.
10.Significance and Perspective of Medical Education Program Accreditation
Medical Education 2017;48(6):405-410
Japan Accreditation Council for Medical Education (JACME) was established in 2015 and recognized by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) in 2017. The accreditation by JACME for medical education programs formally and fairly started in April, 2017. It consists of internal quality assurance through self-evaluation by applying medical schools and external quality assurance by the JACME committee. Although it is tough work for medical schools to receive accreditation, it is mostly accepted as being useful for quality improvement and the enhancement of medical education.