1.A Case of Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis with Systemic Embolization of Vegetation via a Patent Foramen Ovale
Yosuke Tanaka ; Kazuhiro Mizoguchi ; Nobuhiro Tanimura ; Hidetaka Wakiyama ; Keiji Ataka
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2016;45(3):131-134
A 28-year-old woman with patent foramen ovale who developed tricuspid valve infective endocarditis with complications of multiple infarctions and abscesses was treated surgically. The patient was transferred to our institution because of fever and joint pain. Echocardiography revealed a large vegetation (25 mm) on the tricuspid valve and a patent foramen ovale. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed cerebral infarctions, multiple lung abscesses, and vertebral osteomyelitis. Staphylococcus epidermidis was identified in blood cultures. After treatment with adequate antibiotics for 5 weeks, the patient underwent surgical resection of the vegetation followed by tricuspid valve repair and direct closure of the patent foramen ovale. Antibiotic therapy was continued postoperatively, and the patient was discharged 7 weeks after the operation. No further endocarditis or embolism has occurred. In cases of right-sided endocarditis with systemic embolism and abscesses, the presence of a patent foramen ovale should be considered, and appropriate timing of the operation should be determined to prevent further systemic embolization of the vegetation.
2.A Case of Acute Type A Aortic Dissection Complicated with Cerebral Malperfusion
Atsushi Omura ; Keiji Ataka ; Kazuhiro Mizoguchi ; Nobuhiro Tanimura
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2013;42(1):71-75
A 59-year-old man with a history of hypertension who suddenly developed back pain and apoplexy was transferred to our hospital 20 min after the clinical onset. Physical examination showed right conjugate deviation of the eyes and left paralysis, suggesting disorder of the right cerebral hemisphere. Enhance computed tomography showed an aortic dissection from the ascending aorta to bilateral iliac arteries, and the right common cranial artery was compressed by a false lumen. Acute type A aortic dissection complicated with cerebral malperfusion was diagnosed, and an emergency operation was performed 2.5
3.Successful In Situ Repair for Mycotic Aneurysm of the Iliac Artery with Autologous Superficial Femoral Vein.
Masato Yoshida ; Tsutomu Shida ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Hidefumi Obo ; Nobuhiro Tanimura ; Keitaro Nakagiri ; Ayako Maruo ; Hironori Matsuhisa
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2003;32(2):112-115
A successfully treated case of a 73-year-old man with mycotic aneurysm of the iliac artery combined with psoas abscess was reported. The operation consisted of débridement of the infected arterial wall with arterial reconstruction using autologous reversed superficial femoral vein and wrapping the graft and filling the defects with omentum. Streptococcus pneumoniae was grown from the psoas abscess culture. He had peritonitis by gangrenous cholecystitis postoperatively and underwent reexploration for correction of the peritonitis. After his second operation, the postoperative course was uneventful. He is doing well 18 months postoperatively. Venous morbidity after superficial femoral vein harvest is minimal. In situ reconstruction with autogenous deep leg veins is a successful option in patients with mycotic aneurysms.
4.Tricuspid Valve Repair for Traumatic Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation over 30 Years after Causative Trauma
Tatsuro Matsuo ; Satoshi Tobe ; Taro Hayashi ; Hiroki Nosho ; Hironobu Sugiyama ; Masahiro Yamaguchi ; Nobuhiro Tanimura
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2013;42(4):329-332
A 28-year-old man was involved in a traffic accident that sandwiched his chest between a wall and a truck. Shortness of breath and other symptoms started to appear several years later. Echocardiography at that time showed severe tricuspid regurgitation due to a failed valve and ruptured chordae in the anterior leaflet. He was followed up with medication. Leg edema developed at the age of 62 years and worsening symptoms of heart failure over a period of 6 months indicated a need for surgery. Intraoperative findings revealed the ruptured chordae attached to the anterior leaflet and a scarred myocardium at the septomarginal trabeculation. The tricuspid valve was surgically repaired, the anterior leaflet chordae were surgically reconstructed, an annuloplasty ring was implanted to address the tricuspid regurgitation and atrial fibrillation was treated using the Maze procedure. Surgery 34 years after trauma has improved hemodynamic cardiac function and normalized the cardiac rhythm in this patient.