1.The Effectiveness of Early Rehabilitation after Cardiac Surgery
Tasuku Honda ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Masato Yoshida ; Keitaro Nakagiri ; Tsutomu Shida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(5):314-318
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of early rehabilitation starting on the day after cardiac surgery. In the early rehabilitation program, introduced from November 2006, we adopted an original video program about hospitalization and daily multi-specialist conference in the ICU. We divided 179 patients who underwent elective cardiac operation from June 2004 to September 2007 (mean age 65.4 years old, 51 women, 91 CABG, 53 valve procedures and 35 other procedure) into group A (the initial rehabilitation group : n=73) and group B (the early rehabilitation group : n=106). There were no significant differences in patient profile (age, gender, operation time etc.) between the two groups. The mean postoperative day of starting cardiac rehabilitation was 4.3+/-1.6 days in group A and 1.5+/-1.0 days in group B (p<0.01). The mean achievement period of all walking distances in group B was significantly shorter than in group A as follows, 50 m : group A 5.4+/-2.2 vs. group B 3.1+/-1.5 days (p<0.01), 100 m : group A 6.9+/-3.1 vs. group B 4.9+/-2.2 days (p<0.01), 200 m : group A 8.5+/-3.9 vs. group B 6.5+/-2.5 days (p<0.01), 300 m : group A 10.2+/-3.9 vs. group B 8.1+/-2.9 days (p<0.01), 500 m : group A 14.5+/-6.1 vs. group B 11.9+/-3.8 days (p<0.05). Approximately 90 per cent of patients in group B could walk by themselves on leaving the ICU. There were no major complications throughout rehabilitation. The mean hospital stay was 31.0+/-11.2 days for group A and 25.9+/-7.4 days for the group B, with a statistically significant difference (p=0.03). In a questionnaire survey at discharge, 91.0 per cent of patients in group B answered that early rehabilitation was most gratifying. In conclusion, early rehabilitation after cardiac surgery is effective for early recovery of ADL and leads to shorter hospital stay. We think both preoperative education and daily conferences are indispensable for safe and effective early rehabilitation programs.
2.Peroneal Artery Bypass Grafting through a Median Approach in Two Cases of Thromboangitis Obliterans.
Kenji Okada ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Kyoichi Ogawa ; Tatsuro Asada ; Masami Nishiwaki ; Tetsuya Higami ; Takaki Sugimoto ; Tsuyoshi Kawamura
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1994;23(2):122-124
In two cases of thromboangitis obliterans (TAO) a popliteal-posterior tibial-peroneal artery sequential bypass was attempted through a median approach. The 1st case underwent the operation successfully with non-reversed saphenous vein graft. However, only popliteal-peroneal bypass was carried out in the 2nd patient because the posterior tibial artery was severely affected. In surgery of TAO patients, careful assessment of preoperative angiographic findings is important to select the site of distal anastomosis. We found that the posterior tibial artery and the peroneal artery are easily accessible through the medial route in the proximal half of the lower leg and that peroneal artery revascularization was effective for limb salvage.
3.Aneurysms Arising from a Knitted Dacron Velour Graft Which Caused Acute Arterial Embolization.
Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Kyoichi Ogawa ; Tatsuro Asada ; Tetsuya Higami ; Hidefumi Obo ; Takaki Sugimoto ; Tsuyoshi Kawamura
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1995;24(1):48-52
A 67-year-old man suffered acute arterial occlusion caused by emboli from aneurysms in a right axillo-bifemoral graft using Cooley double velour knitted Dacron, which was inplanted 10 years and 10 months before the admission. The patient underwent urgent redo surgery; left axillobifemoral bypass with 6mm ringed PTFE graft and right femoropopliteal bypass with in situ saphenous vein were performed successfully. Several clinical experiences by others demonstrated that Cooley double velour knitted Dacron graft, manufactured before June, 1981, might have possible aneurysmogenic factors, therefore cases in which it has been employed should be followed up carefully.
4.Successful In Situ Repair for Mycotic Aneurysm of the Iliac Artery with Autologous Superficial Femoral Vein.
Masato Yoshida ; Tsutomu Shida ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Hidefumi Obo ; Nobuhiro Tanimura ; Keitaro Nakagiri ; Ayako Maruo ; Hironori Matsuhisa
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2003;32(2):112-115
A successfully treated case of a 73-year-old man with mycotic aneurysm of the iliac artery combined with psoas abscess was reported. The operation consisted of débridement of the infected arterial wall with arterial reconstruction using autologous reversed superficial femoral vein and wrapping the graft and filling the defects with omentum. Streptococcus pneumoniae was grown from the psoas abscess culture. He had peritonitis by gangrenous cholecystitis postoperatively and underwent reexploration for correction of the peritonitis. After his second operation, the postoperative course was uneventful. He is doing well 18 months postoperatively. Venous morbidity after superficial femoral vein harvest is minimal. In situ reconstruction with autogenous deep leg veins is a successful option in patients with mycotic aneurysms.
5.Staged Operation for a Patient with Ischemic Heart Disease and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Complicating Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Akiko Tanaka ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Hiroya Minami ; Masato Yoshida ; Hidefumi Ohbo ; Tsutomu Shida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(1):29-32
A 62-year-old man, who had been given a diagnosis of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), was admitted to our hospital for an operation for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Preoperative coronary angiography revealed severe triple vessel disease, and we chose to treat this first. The platelet count on his first admission was 2.1×104/μl and preoperative immunoglobulin infusion was introduced for 5 days. Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) was performed safely with platelet transfusion, and he was discharged on the 14th postoperative day. Thirty-eight days later, graft replacement of AAA was performed with preoperative immunoglobulin infusion and no platelet transfusion, and he was discharged at the 11th postoperative day. Preoperative immunoglobulin infusion therapy and selection of OPCAB were useful to prevent perioperative bleeding complications. This is the first report of staged cardiac and aortic surgery in a patient with ITP.
6.Surgery of Descending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms with Use of a Centrifugal Pump. Usefulness of the Autotransfusion System.
Nobuhiko MUKOHARA ; Kyoichi OGAWA ; Tatsuro ASADA ; Masami NISHIWAKI ; Tetsuya HIGAMI ; Takaki SUGIMOTO ; Kenji OKADA ; Tsuyoshi KAWAMURA ; Mikio CHIBANA
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1993;22(2):103-106
We reviewed the results of 14 patients who underwent the operation of thoracic aneurysms using a centrifugal pump. Nine patients had atherosclerotic aneurysms and 5 had aortic dissections. The autotransfusion system (ATS) was used to keep hemodynamic stability by rapid transfusion. The ATS consisted of a roller pump, a 2, 000ml reservoir and a heat exchanger. Two mg/kg of heparin was given to the patients to keep ACT over 400 seconds. All patients survived. Body temperature increased 0.08±0.59°C during bypass with the ATS, and no patients showed hemodynamic instability after aneurysmotomy under the help of the ATS. We conclude that 1) the centrifugal pump is a useful and safe assisting means for the surgery of thoracic aneurysms, 2) the autotransfusion system has advantages as follows: keeping stable circulation and preventing loss of body temperature during bypass.
7.Strategy for Stanford Type A Acute Aortic Dissection with Thrombosed False Lumen of the Ascending Aorta.
Hidefumi Obo ; Tsutomu Shida ; Syuuichi Kozawa ; Tatsurou Asada ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Tetsuya Higami ; Kazuhiko Iwahashi ; Teruo Yamashita ; Kyouichi Ogawa
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2001;30(6):280-284
From 1995 till 1998, 21 cases of Stanford type A dissecting aortic aneurysm with a closed false lumen of the ascending aorta were treated in our institute. The patients were medically treated if the diameter of their ascending aorta stayed less than 50mm without recurrent dissection. Patients were categorized into three groups: Groups I, II and IIIR (retrograde dissection), according to the location of the entry analyzed by means of CT, angiography and operative findings. Seven cases of intramural hematoma (IMH) were included in this study. One case in Group II died of rupture and one case in Group IIIR died of multiple embolism caused by atrial fibrillation in the acute phase. One case in Group II died of stroke and one case in Group I died after surgery in the chronic phase. Four cases in Group I and II underwent surgery in the acute phase and five cases in Group I and II underwent surgery in the chronic phase, but only one case of Group IIIR required surgery. Six cases of IMH required surgery. The rates of freedom from operation at four years was 25%, 21% and 83% respectively (p=0.07). Essentially, Stanford type A dissection should be treated surgically even though the false lumen is thrombosed. However, in the case of retrograde dissection accompanied by an entry in the descending aorta, medical treatment may be a strategy option.
8.A Case of Myocardial Abscess Complicating Mitral Valve Infective Endocarditis due to Klebsiella pneumoniae
Masato Yoshida ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Hidefumi Obo ; Keitaro Nakagiri ; Hiroya Minami ; Tomoki Hanada ; Ayako Maruo ; Hironori Matsuhisa ; Naoto Morimoto ; Tsutomu Shida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2004;33(1):64-67
A 65-year-old-man was admitted with congestive heart failure and septic shock associated with suspected mitral valve infective endocarditis. An echocardiogram revealed vegetation attached to the chordae, high density lesions in both papillary muscles, and severe mitral regurgitation. An emergency operation was performed. Vegetation was been attached to the chordae. Multiple myocardial abscesses were noted in both papillary muscles and surrounding myocardium. However, there were few noticeable lesions on mitral valve leaflets and annulus. The anterior mitral leaflet was resected together with the chordae and the papillary muscles containing the myocardial abscesses. Mitral valve replacement was performed using a 27mm SJM valve after the other myocardial abscesses were drained. Klebsiella pneumoniae was cultured from the vegetation and the myocardial abscesses. Cases of myocardial abscess associated with infective endocarditis at the site of the papillary muscles and in the areas of the myocardium are very rare. It was assumed that the myocardial abscesses were probably due to the septic state from infective endocarditis, since myocardial abscesses was recognized in multiple sites and at a distance from the valve leaflets and annulus.
9.Nonocclusive Mesenteric Ischemia after Off-Pump CABG
Tomoki Hanada ; Hidefumi Obo ; Naoto Morimoto ; Hironori Matsuhisa ; Ayako Maruo ; Hiroya Minami ; Keitaro Nakagiri ; Masato Yoshida ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Tsutomu Shida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2004;33(2):94-97
An 81-year-old woman developed abdominal pain after off-pump CABG (OPCAB) for unstable angina pectoris. X-ray film and CT scan showed paralytic ileus the day after surgery. A presumptive diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia was made and exploratory laparotomy was performed. During surgery, however, there was no sign of mesenteric ischemia. The patient still complained of abdominal pain after the laparotomy, so selective angiography of the mesenteric artery was performed. The angiography showed remarkable vasospasm of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and diagnosis of nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) was made and continuous intra-arterial perfusion of papaverine into the SMA was started. Control angiography during papaverine perfusion showed a clear reduction of vasospasm. Thereafter, the patient developed diffuse peritonitis due to intestinal gangrene on postoperative day 12 and was compelled to undergo extensive resection of the intestine and sigmoidectomy. She could not be weaned from the ventilator due to respiratory insufficiency and died of multiple organ failure about 5 months after OPCAB. NOMI can develop even in OPCAB, in which cardiopulmonary bypass is not required. Therefore maintenance of stable hemodynamics intraoperatively, careful management of the postoperative state and early diagnosis and therapy are essential to prevent NOMI.
10.A Case of Huge Aortic Arch Aneurysm with Unrevealed Aortopulmonary Fistula Resulting Intraoperative Pulmonary Artery Rupture after Total Arch Replacement
Masato Yoshida ; Nobuhiko Mukohara ; Hidefumi Obo ; Keitaro Nakagiri ; Hiroya Minami ; Tomoki Hanada ; Ayako Maruo ; Hironori Matsuhisa ; Naoto Morimoto ; Tsutomu Shida
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2004;33(6):403-406
A 70-year-old-woman was admmitted to receive an operation for aortic arch aneurysm. Total arch replacement was carried out under deep hypothermic circuratory arrest with selective cerebral perfusion. During sternal closure, her blood pressure dropped to 60/30mmHg suddenly, and massive venous bleeding started from the substernal space which turned out to be hemorrhage from the laceration of the pulmonary trunk. Controlling the bleeding by finger compression, rapid introduction of cardiopulmonary bypass was carried out and the laceration was closed by a pericardial patch. The postoperative course was uneventful. In this case, compression of the pulmonary trunk by the aortic arch aneurysm may have caused the fistula formation between them, and decompression of the aneurysm probably induced the rupture of the pulmonary trunk. If the preoperative computed tomogram had showed the compression of the pulmonary artery by the aneurysm, a careful exploration of the main pulmonary artery and a removal of the thrombus should have been performed, even when the preoperative diagnostic evaluation failed to reveal aortopulmonary fistula.