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Author:( Ningpu LIU)

1.Relationship between adiponectin and diabetic retinopathy

Yunyun LI ; Ningpu LIU

Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases 2017;33(3):324-327

2.Prevention for occurrence of sclerotomy-related complications during vitrectomy

Ningpu LIU ; Wenying FAN ; Jun XU

Ophthalmology in China 2009;18(4):225-228

3.Relationship between macular pigment optical density and serum concentration of lutein and zeaxanthin in an adult population

Jie YU ; Haiying ZHOU ; Meng ZHAO ; Lei CUI ; Ningpu LIU

Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases 2016;32(5):518-521

4.Morphologic characteristics of congenital optic disc pit with maculopathy

Kai MA ; Ning LU ; Ying XIONG ; Feng ZHANG ; Ningpu LIU

Ophthalmology in China 2009;18(4):233-236

5.Association of-429T/C and G1704 polymorphisms in the receptor for advanced glycation end products gene with proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Wenwen WEI ; Wenying FAN ; Peibei WU ; Xiufen YANG ; Kai MA ; Ningpu LIU

Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases 2016;32(2):130-134

6.Risk factors of light perception and no light perception after vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Jun XU ; Yanlai ZHANG ; Wenying FAN ; Wenbin WEI ; Naiqing WENG ; Feng ZHANG ; Hai LU ; Ningpu LIU

Ophthalmology in China 2009;18(4):251-253

7.The short-term intraocular pressure after 25G+ pars plana vitrectomy and analysis of possible influence factors in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Chang SHEN ; Yunyun LI ; Ningpu LIU

Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases 2018;34(2):124-130

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