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Author:( Nguyen Thy Khue)

1.Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction and its associated factors among Vietnamese men with Type 2 Diabetes

Khoa Tuan Vo ; Hoi Quoc Huynh ; Nam Quang Tran ; Aya Goto ; Yuriko Suzuki ; Khue Thy Nguyen

Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2014;29(1):19-23

2.AFES A.S.-O.N.E.: ASEAN survey of needs in Endocrinologyin the time of the COVID-19 pandemic

Gabriel Jasul Jr. ; Elizabeth Paz-Pacheco ; Cecilia Jimeno ; Ketut Suastika ; Zanariah Hussein ; Norlaila Mustafa ; Aye Aye Aung ; Jeremyjones Robles ; Melvin Khee Shing Leow ; Chaicharn Deerochanawong ; Nguyen Thy Khue ; Tran Huu Dang

Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2020;35(1):5-13

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