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Author:( Nguyen Thi Lien)

1.Primarily evaluating treatment results for shoulder pain in stroke-related hemiplegia patients

Lien Thi Kim Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2008;54(2):68-72

2.Health status and hearing of the workers who have been exposured to organic solvent at Phóc Yªn and Yªn Viªn shoe companies

Lien Thi Bich Nguyen

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;267(12):83-85

3.Effects of isoniazid and pyrazinamide on bioavailability of rifampicin when co-administered rifampicin-isoniazid

Nguyen Thi Lien Huong

Journal of Medical Research 2005;36(3):12-17

4.Investigation on working conditions and health of employees in some handicraft villages

Nguyen Thi Lien Huong

Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;10():39-43

5.Investigation on the knowledge and practices of health workers at commune level

Nguyen Thi Kim Lien

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(6):20-24

6.Real state of working load of vapor iron worker in Duc Giang Garment Factory, Gia Lam district, Ha Noi

Nguyen Thi Bich Lien

Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;439(1):36-39

7.Working environment and the worker health status in 8/3 textile company

Nguyen Thi Bich Lien

Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;442(2):32-35

8.The influence of working environment on the health of workers at Binh Dinh construction factory

Nguyen Thi Bich Lien

Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;439(1):67-69

9.Silico-pneumoconiosis in workers of the factory of paved stone and construction in Binh Dinh Province

Nguyen Thi Bich Lien

Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;442(2):20-22

10.Evaluating KAP belong to 12 basic household health care skills for mothers with children under 5 year old at Mai Son and Vinh Bao districts

Nguyen Thi Kim Lien

Journal of Practical Medicine 2005;0(12):51-55

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