1.Case report: A case of pericardial effusion presenting to primary care
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2017;72(4):252-253
This is a rare but interesting case of Mr. MZ who had a lifethreatening
pericardial effusion presenting to the primary
care clinic. Through great clinical acumen and prudent
targeted investigations, diagnosis of this rare condition was
reached and urgent referral made to the cardiology team
which performed an emergency pericardiocentesis which
proved to be life -saving. However, the hovering poor
prognosis of Mr. MZ may prompt for a referral to the
palliative care team to provide quality end of life care for this
unfortunate patient.
2.Prevalence, factors influencing and knowledge about adherence to lipid-lowering therapy among hyperlipidemia patients
Navin Kumar Devaraj ; Mohazmi Mohamed ; Norita Hussein
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2017;72(3):157-164
background: Hyperlipidaemia is a significant risk factor for
cardiovascular disease. However, adherence to lipidlowering
therapy is often unsatisfactory due to a
combination of patient factors, therapy, socio-economic and
health system-related factors.
Aims: to identify the prevalence of adherence to lipidlowering
therapy, the factors contributing to non-adherence
and knowledge regarding hyperlipidaemia and its’ treatment
among Malaysian patients with hyperlipidemia.
Methods: A quantitative study using a cross-sectional
survey was carried out in an urban primary care clinic in
August 2015. Patients on lipid-lowering therapy for ≥ 1 year
aged ≥ 18 years were selected using simple random
sampling. consenting patients answered a selfadministered
questionnaire (in Malay/English) which
included socio-demographic profile, hyperlipidaemia profile,
adherence to lipid-lowering therapy (using the Morisky
Medication Adherence scale-8; score ≥ 6 taken as adherent),
reasons leading to non-adherence, knowledge regarding
hyperlipidaemia and its’ treatment, and use of non-allopathic
results: the response rate was 90.7%. the prevalence of
adherence to lipid-lowering therapy was 82.4%. “the most
common reasons for non-adherence was being worried
about side effect of lipid-lowering agent (71.4%), followed by
the need to take too many drugs in a day (61.4%) and
negative influences by friends, relative and mass media
(60%)”. Factors associated with non-adherence include male
gender, on longer duration of therapy, less frequency of
follow-up, less number of follow-up clinics, taking
medication at night/random timing and having lower
knowledge scores.
conclusion: Overall the prevalence of adherence was high
in patients with hyperlipidaemia. Interventions to boost
adherence should target those who were identified as non-adherent.
3.Letter to the Editor: Outpatient Administration of Antibiotics in Neonatal Sepsis
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2019;15(1):78--
This study emulates the findings of a study by Zaidi et al. in Pakistan in which the authors reported the similar success story (2). Similar success has been reported in a randomized trial in Africa that found treatment of pneumonia in the neonate by either oral penicillin or procaine benzylpenicillin and gentamycin to be as equally effective (3). The author is confident that this method of combining of both inpatient and outpatient administration of antibiotics for neonatal sepsis will be successful in our local setting due to high quality medical care that is offered by both government and private medical facilities here with many health clinics supporting the local hospitals.
Neonatal Sepsis
4.Occupational Asthma as a Differential Diagnosis of Adult-Onset Asthma – A Case Report
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2019;15(2):145-147
Bronchial asthma causes great morbidity and mortality worldwide. Certain occupations especially those exposed to known triggers of asthma such as animal fur, dusts or solvents may trigger asthma attacks in a previously undiagnosed individual or worsen its’ control in a known asthmatic. This is especially true for adult-onset asthma. This may in turn the health of the affected workers and affect their productivity. Affected workers may be given job reassignment and eligible for medical compensation from Social Security Organisation (SOSCO). This case report will look at how two individuals in very distinct occupation were diagnosed with suspected occupational asthma
Occupational asthma
5.Septic Shock as a Differential Diagnosis of Severe Dengue Fever in a Child in Malaysia - a Case Report
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2019;15(2):154-156
Dengue fever infection is common in many parts of the world and may result in serious complications such as dengue haemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion and multi-organ failure if not diagnosed early or treated adequately. This is more so in the so called susceptible group that includes children, pregnant mother, elderly patients, patients with heart, liver or kidney co-morbidity, obese patients as well as immunocompromised patient such as those with transplanted organs or human immune-deficiency infection. However in certain cases, severe dengue fever may mimic the presentation of septic shock which needs urgent and decisive management actions to be taken. This case report will look at a 7-year-old child who survived despite developing septic shock which was thought to be initially dengue fever with warning signs. Early referral and aggressive treatment in hospital prevented a direr consequence for this child.
Dengue fever
6.Breastfeeding Practice, Support, and Self- Efficacy Among working Mothers in a Rural Health Clinic in Selangor
Aneesa Abdul RASHID ; Nurainul Hana SHAMSUDDIN ; Raja Dalila Athirah Raja Malek Ridhuan ; Nurin AMALINA ; Navin Kumar DEVARAJ
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2018;14(2):39-49
Introduction: In first six months of life, breastfeeding is the recommended form of feeding by the World Health Organisation for the growing child. To enable the working mother to continue this noble practice, adequate workplace breastfeeding support and self- efficacy is needed.This study aims to determine the prevalence of breastfeeding among working mothers of children aged three months to two years and factors associated with breastfeeding practice including workplace support and mother’s self-efficacy. Method: This is a cross sectional questionnaire study carried out in a rural Health Clinic in Selangor using socio-demographic data, Workplace Breastfeeding Support Scale (WBSS), and the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form (BSES-SF). This study was conducted for a period of three months from April to June 2015. The respondents were employed Malaysian mothers of healthy infants aged three months to two years. A total of 84 participants were involved in the study. Data analysis was done with SPSS 22.Results: The prevalence of breastfeeding among working mothers were high at 97.6%. We found significant association of breastfeeding practice with workplace breastfeeding support (p=0.005) and self-efficacy (p= 0.017). We also noted a significant correlation between breastfeeding workplace support and breast feeding self-efficacy (r= 0.40, p <0.01). Age, religion, ethnicity, educational level and place of employment were found to be not associated with breastfeeding practices.Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of workplace support and self-efficacy with workplace breastfeeding practices. Policymakers and stakeholders should provide a conducive and supportive environment to enhance breastfeeding among working mothers.
7.It was a Fungal Culprit all Along - A Case Report
Navin Kumar Devaraj ; Syafinaz Amin Nordin
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(SP 1, September):35-37
Sporotrichosis is a relatively uncommon fungal infection in human as compared to other fungal infectiction such as tinea corporis or cruris. The fungus can be found in the environment and on plant matter. Sporotrichosis
usually results from trauma to the skin followed by exposure to the fungus. It can also be spread by cat scratch or bite.
Sporotrichosis usually presents as multiple skin nodules arranged in a linear fashion over the limbs, often with
associated lymphadenopathy. This calls for importance of full physical examination and a high index of suspicion in order to diagnose this infection that can either involve the skin or the lymphatic channel or both. If misdiagnosed, treatment can be delayed and lead to prolonged suffering of the patient. This is an interesting case report about a 43-year-old woman who presented with left axillary swelling and decreased range of movement of the corresponding shoulder which was feared initially to be linked to breast cancer. However, good clinal acumen lead to the actual diagnosis of sporotrichosis.
8.A Rare Case of Haemophilus parahaemolyticus Pneumonia
Navin Kumar Devaraj ; Syafinaz Amin Nordin
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2020;16(SP 1, September):41-43
Pneumonia is a common lung infection. Common bacterial cause of this serious lung infection includes
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Haemophilus
parahaemolyticus pneumonia is an uncommon cause of bacterial pneumonia, occurring mainly
as an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised patients as in this case, diabetes mellitus.
Therefore, this case report will look at a case of 49-year-old man who was diagnosed with this uncommon pathogen which was successfully eradicated with antibiotics. This case report
will look at a case of 49 years old who was diagnosed with this uncommon pathogen which was successfully
eradicated with antibiotics.
9.Topical corticosteroids in clinical practice
Navin Kumar Devaraj ; Aneesa Abdul Rashid ; Abdul Hadi Abdul Manap ; Shaaira Nasir
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2019;74(2):187-189
Topical corticosteroids are common medications prescribed
for skin problems encountered in the primary care or
dermatology clinic settings. As skin conditions comprise of
around 20% of cases seen in primary care, this article
written to guide readers, especially non-dermatologists on
the appropriate potency of topical corticosteroids to be
chosen for skin problems of patients and to list the side
effects both local and systemic
10.A national audit on the utilisation and documentation of dabigatran checklist for patients initiated on dabigatran
Doris George ; Navin Kumar Devaraj ; Shakirin Shaik Rahmat ; Sahimi Mohamed ; Noraini Mohamad
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 2019;74(5):425-430
Background: Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) especially
dabigatran, have gain popularity for their efficacy, fixed
dosing and favourable safety profile. A dabigatran
prescribing checklist has been prepared by the Ministry of
Health, Malaysia (MOH) to ensure rational and safe
prescribing of dabigatran. This study therefore aimed to
audit the utilization and documentation of this checklist and
use of dabigatran in the government healthcare facilities.
Methods: This is a nationwide retrospective audit on the
documentation of Dabigatran Prescribing and Dispensing
Checklist for a period of two years from January 2013 till
December 2014. Data from these Dabigatran Checklists
(indication, dose, duration, renal function and adverse drug
reactions encountered) were extracted by the pharmacist at
MOH healthcare facilities.
Results: A total of 52 out of 56 (92.9%) of MOH facilities
complied to usage of checklist at their centres involving a
total of 582 patients of which 569 (97.7%) patients were
initiated on dabigatran for the approved indications. The
recommended dose of dabigatran was used correctly in 501
(99.6%) of patients. Reason for switching to DOACs use was
only documented in 76.7% (131/171) of patients. The most
common reason for switching from warfarin was poor INR
control (n=39), history of bleeding/overwarfarinisation
(n=22) and unable to attend regular INR clinic (n=21).
There were 75 cases of adverse events reported. The most
common adverse event reported were abdominal discomfort
(n=10) followed by gum bleeding (n=9) and dizziness (n=5).
Conclusions: Compliance to the dabigatran check list was
high with 70% of patients prescribed the appropriate dosing.